古希腊罗马神话传说 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)伯恩斯著
- 出 版 社:世界图书北京出版公司
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787506294805
- 页数:374 页
First Dynasty 7
Origin of the World 7
Uranus and G?a 7
Second Dynasty 11
Cronus(Saturn) 11
Rhea 15
Division of the World 17
Theories as to the Origin of Man 18
Third Dynasty 25
Olympian Divinities 25
Zeus(Jupiter) 25
Hera(Juno) 39
Pallas-Athene(Minerva) 44
Themis 49
Hestia(Vesta) 50
Demeter(Ceres) 52
Aphrodite(Venus) 61
Helios(Sol) 65
Eos(Aurora) 71
Phoebus-Apollo 73
Roman Apollo 90
Hecate 92
Selene(Luna) 94
Artemis(Diana) 95
Heph?stus(Vulcan) 108
Poseidon (Neptune) 111
Sea Divinities 119
Oceanus 119
Nereus 119
Proteus 120
Triton and the Tritons 120
Glaucus 121
Thetis 122
Thaumas,Phorcys,and Ceto 123
Leucothea 124
The Sirens 124
Ares(Mars) 124
Mars 126
Nike(Victoria) 129
Hermes(Mercury) 130
Dionysus(Bacchus) 138
A?des(Pluto) 146
Plutus 153
Minor Divinities 154
The Harpies 154
Erinyes,Eumenides(Furi?e,Dir?) 155
Moir? or Fates(Parc?) 156
Nemesis 158
Night and Her Children,Death,Sleep,and Dreams 160
Nyx(Nox) 160
Thanatos(Mors)and Hypnus(Somnus) 160
Morpheus 162
The Gorgons 162
Gr? 164
Sphinx 165
Tyche(Fortuna)and Ananke(Necessitas) 166
Ker 168
Ate 169
Momus 169
Eros(Cupid,Amor)and Psyche 170
Hymen 175
Iris(The Rainbow) 176
Hebe(Juventas) 176
Ganymedes 177
The Muses 178
Pegasus 182
The Hesperides 183
Charites(Grati?)Graces 184
Horae(Seasons) 185
The Nymphs 187
The Winds 193
Pan(Faunus) 195
The Satyrs 198
Priapus 200
Asclepias(Aesculapius) 201
Roman Divinities 203
Janus 203
Flora 205
Robigus 206
Pomona 206
Vertumnus 206
Pales 207
Picus 208
Picumnus and Pilumnus 208
Silvanus 208
Terminus 209
Consus 209
Libitina 210
Laverna 210
Comus 210
The Camen? 211
Genii 211
Manes 212
Lemures(Larv?)and Lares 212
Penates 214
Public Worship of the Ancient Greeks and Romans 215
Temples 215
Statues 217
Altars 218
Priests 219
Sacrifices 219
Oracles 222
Soothsayers(Augurs) 223
Festivals 224
Greek Festivals 225
Eleusinian Mysteries 225
Thesmophoria 226
Dionysia 226
Panathen?a 228
Daphnephoria 229
Roman Festivals 229
Saturnalia 229
Cerealia 230
Vestalia 230
Cadmus 233
Perseus 235
Ion 241
D?dalus and Icarus 243
The Argonauts 245
Pelops 267
Heracles(Hercules) 269
Bellerophon 295
Theseus 298
?dipus 309
The Seven against Thebes 313
The Epigoni 318
Alcm?on and the Necklace 320
The Heraclid? 323
The Siege of Troy 327
Return of the Greeks from Troy 352
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