- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:熊登岐编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国国际广播出版社
- 出版年份:1992
- ISBN:7507804607
- 页数:156 页
above,over,on 1
accept,receive 1
accident,incident 2
accomplish,complete,finish end 2
ache,pain,pang 3
across,through 3
affair,business,matter 4
afraid,frightened,fear 5
after,behind 5
ago,before 6
agree,assent,consent,approve 7
alive,living,live 8
aim,purpose,object 8
allow,let,permit,promise,admit 9
almost,nearly,practically 10
also,too,either 11
always,often,frequently 12
anger,indignation 12
answer,reply,respond 12
any,some 14
appear,look,seem 15
arms,weapon 15
army,troops 16
around,round 16
arrive,reach 17
article,essay,composition 17
as,since,because,for 18
as,when,while 18
ask,inquire,question 19
ask,beg,request 20
at(long)last,at length,in the end 20
attempt,try 21
automobile,car,bus,coach,truck,lorry 22
avenge,revenge 22
awake,wake 23
awful,terrible,dreadful,horrible 23
ball,dance 24
bandit,thief,robber,pirate,burglar,pickpocket 25
banner,flag 25
base,basis,foundation 25
basic,fundamental 26
battle,war,campaign 27
bear,stand,endure,tolerate 27
beat,hit,strike 28
beautiful,pretty,handsome,lovely 28
become,come,go 29
begin,start 30
below,under,beneath 31
besides,except 32
between,among 33
big,large,great 33
bloom,blossom 34
boat,ship 35
borrow,lend 35
brave,bold,courageous 35
bring,take,fetch,get,carry 36
bright,clever,wise 36
brute,beast,animal 37
build,construct,erect,establish,found,put up,set up 38
buy,purchase 39
by,through,with 40
call on,visit,see,drop in 41
calm,quiet,still,silent 42
can,may 43
cap,hat 43
catch,seize,hold,catch(get,take)hold of 43
cause,reason 44
cease,stop,pause 44
centre,middle 45
celebrate,commemorate 45
chance,opportunity 46
cheat,deceive,fool 47
chicken,cock,hen 48
choose,select,elect 48
city,town 48
climate,weather 49
close,shut 49
clothes,clothing,dress 50
collect,gather 50
college,institute,university 51
comprise,include,contain 52
continue,go on 52
country,state,nation 53
create,invent,discover 54
couple,pair 54
crop,harvest 55
cry,shout 55
cry,weep,sob 56
cup,glass,mug 56
cure,heal 57
date,day 57
dear,expensive 58
decide,determine,make up one's mind,settle 58
department store,shop,store 59
desire,wish,want,hope,expect 59
desk,table 60
die,pass away,perish 61
different,various 61
divide,separate 62
difficult,hard 62
discuss,argue,debate 62
door,gate 63
doubt,suspect 63
drag,draw,pull 64
dress,wear,put on,have on 64
drill,exercise,practice 65
each,every 65
earth,globe,world 66
earth,ground,land,soil,mud 66
elder,older 67
empty,vacant 68
error,mistake,fault 68
escape,flee 69
evening,night 69
excuse,pardon,forgive 70
examination,test,quiz 70
factory,mill,plant,works 71
fall,drop 71
family,home,house 72
famous,well-known,celebrated 73
farmer,peasant 73
farther,further 74
fast,rapid,swift,quick 74
few,a few;litle,a little 75
finally,at last,in the end 76
find,look for 77
flesh,meat 77
freedom,liberty 78
foolish,silly,stupid 78
from,since 79
grasp,grip 80
grass,weed 80
grave,tomb,cemetery 80
grow,get,turn 81
happen,occur,take place 81
harbour,port 82
hare,rabbit 82
have to,must 82
hear,listen 83
heaven,sky 83
help,assist,aid 83
hide,conceal 84
hill,mountain 85
high,tall,lofty 85
holiday,vacation,leave 86
hotel,inn 86
hurt,injure,wound 87
idle,lazy 88
ill,sick 88
implement,tool,instrument 89
indeed,really 90
insist,persist 90
join,join in,take part in 91
journey,trip,voyage,tour,travel 91
keep doing,keep on doing 93
kill,die 93
kind,sort 94
know,learn,understand 95
labour,work,toil 96
laugh,smile 97
lay,put,place 97
learn,study 98
learning,knowledge 98
lift,raise,rise 99
like,enjoy,be fond of,love 100
little,small 100
look,see,watch 101
loud,noisy 102
loud,loudly,aloud 102
machine,machinery 103
many,much 103
mend,repair,fix 104
move,remove 105
mouse,rat 105
new,fresh,novel,modern,oringinal 106
noise,sound,voice 107
officer,official 108
on,in,at 108
oppress,suppress 109
ought,should 109
packet,package,parcel 110
pass,pass by,pass through 110
path,road,street,way 111
pay,wage,salary 112
perhaps,maybe,possibly,probably 113
person,people,man 114
plus,add,increase 115
play,play with 115
power,strenghth,force,might 116
prepare,get ready 117
problem,question 118
produce,product,production 119
push,drive 120
real,actual,genuine,true 120
realize,come true 121
recall,recollect,remember,remind,memorize 122
reform,transform 123
refuse,decline,reject 123
rescue,save 124
right,correct 125
rob,steal,mug 125
run away,ecape,flee 126
rough,rude 126
say,speak,talk,tell 127
seat,sit 130
send,post,deliver 130
shake,tremble,shiver,shudder 131
shore,coast,bank,beach 132
speech,lecture,talk 134
spend,pass,expend 134
stay,remain,tarry 135
steam,vapour 136
still,already,yet 136
stop,cease,pause,halt 138
story,tale,narrative 139
stout,strong 140
subject,theme,topic 141
student,pupil 141
succeed,achieve,win 142
suggest,propose,advise 143
sure,certain,positive 144
take,spend,pay,cost 146
till,until 147
trouble,bother,annoy,worry 148
triumph,victory 149
turn,change,alter 149
very,much 150
wait,expect,look forward to 152
whether,if 153
win,earn,gain 155
worth,worthy 155
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