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积极心态,七日速成  引进版
积极心态,七日速成  引进版

积极心态,七日速成 引进版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)莫里斯著
  • 出 版 社:合肥:安徽科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787533746469
  • 页数:102 页
《积极心态,七日速成 引进版》目录

DAY 1 第一天 3

"Visualize the Perfect Week……" “设想一下,完美的一周即将开始……” 3

Plan Your Progress 安排一周的进程 5

Steps to Great and Productive"List-Making" 如何用清单的形式制订计划 7

Be Prepared;Be Committed 有备而来,下定决心 9

Be Ready to Change Your Life 迎接人生旅途中的变化 10

In the Week Ahead…Be the Person You Are Meant to Be 在这未来的一周里,做一个理想中的你 12

DAY 2 第二天 15

"Today Is Your New Beginning…" 第二天:“今天就是新的起点……” 15

Get on the Fast Track to a Positive Attitude 驶上积极人生的快车道 17

Give Your Confidence a Boost 提升你的自信心 19

It's a Wonderful Life 生活真美好 20

Beginning Today 今天就开始 22

Make the Most of Every Opportunity 充分利用每一个机会 26

Today Is Your Time to Shine 今天该你露一手了 28

How to Get Through a Difficult Day 如何度过艰难的一天 30

Difficult People 难以相处的人 31

DAY 3 第三天 34

"When the Past Intrudes…"“那些过去的阴影……” 34

Learn to Let Go of the Things You Can't Change 学会放下 36

Stay Focused on Today 只关注今天 38

It's Never Too Late to Have a Wonderful Life 开始美好生活,从来不嫌晚 40

The Power of Positive Change 改变的力量 42

Always Expect the Best 乐观地期待未来 44

If You Want to Feel Optimistic Every Day 如果你想每天都乐观 45

The Benefits of Failure 失败是成功之母 47

The Past Is Past,but Tomorrow Will Last Forever 过去的都过去了,未来才是永恒的 48

DAY 4 第四天 51

"Check Your Progress!"“盘点自己的成绩!” 51

Keep Everything in Perspective 凡事不要偏激 55

How to Maintain(or Regain)Your Momentum 如何保持(重获)动力 56

Overcome Procrastination 克服拖拖拉拉的坏毛病 57

Measure Progress in Your Own Way 用自己的方式衡量进步 60

What Did You Do Today? 今天你做了什么? 62

DAY 5 第五天 65

"Remember You Are Not Alone……"“记住:你不是孤军作战……” 65

Build a Strong Support Group 组建强大的后援团 67

"Trust Others,and They Will Be True to You" “信任别人,别人也会真诚相待” 68

The Amazing Power of Teamwork 惊人的团队力量 70

You'll Receive Great Rewards When You Give to Others 给予就是受益 72

Share Your Optimistic Spirit with the World 与整个世界分享你的乐观 76

DAY 6 第六天 80

"Appreciate the Little Blessings……"“欣赏生活中的点点滴滴……” 80

Things to Be Thankful For 值得感谢的事 82

Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude 学会感恩 84

You Deserve to Be Happy!……Here's How You Can Be 你应该感到幸福!秘诀就在这里 86

You Have a Lot to Feel Positive About 让你感到开心的事情真的很多 88

Find Fulfillment in Life's Simple Joys 粗茶淡饭,知足常乐 90

DAY 7 第七天 93

"You Really Are on Your Way!" “美好的人生之旅正在进行!” 93

Today,Treat Yourself like the Special Person You Are 今天,请你把自己当做贵宾 95

Relax,Renew,Recharge—Have Fun! 休养生息,获得新生,储备能量——先来放松一下吧! 97

You Can Go Wherever You Want to Go 理想总会实现的 99

"Every Day You Are on the Way" “你离目标越来越近” 101
