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  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(新西兰)纳逊(NationI.S.P.)著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787544620505
  • 页数:439 页

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Section A Planning a Vocabulary Course 17

Chapter 2 The Four Strands 17

Chapter 3 How Large a Vocabulary Is Needed for Reading and Listening? 32

Chapter 4 A Survival Language Learning Syllabus for Foreign Travel 59

Chapter 5 Helping Learners Take Control of Their Vocabulary Learning 73

Section B Choosing Vocabulary 91

Chapter 6 A Defence of Simplification 91

Chapter 7 Technical Vocabulary in Specialised Texts 105

Chapter 8 How Many Idioms Are There in English? 121

Section C Learning Vocabulary through Input 139

Chapter 9 Vocabulary Learning and Reading 139

Chapter 10 Unknown Vocabulary Density and Reading Comprehension 147

Chapter 11 Planning and Running an Extensive Reading Programme 179

Chapter 12 Second Language Reading and Incidental Vocabulary Learning 197

Chapter 13 Evaluating the Vocabulary Load of Written Text 211

Section D Learning Vocabulary through Output 227

Chapter 14 Speaking Activities and Vocabulary Learning 227

Chapter 15 Learning Vocabulary in Lexical Sets:Dangers and Guidelines 239

Chapter 16 Using Communicative Tasks to Teach Vocabulary 253

Section E Deliberately Teaching Vocabulary 263

Chapter 17 Techniques for Teaching Vocabulary 263

Chapter 18 Translation and the Teaching of Meaning:Some Techniques 272

Section F Strategy Development 281

Chapter 19 Guessing the Meanings of Words from Context:Strategy and Techniques 281

Chapter 20 An Investigation of Learners'Success in Personalising Vocabulary Learning 294

Section G Vocabulary Testing 321

Chapter 21 A Vocabulary Size Test 321

Chapter 22 Measuring Readiness for Simplified Material:A Test of the First 1,000 Words of English 342

Chapter 23 A Vocabulary Size Test of Controlled Productive Ability 349

Chapter 24 A Vocabulary-based Graded Dictation Test 371

Section H Evaluating Your Vocabulary Course 389

Chapter 25 How Good is Your Vocabulary Program? 389

Chapter 26 My Ideal Vocabulary Teaching Course 398

References 412

Index 434
