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英语  四年级  上
英语  四年级  上

英语 四年级 上PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:7 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:广州市教育局教学研究室,英国利兹城市大学语言研究中心编
  • 出 版 社:北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7108019655
  • 页数:96 页
《英语 四年级 上》目录

Module 1 Clothes 1

Unit 1 Blouses and Jeans 2

Unit 2 Shirts,Dresses and Trousers 7

Unit 3 Let's Go Further 12

Module 2 People 15

Unit 4 Friends 16

Unit 5 Our Heroes and Heroines 21

Unit 6 Let's Go Further 26

Module 3 Occupations 29

Unit 7 Our Future Jobs 30

Unit 8 My Parents' Jobs 35

Unit 9 Let's Go Further 40

Module 4 People Who Help Us 43

Unit 10 My New Neighbours 44

Unit 11 The Fireman Can Help 49

Unit 12 Let's Go Further 54

Module 5 Time 57

Unit 13 Time to Eat 58

Unit 14 Time for School 63

Unit 15 Let'S Go Further 68

Module 6 Days of the Week 71

Unit 16 Games We Play 72

Unit 17 Housework 77

Unit 18 Let'S Go Further 82

Module 7 Revision 85

1-Clothes 86

2-People 87

3-Occupations 88

4-People Who Help Us 89

5-Time 90

6-Days of the Week 91

Self-Assessment 92

Vocabulary 93
