旅游英语 上PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:潘惠霞主编;曹锋,杨国庆,苏晓智编者
- 出 版 社:北京:旅游教育出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7563711309
- 页数:236 页
Lesson One 1
Text A:Thomas Cook 1
Text B:Ann's Holiday 2
Dialogue:Check-in 6
Exercises 7
Supplementary reading 13
Lesson Two 15
Text A:The Melting Pot 15
Text B:What Is An American? 16
Dialogue:A Hotel Reservation 23
Exercises 24
Supplementary reading 29
Lesson Three 31
Text A:Conrad Hilton(Ⅰ) 31
Text B:The Attraction of Hotels and Motels 32
Dialogue:A Reservation for Four 38
Exercises 39
Supplementary reading 44
Lesson Four 46
Text A:Conrad Hilton(Ⅱ) 46
Text B:A Front Desk Manager 47
Dialogue:Ordering a Meal 53
Exercises 55
Supplementary reading 59
Lesson Five 61
Text A:Dining Etiquette 61
Text B:Food in America 62
Dialogue:Booking Flight Tickets 68
Exercises 69
Supplementary reading 74
Lesson Six 76
Text A:Chinese and Western Food 76
Text B:British Food and Drinks 78
Dialogue:Checking-in at the Airport 83
Exercises 84
Supplementary reading 90
Lesson Seven 92
Text A:Hong Kong:Wonder upon Wonder 92
Text B:Shanghai 93
Guided Writing:Notes of Introduction 96
Exercises 97
Supplementary reading 103
Lesson Eight 105
Text A:The Land of Disney 105
Text B:Theme Parks 107
Guided Writing:Thank-you Notes 112
Exercises 113
Supplementary reading 119
Lesson Nine 122
Text A:What is Money? 122
Text B:The Money System of the United States 123
Guided Writing:Notes of Invitation 128
Exercises 128
Supplementary reading 134
Text A:A Visit to the Hands-on Museum 136
Lesson Ten 136
Text B:Museums in the Modern World 137
Guided Writing:Notes of Appointment 143
Exercises 144
Supplementary reading 150
Lesson Eleven 153
Text A:Seven Wonders of the World 153
Text B:The Terra-cotta Army 155
Guided Writing:Notes of Congratulation 163
Exercises 164
Supplementary reading 171
Text A:Chinese Silk 173
Lesson Twelve 173
Text B:The Silk Road 174
Guided Writing:Notes of Apologies 180
Exercises 181
Supplementary reading 187
Lesson Thirteen 190
Text A:Weddings—American Style 190
Text B:Who Gets to Be a Millionaire? 191
Guided Writing:Notes to Make Arrangement 196
Exercises 196
Supplementary reading 202
Text A:How Americans Celebrate Christmas? 204
Lesson Fourteen 204
Text B:Easter Eggs 206
Guided Writing:Note to Keep in Touch with a Friend 211
Exercises 211
Supplementary reading 217
Lesson Fifteen 220
Text A:Gambling and Gaming 220
Text B:Spectator Sports 222
Guided Writing:Note of Giving Information 228
Exercises 228
Supplementary reading 234
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- 《红色旅游的社会效应研究》吴春焕著 2019
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