- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨晓明,刘柯艳编著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:1993
- ISBN:7303025723
- 页数:163 页
1.How Windows Began 1
2.Finding the Truth 2
3.What Did She Spend the Money for? 4
4.A Clever Boy 5
5.A Polite Notice 6
6.Always Taking,Never Giving 9
7.A'Friendly'Neighbour 10
8.The Wrong Dog 12
9.The Four Largest Cities 14
10.A Dark Suit Is Better 15
11.America in the Machine Age 17
12.The Hungry Lion 18
13.Before the History Test 20
14.At the Doctor's Office 21
15.The Fairy Tales of the Grimm Brothers 23
16.Two American Scientists 24
17.Where Are the Tickets? 25
18.Stories and Story Tellers 27
19.Population 28
20.Absent-minded Professors 30
21.Should We Be Polite or Careful? 31
22.Doctor and Patient 33
23.Strange Service at a Restaurant 34
24.A very Special Kind of Teacher 36
25.Hiding in a Pillar-box 37
26.Why Should I Pay? 39
27.Missing the Stop 40
28.On the Bus 42
29.Boy Saves Two Men 44
30.The Student Teacher 46
31.Absent-minded Mr Newton 47
32.A Bad King 49
33.The Big Oven 51
34.The Nail 53
35.Fire Making 54
36.The Sky 56
37.The Village People 58
38.Grey Owl 60
39.Two Pupils 61
40.Frank's Old Army Shoes 63
41.Come with Me,Sir 65
42.What Can We Make with Old Paper? 67
43.A Sad Story 68
44.The Girls at Number Five 71
45.Soap and Water 73
46.A Lost Ring 75
47.The Dustman 76
48.A Fish Farm 78
49.Oh,That Garden! 80
50.Will You Help? 82
51.Out of the Desert 84
52."Speaking?" 86
53.Neighbours 88
54.Birthday Present 90
55.A Human Mistake 92
56.At Sea in a Small Boat 94
57.Holiday Job 96
58."Watch the Door? 98
59.Snake in the Plane 99
60.The Biggest and the Gentlest 101
61.The Pelletiers 103
62.The Hen and the Apple Tree 104
63.The Dog at the Cinema 106
64.Invitation by Telephone 108
65.The Story of Glance(Ⅰ) 109
66.The Story of Glance(Ⅱ) 110
67.The Story of Glance(Ⅲ) 112
68.Mr Watt and Mr Knott 113
69.Offering Furniture to a Friend 115
70.Pets 116
71.A Short Letter to Tom 118
72.What Is Henry Looking Forward to 119
73.The Longest Word in English 120
74.A Story about Ancient Rome 121
75.Mike Howe Or My Cow 122
76.A Letter to Nancy 123
77.How to Meet Men 124
78.A Telephone Call 126
79.Late Again 127
80.A Joke 128
81.Daddy's Little Girl 129
82.He Lost His Key 131
83.A Foolish Young Man 132
84.An Artist 133
85.Mary and the Wind(Ⅰ) 135
86.Mary and the Wind(Ⅱ) 136
87.Mary and the Wind(Ⅲ) 138
88.Guessing a Riddle 140
89.A Brief History of Mr Green 141
90.Archie and His Christmas Holiday 143
91.Good Memories 144
92.Income Tax 145
93.Schools 147
94.Why Can't They Come on the Picnic? 149
95.Disney and His Mickey Mouse(Ⅰ) 150
96.Disney and His Mickey Mouse(Ⅱ) 151
97.The Baker's Family 153
98.Mr.Forgetful(Ⅰ) 154
99.Mr.Forgetful(Ⅱ) 156
100.Mr.Forgetful(Ⅲ) 157
Key 160
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