- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)Douglas Pagels著;李家真译
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7560044603
- 页数:123 页
I wish for you 为你祝福 2
I want you to read this today... and remember it forever 今天,我要你永远记得 4
I have something to tell you... 有一些事情想告诉你 8
You are a very special person 你如此特别 12
I know yourdays arebusy... 知道你日子繁忙 16
I've heard it said that"You should never pass up a chance to let someone know how much they mean to you" 听人说“永远别放过任何机会,去告诉一些特别的人,他们在你心中的地位。” 18
I think ofyou every day 想你,在每一天 24
May you always have an angel by your side 愿天使永在你身边 28
I think you're simply wonderful 你就是那样精彩 32
20 beautiful things that are true about you 你的二十种美丽 34
I just want you to know this 只要你知道& 40
For you 献给你 44
When you read this 当你读到这些 50
Carry the sun inside you... 怀抱着阳光 52
There will always be a special place in my heart...for you 为你我总是在心里保留着一个特别的位置 56
There are only a few really special people 这样的人世间难觅 60
Thanks to you... 因为有你 64
I will always be thankful for...the special connection between us 我始终感激 我们之间的特殊关联 66
You can make me laugh... 你能让我欢笑开怀 72
Remember that you can always count on me 我是你不变的依靠 76
We have a bond... 有一条纽带始终把我们相连 82
Thank you for the way you touch my life 谢谢你触动我生命的方式 84
Special people 特别的人 90
To one very wonderful person 致一个无比美好的人 96
Some people are so wonderful 有些人是这般美好 102
Always stay as special as you are 永远如今日一般特别 106
Iam beginning to understand... 我开始懂得 112
24 things to always remember...and one thing to never forget 24句箴言和一件必须铭记的事 114
If I could have a wish come true... 如果有个梦想可以实现 120
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