- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)托马塞洛著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787513500395
- 页数:388 页
1 Usage-Based Linguistics 1
2 Origins of Language 8
2.1.Phylogenetic Origins 9
2.2.Ontogenetic Origins 19
2.3.Children's First Utterances 31
2.4.Summary 40
3 Words 43
3.1.Early Words and their Uses 44
3.2.Processes of Word Learning 58
3.3.Theories of Word Learning 82
3.4.Summary 91
4 Early Syntactic Constructions 94
4.1.The Nature of Constructions 98
4.2.Early Constructional Islands 113
4.3.Marking Syntactic Roles 126
4.4.Summary 140
5 Abstract Syntactic Constructions 144
5.1.Abstract Constructions 146
5.2.Constructing Constructions 161
5.3.Constraining Constructions 175
5.4.Theories of Syntactic Development 181
5.5.Summary 193
6 Nominal and Clausal Constructions 196
6.1.Reference and Nominals 199
6.2.Predication and Clauses 213
6.3.Learning Morphotogy 232
6.4.Summary 241
7 Complex Constructions and Discourse 243
7.1.Complex Constructions 244
7.2.Conversation and Narrative 266
7.3.Summary 279
8 Biological,Cultural,and Ontogenetic Processes 282
8.1.Dual Inheritance 283
8.2.Psycholinguistic Processes of Acquisition 295
8.3.Psycholinguistic Processes of Production 305
8.4.The Development of Linguistic Representations 314
8.5.Summary 320
9 Toward a Psychology of Language Acquisition 323
References 331
Acknowledgments 373
Index 375
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