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古希腊罗马神话传说  英文版
古希腊罗马神话传说  英文版

古希腊罗马神话传说 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(英)伯恩斯著
  • 出 版 社:世界图书北京出版公司
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787506294805
  • 页数:374 页
《古希腊罗马神话传说 英文版》目录



First Dynasty 7

Origin of the World 7

Uranus and G?a 7

Second Dynasty 11

Cronus(Saturn) 11

Rhea 15

Division of the World 17

Theories as to the Origin of Man 18

Third Dynasty 25

Olympian Divinities 25

Zeus(Jupiter) 25

Hera(Juno) 39

Pallas-Athene(Minerva) 44

Themis 49

Hestia(Vesta) 50

Demeter(Ceres) 52

Aphrodite(Venus) 61

Helios(Sol) 65

Eos(Aurora) 71

Phoebus-Apollo 73

Roman Apollo 90

Hecate 92

Selene(Luna) 94

Artemis(Diana) 95

Heph?stus(Vulcan) 108

Poseidon (Neptune) 111

Sea Divinities 119

Oceanus 119

Nereus 119

Proteus 120

Triton and the Tritons 120

Glaucus 121

Thetis 122

Thaumas,Phorcys,and Ceto 123

Leucothea 124

The Sirens 124

Ares(Mars) 124

Mars 126

Nike(Victoria) 129

Hermes(Mercury) 130

Dionysus(Bacchus) 138

A?des(Pluto) 146

Plutus 153

Minor Divinities 154

The Harpies 154

Erinyes,Eumenides(Furi?e,Dir?) 155

Moir? or Fates(Parc?) 156

Nemesis 158

Night and Her Children,Death,Sleep,and Dreams 160

Nyx(Nox) 160

Thanatos(Mors)and Hypnus(Somnus) 160

Morpheus 162

The Gorgons 162

Gr? 164

Sphinx 165

Tyche(Fortuna)and Ananke(Necessitas) 166

Ker 168

Ate 169

Momus 169

Eros(Cupid,Amor)and Psyche 170

Hymen 175

Iris(The Rainbow) 176

Hebe(Juventas) 176

Ganymedes 177

The Muses 178

Pegasus 182

The Hesperides 183

Charites(Grati?)Graces 184

Horae(Seasons) 185

The Nymphs 187

The Winds 193

Pan(Faunus) 195

The Satyrs 198

Priapus 200

Asclepias(Aesculapius) 201

Roman Divinities 203

Janus 203

Flora 205

Robigus 206

Pomona 206

Vertumnus 206

Pales 207

Picus 208

Picumnus and Pilumnus 208

Silvanus 208

Terminus 209

Consus 209

Libitina 210

Laverna 210

Comus 210

The Camen? 211

Genii 211

Manes 212

Lemures(Larv?)and Lares 212

Penates 214

Public Worship of the Ancient Greeks and Romans 215

Temples 215

Statues 217

Altars 218

Priests 219

Sacrifices 219

Oracles 222

Soothsayers(Augurs) 223

Festivals 224

Greek Festivals 225

Eleusinian Mysteries 225

Thesmophoria 226

Dionysia 226

Panathen?a 228

Daphnephoria 229

Roman Festivals 229

Saturnalia 229

Cerealia 230

Vestalia 230


Cadmus 233

Perseus 235

Ion 241

D?dalus and Icarus 243

The Argonauts 245

Pelops 267

Heracles(Hercules) 269

Bellerophon 295

Theseus 298

?dipus 309

The Seven against Thebes 313

The Epigoni 318

Alcm?on and the Necklace 320

The Heraclid? 323

The Siege of Troy 327

Return of the Greeks from Troy 352
