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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)罗伯特·雪隆,施孝昌著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国大百科全书出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7500062168
  • 页数:212 页

1.What did you think of...(你认为……如何?) 1

2.It feels like...(它感觉上像是……) 3

3.May I ...?(我可以……吗?) 5

4.What I don't understand is...(我所不能理解的是……) 7

5.This is great...weather.(这是个……的好天气。) 9

6.To start with,...(首先,……) 11

7.Really?(真的吗?) 13

8.Does he like...?(他喜欢……吗?) 15

9.what do you expect?(你还期望什么?) 17

10.I Can't(我不能……) 19

11.It's not...;it's...(不是……的问题;而是……) 21

12.sounds like...(那听起来好像……的样子。) 23

13.really neat(真的很好) 25

14.How do you like it?(你还喜欢吗?) 27

15.too...to...(太……以致于不能……) 29

16.I didn't know...(我不知道……) 31

17.getting...for...(获得……以作为……) 33

18.Where did you...?(你从哪里……呢?) 35

19.Would you like to...?(你想要……吗?) 37

20.I tried...(我试过……) 39

21.What are you doing?(你有什么活动?) 41

22.birthday is...(生日是在……) 43

23.Did you know...?(你知道……吗?) 45

24.was+p.p.(被别人……) 47

25.Will...?(会不会……呢?) 48

26.Can you...?(能请你……吗?) 51

27.It's supposed to...(那应当是……) 53

28.It'll have to...(我必须……) 55

29.be scheduled to...(排定日期……) 57

30.It really depends on...(那全看……情况而定。) 59

31.ended up...(最终是……) 61

32.You are right about...(你对……的看法是正确的。) 63

33.It's not just...,though.(不过,那不仅是……而已。) 65

34.Is that why...?(就是这个缘故才导致……吗?) 67

35.I guess...(我猜想……) 69

36.What makes you...?(什么事让你……呢?) 71

37.I know what...(我知道……是什么。) 73

38.Can you imagine...?(你能想像……吗?) 75

39.enjoy...(很喜欢……) 77

40.You look...(你看起来……) 79

41.I heard...(我听说……) 81

42.What I really like is...(我真正喜欢的是……) 83

43.Maybe...(也许……) 85

44.crazy about...(对……很着迷) 87

45.Could you...(能否请你……) 89

46.Is everything...?(所有一切都……吗?) 91

47.I don't have the foggiest idea...(我对……一点概念都没有。) 93

48.new one (那还是新闻) 95

49.trick(秘诀) 97

50.Anything I can...?(有没有什么我可以……的?) 99

51.What a...!(多么……的……啊!) 101

52.Believe it or not...(信不信由你……) 103

53.kidding(开玩笑!) 105

54.We met...(我们在……见过面。) 107

55.I thought...(我以为……) 109

56.It took hours to...(那用了好几个小时才……) 111

57.Did you hear about...?(你听说……了吗?) 113

58.sometime in...(在……的某个时候) 115

59.Where is...?(……在哪里?) 117

60.It will take some time to...(那需要一段时间,才……) 119

61.What about...?(你认为……如何?) 121

62.help...with(帮……忙) 123

63.How was...?(……还好吧?) 125

64.should be(应该是) 127

65.have+P.P.for...(已经……了) 129

66.I take it...(这么说来,我认定你是……) 131

67.It makes no sense to...(做……丝毫不可理解) 133

68.Let's see what...(让我们试试能不能……) 135

69.There are a lot of...(有许多……) 137

70.should...(照理应该……) 139

71.Planning on...(计划做……) 141

72.What...did you have in mind?(心里喜欢什么样的……?) 143

73.You've come to...(你算闯到……) 145

74.I'm sure...(我很肯定……) 147

75.I really need to...(我真的需要……) 149

76.sounds...enough(听起来够……了) 151

77.beat...(超越……) 153

78.It's time to...(是……的时候了。) 155

79.Would you care to...?(你要不要……?) 157

80.My understanding is...(据我了解……) 159

81.I wonder if...(我在想是否……) 161

82.That's the best...(那是最好的……;能力所及的) 163

83.It's not as...as...(那不像……一样……) 165

84.Excuse me,...(对不起,……) 167

85.have...+P.P.(把……做了) 169

86.don't know about that(认为不妥当) 171

87.I can't believe...(我对……真难以置信。) 172

88.How...were you?(你有多么……呢?) 175

89.your position on...(你对于……的立场) 177

90.put in an appearance...(在……短暂露面。) 179

91.be available(有……可卖吗?) 181

92.I saw...saying...(我看到……写着……) 183

93.Which...?(哪一项……呢?) 185

94.I have...for...(我有……要……) 187

95.Here...(在这里) 189

96 same(相同) 191

97.get together...(聚在一起……) 193

98 a piece of cake(易如反掌) 195

99.How did you do on...?(你……的表现如何?) 197

100.Is it okay to...?(做……可以吗?) 199

101.work(行得通) 201

102.not...until...(直到……才可以……) 203

103.Be...(务必……) 205

104.way too...(简直太……) 207

105.It involves a lot of...(那要牵涉到很多……) 209

106.in...favor(对……有利) 211
