- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:桂国平主编
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787302250012
- 页数:248 页
Chapter1 Theories of Management(管理学理论) 1
Text A : A Brief Introduction to History of Management Theories 1
Text B:Functions of Management 8
Chapter2 Human Rsources Management and Organizational Behavior(人力资源管理与组织行为) 16
Text A:Sample Human Resources Director Job Description 16
Text B:Top Ten Ways to Retain Your Great Employees 24
Chapter3 Operations,Supply Chains and Lo istics Management(运营管理、供应链与物流管理) 30
Text A:Operations Management 30
Text B:Supply Chains and Logistics Management 40
Chapter4 Marketing and Electronic Commerce(市场营销与电子商务) 46
Text A:Marketing 46
Text B:Electronic Commerce 54
Chapter5Corporate Finance(公司理财) 62
Text A:Statement of Income and Comparative Statement of Income 62
Text B:Balance Sheets and Statements of Cash Flows 69
Chapter6 Modern Banking Practices(现代银行业实务) 76
Text A:Bank Loans 76
Text B:Investment Banks' Dealing,Broking and Fee Banking 82
Chapter7 Securities Investments(证券投资) 88
Text A:Approaches to Securities Analysis 88
Text B:Leading Analyses of a Firm's Stock Price 95
Chapter8 In ternational Trade(国际贸易) 102
Text A: Some Non-tariff Barriers in International Trade 102
Text B:Application for and Issuing of a Standby Letter of Credit 108
Chapter9 MNEs' Foreign Direct Investment(跨国公司的对外直接投资) 114
Text A:Main Types of Foreign Direct Investment 114
Text B:Recent FDI Trends:Implications for Investment Policy 120
Chapter10 Project Management(项目管理) 127
Text A:Project Life Cycle and Management Processes 127
Text B:Contractual Options in the Construction Industry 135
Chapter11 Business Correspondences(商务信函) 143
Text A:Letters of Complaint, Claim and Adjustment 143
Text B:Collection Letters Serials 149
Chapter12 Advanced International Business Contract(高级国际商务合同) 156
Text A:A Contract for Incorporation of a Dumper-making Sino-US Joint Venture(first half) 156
Text B:A Contract for Incorporation of a Dumper-making Sino-US Joint Venture(second half) 167
Chapter13 Elaborating Your Job-hunting Papers(精心制作你的求职信和简历) 177
Text A:How to Elaborate Your Cover Letter 177
Text B:How to Elaborate Your Resume(or CV) 182
Key to Translations Exercises英汉互译参考答案) 189
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