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  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:杨豪中,徐娅主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国建筑工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787112122004
  • 页数:406 页
图书介绍:本书编者经历了多年的艺术设计专业外语课程的教学实践和教学改革,试图把积累的素材综合而又简捷地编写出来,以适应艺术设计专业的教学需求。在教材编写过程中力求反映21世纪艺术设计专业现状和趋势,体现基础理论、基础知识、基本技能;新思想、新内容、新知识、新特点;具备思想性、科学性、先进性、实用性、启发性;以适应艺术设计专业本科教学需求。为把教学素材综合反映出来, 适应不同层次的需要,本书采用近似于单元式的结构,全书共分4个单元,即学科背景、艺术设计专业知识、艺术设计专业前沿发展以及艺术设计专业设计实践。内容力求精练,处理力求简洁,突出主要思想技巧,尽量避免重复,以达到简捷的目的。这样,在不大的篇幅中既容纳了基本内容,也介绍了思想技巧。

Part Ⅰ Background Knowladge 1

Intensive Reading 1

Lesson 1 City Planning 1

Lesson 2 Functional Considerations of Building Types 19

Lesson 3 Soclological and Psychological Aspects 44

Lesson 4 The Evolution of Perception 61

Extensive Reading 81

Art Of The Fifteenth Century 81

Art After The Renaissance 83

Abstract And Expressionistic Art 85

Part Ⅱ Basic Theory 88

Intensive Reading 88

Lesson 5 The Role of the Landscape Designer 88

Lesson 6 Hard Landscape Design 108

Lesson 7 Soft Landscape Design 123

Lesson 8 Visible Landscape 135

Lesson 9 The Defined Open Space 153

Lesson 10 The Process of Programming 165

Extensive Reading 186

Pablo Picasso 186

Henry Moore——The World's Grandest Old Man of Sculpture 188

Henry Matisse 190

Part Ⅲ Academic Frontiers 192

Intensive Reading 192

Lesson 11 Urban Publicspace:The Role of Squares 192

Lesson 12 John Notman and Landscape Gardening in Philadelphia 211

Lesson 13 Garden Cities:Sustainable Design:Past,Present,Future 229

Lesson 14 Multi-sensory Experience:the Significance of Touch 246

Lesson 15 Landscape Planning:a History of Influential Ideas 268

Extensive Reading 290

How to Write a Data Sheet 290

Tactics for Job-Hunt Success 293

Top Ten Tips for Career Fair Success 294

Part Ⅳ Design Project 297

Intensive Reading 297

Lesson 16 Office Landscape 297

Lesson 17 Recreate Nature From Debris—Third Millennium Park in Bogotá,Columbia 316

Lesson 18 Splendid Sight in the Swedish Estate——Meet the Requirements of Different Group 338

Lesson 19 Regeneration of Post-industrial Sites on Sydney Harbour 366

Lesson 20 Enjoy the Fresh Air in the Limited Space——Garden in the Slice up House 386

Extensive Reading 401

Vintage Vienna's Imperial Flavor 401

London Art Galleries 403

Shanghai Returns to The Pinnacle of Fashion 404
