欧·亨利短篇小说精选 注释版 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)亨利著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国宇航出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787802188891
- 页数:422 页
1.The Gift ofthe Magi 1
2.Fox-in-the-Morning 8
3.A Blackjack Bargainer 20
4.A Cosmopolite in a Café 38
5.A Newspaper Story 46
6.After Twenty Years 51
7.A Technical Error 56
8.He Also Serves 65
9.Girl 79
10.Hearts and Hands 86
11.A Service ofLove 89
12.Mammon and the Archer 97
13.Memoirs of a Yellow Dog 106
14.One Dollar's Worth 113
15.One Thousand Dollars 122
16.Roads of Destiny 130
17.Shoes 156
18.The Cop and the Anthem 167
19.Seats of the Haughty 177
20.The Count and the Wedding Guest 194
21.The Detective Detector 202
22.The Furnished Room 208
23.The Last Leaf 217
24.The Lotus and the Bottle 226
25.The Making of a New Yorker 239
26.The Marry Month of May 247
27.The Pendulum 255
28.The Green Door 261
29.The Romance of a Busy Broker 270
30.The Trimmed Lamp 275
31.The Skylight Room 289
32.The Whirligig of Life 297
33.To Him Who Waits 305
34.Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen 317
35.Witches'Loaves 324
36.The Princess and the Puma 329
37.The Cactus 337
38.An Unfinished Story 342
39.An Adjustment of Nature 350
40.Springtime a La Carte 357
41.The Passing of Black Eagle 365
42.Buried Treasure 380
43.Confessions of a Humorist 392
44.The Pimienta Pancakes 403
45.A Midsummer Knight's Dream 416
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