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工程专业英语  纺织染整
工程专业英语  纺织染整

工程专业英语 纺织染整PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李有山,黄柏龄,王一仇编译
  • 出 版 社:西安:陕西科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:1985
  • ISBN:15202·107
  • 页数:502 页
《工程专业英语 纺织染整》目录

Foreword(序言) 1

Textile Materials(纺材) 7

1.Introduction to Raw Materials(原材料介绍) 7

2.Required Physical Properties of Fibers(纤维所需要的物理性质) 11

3.Fiber Fineness(纤维细度) 17

4.Natural Fibers(天然纤维) 22

5.Bast Fibers(韧皮纤维) 27

6.Wool and Hair(羊毛和发毛) 32

7.Mohair,Camel,Cashmere Wool,Silk,Alpaca,Llama and Vicuna,Asbestos(马海毛、驼毛、开士米山羊毛、蚕丝、羊驼毛,南美驼毛和骆马绒,石绵) 38

8.Man-made Fibers of Natural Origin(Regenerated)[天然来源的化学纤维(再生纤维)] 43

9.Synthetic Fibers(Ⅰ)[合成纤维(Ⅰ)] 49

10.Synthetic Fibers(Ⅱ)[合成纤维(Ⅱ)] 54

Spinning(纺纱) 60

11.Classification of Yarns(Ⅰ)[纱线分类 60

(Ⅰ)] 60

12.Classification of Yarns(Ⅱ)[纱线分类(Ⅱ)] 65

13.Classification of Yarns(Ⅲ)[纱线分类(Ⅲ)] 70

14.Conversion of Staple Fibers into Yarn(Ⅰ)[短纤维纺纱(Ⅰ)] 74

15.Conversion of Staple Fibers into Yarn(Ⅱ)[短纤维纺纱(Ⅱ)] 79

16.Conversion of Staple Fibers into Yarn(Ⅲ)[短纤维纺纱(Ⅲ)] 85

17.Conversion of Staple Fibers into Yarn(Ⅳ)[短纤维纺纱(Ⅳ)] 90

18.The Major Staple Yarn Processes(Ⅰ)[主要的短纤维纱加工过程(Ⅰ)] 95

19.The Major Staple Yarn Processes(Ⅱ)[主要的短纤维纱加工过程(Ⅱ)] 101

20.The Major Staple Yarn processes(Ⅲ)[主要的短纤维纱加工过程(Ⅲ)] 106

21.The Major Staple Yarn processes(Ⅳ)[主要的短纤维纱加工过程(Ⅳ)] 112

22.Worsted Spinning(Ⅰ)[精梳毛纺(Ⅰ)] 115

23.Worsted Spinning(Ⅱ)[精梳毛纺(Ⅱ)] 122

24.Worsted Spinning(Ⅲ)[精梳毛纺(Ⅲ)] 128

25.Woolen Yarn—Spinning System(粗梳毛纱纺纱系统) 132

26.Cotton Waste Spinning(废棉纺) 137

27.Jute and Flax Spinning(黄麻和亚麻纺纱) 142

28.Recent Advances in Yarn Manufact-uring(Ⅰ)[纺纱最新进展(Ⅰ)] 146

29.Recent Advances in Yarn Manufactur-ing(Ⅱ)[纺纱最新进展(Ⅱ)] 153

Weaving(织造) 158

30.Fabric Construction Processes(织物的形成方法) 158

31.Woven Fabrics(机织织物) 166

32.The Three Basic Weaves(三原组织) 171

33.Knitted Fabrics(针织物) 178

34.Filling Knitting(纬编) 183

35.Warp Knitting(经编) 187

36.Knit—Weave Techniques[织编工艺(针织一机织联合工艺)] 193

37.Nonwoven Fabrics(无纺织物) 198

38.Yarn Preparation(纱线准备工程) 202

39.Automatic Winding Machine(自动络筒机) 206

40.Warping(整经) 212

41.Sizing(经纱上浆) 217

42.Sizing Machine and Size Cooking Plant(浆纱机及煮浆设备) 222

43.An Outline of the Weaving Process(织造过程概述) 226

44.Classification of Weaving Machinery(织机的分类) 232

45.Jet Weaving(喷射织造) 238

46.Rapier Weaving(剑杆织造) 244

47.JAST—1 Fully Automatic Jacquard Flat knitting Machine(JAST-1型全自动提花针织横机) 250

48.Rachel Machine and 96—Feed Inter-lock Circular Knitting Machine(拉舌尔经编机及96路棉毛机) 255

Dyeing and Finishing(染色和整理) 260

49.Introduction to Finish and Color Application(染整加工概述) 260

50.Routine or General Finishes(Ⅱ)[常规或一般整理(Ⅱ)] 265

51.Routine or General Finishes(Ⅲ)[常规或一般整理(Ⅲ)] 271

52.Finishes Altering Appearance or Hand(Ⅰ)[改变外观或手感的整理(Ⅰ)] 276

53.Finishes Altering Appearance or Hand(Ⅱ)[改变外观或手感的整理(Ⅱ)] 281

54.Finishes Altering Appearance or Hand(Ⅲ)[改变外观或手感的整理(Ⅲ)] 285

55.Functional Finishes(Ⅰ)[功能整理(Ⅰ)] 290

56.Functional Finishes(Ⅱ)[功能整理(Ⅱ)] 295

57.Functional Finishes(Ⅲ)[功能整理 301

(Ⅲ) 301

58.Dyeing and Printing(Ⅰ)[染色和印花(Ⅰ)] 305

59.Dyeing and Printing(Ⅱ)[染色和印花(Ⅱ)] 310

60.Dyeing and Printing(Ⅲ)[染色和印花(Ⅲ)] 315

61.Dyeing and Printing(Ⅳ)[染色和印花(Ⅳ)] 319

62.Dyeing and Printing(Ⅴ)[染色和印花(Ⅴ)] 324

63.Dyeing and Printing(Ⅵ)[染色和印花(Ⅵ)] 329

64.Dyeing and Printing(Ⅶ)[染色和印花(Ⅶ)] 333

65.Dyeing and Printing(Ⅷ)[染色和印花(Ⅷ)] 336

66.Fluorescent Brighteners and Colour(荧光增白剂和颜色) 341

67.The Optical Properties of Fibers,Yarns and Fabrics(纤维、纱线和织物的光学性质) 344

参考译文 350
