- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:周桂英编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国铁道出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787113114558
- 页数:339 页
Chapter One:Business Letter Writing 1
1.1 Essential Writing Principles of Business Letters 1
1.2 Main Sections in a Business Letter 4
1.3 Writing of Each Section and Their Respective Positions in a Business Letter 4
1.4 The Layout of The Above 10 Sections in a Business Letter 6
1.5 Different Styles of Business Letters 7
1.6 Writing Envelopes 7
Exercises 12
课文翻译:商务信函写作 13
Chapter Two:Establishing Business Relations 18
2.1 Relevant Knowledge about Establishing Business Relations 18
2.2 Outlines for Relevant Letters 19
2.3 Specimen Letters 19
Useful Sentences and Expressions 25
Exercises 27
课文翻译:建立业务关系 30
Chapter Three:Enquiries and Reply 31
3.1 Introduction to Enquiries 31
3.2 Outlines for Relevant Letters 31
3.3 Specimen Letters 32
Useful Sentences and Expressions 38
Exercises 39
课文翻译:询盘及回复 42
Chapter Four:Offers 43
4.1 Relevant Knowledge about Offers 43
4.2 The Outline for Offer Letters 44
4.3 Specimen Letters 45
Useful Sentences and Expressions 51
Exercises 52
课文翻译:报盘 56
Chapter Five:Counteroffers and Reply 58
5.1 Introduction to Counteroffers 58
5.2 Outlines for Relevant Letters 59
5.3 Specimen Letters 59
Useful Sentences and Expressions 66
Exercises 67
课文翻译:还盘及回复 71
Chapter Six:Orders and Reply 72
6.1 Relevant Knowledge about Orders 72
6.2 Outlines for Relevant Letters 72
6.3 Specimen Letters 73
Useful Sentences and Expressions 81
Exercises 82
课文翻译:订货及回复 86
Chapter Seven:Sales/Purchase Confirmation 88
7.1 Background Knowledge about Sales/Purchase Confirmation 88
7.2 Relevant Knowledge about Sales/Purchase Contracts 88
7.3 The Outline for Letters to Confirm Sales or Purchase 90
7.4 Specimen Letters 90
7.5 Specimen Contracts and Confirmations 94
Useful Sentences and Expressions 98
Exercises 100
课文翻译:销货/购货的确认 104
Chapter Eight:Terms of Payment 106
8.1 Modes of Payment in International Trade 106
8.2 The Outline for Letters Negotiating Terms of Payment 109
8.3 Specimen Letters 110
Useful Sentences and Expressions 114
Exercises 115
课文翻译:付款条件 119
Chapter Nine:Urging Establishment of L/Cs 122
9.1 Relevant Knowledge about L/Cs 122
9.2 Urging the Establishment of L/Cs 124
9.3 The Outline for Letters to Urge Establishment of L/Cs 125
9.4 Specimen Letters 125
Useful Sentences and Expressions 130
Exercises 132
课文翻译:催开信用证 135
Chapter Ten:Requesting Amendments to and Extension of L/Cs 137
10.1 Relevant Background Knowledge 137
10.2 Outlines for Relevant Letters 138
10.3 Specimen Letters 139
Useful Sentences and Expressions 144
Exercises 146
课文翻译:要求改证和展证 150
Chapter Eleven:Packing 152
11.1 Background Knowledge about Packing 152
11.2 Outlines for Relevant Letters 153
11.3 Specimen Letters 154
Useful Sentences and Expressions 159
Exercises 160
课文翻译:包装 163
Chapter Twelve:Shipment 165
12.1 Basic Knowledge about Shipment 165
12.2 Outlines for Relevant Letters 166
12.3 Specimen Letters 167
Useful Sentences and Expressions 176
Exercises 177
课文翻译:装运 181
Chapter Thirteen:Insurance 183
13.1 Relevant Knowledge about Insurance 183
13.2 Risk Coverage for Marine Cargo Transportation 184
13.3 Outlines for Relevant Letters 185
13.4 Specimen Letters 186
Useful Sentences and Expressions 192
Exercises 193
课文翻译:保险 197
Chapter Fourteen:Complaints,Claims and Settlement 199
14.1 Relevant Knowledge about Complaints and Claims 199
14.2 Writing Letters of Complaints or Claims 200
14.3 Writing Replies to Claim Letters 201
14.4 Specimen Letters 202
Useful Sentences and Expressions 210
Exercises 212
课文翻译:投诉、索赔及理赔 216
Chapter Fifteen:Selling Agency 218
15.1 Relevant Knowledge about Selling Agency 218
15.2 Introduction to Agency Agreements 219
15.3 Outlines for Letters Concerned with Selling Agency 220
15.4 Specimen Letters 221
15.5 Specimen Agency Agreements 227
Useful Sentences and Expressions 232
Exercises 233
课文翻译:销售代理 237
Chapter Sixteen:International Business Contracts/Agreements 239
16.1 Language Features of International Business Contracts/Agreements 239
16.2 Categories of International Business Contract 242
16.3 The Structure of International Business Contracts/Agreements 244
16.4 Specimen Contracts or Agreements 245
Useful Sentences and Expressions 256
Exercises 259
课文翻译:国际商务合同/协议 263
Chapter Seventeen:Invitation for Bids and Bid 265
17.1 Introduction to Bid/Tender 265
17.2 Classification of International Bids 265
17.3 The General Procedures of Bidding 266
17.4 Specimen Letters 267
17.5 Specimen Invitation for Bids/Call for Tenders 269
17.6 Specimen Bids/Tenders 271
Useful Sentences and Expressions 273
Exercises 275
课文翻译:招标和投标 277
Keys to Exercises 279
Appendix 315
附录A:国际贸易中常用的缩略语 315
附录B:外贸信函中常用的缩略语 320
附录C:《外贸英语函电》常用的术语和短语 329
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