Chapter 1 Let's go to the'Net bar.活在当代——最新流行语及生活趣语100句 1
1.网络空间(Let's go to the'Net bar.) 3
2.电脑(I'll buy a luggable computer.) 7
3.食(Let's go Dutch.) 10
4.衣(I've worn my sweater inside out.) 15
5.娱乐与休闲(She is my idol.) 19
6.下岗与再就业(She is laid off.) 23
7.失业与找工作(I got the sack.) 25
8.兼职与辞职(I must get a part-time job.) 27
9.减肥(I'm dieting.) 30
10.美容美发(My new hairdo looks ugly.) 33
11.缤纷节假日(April fool!) 37
12.无奇不有(He's a junky.) 42
Chapter 2 A watched pot never boils.妙趣横生——趣味谚语、格言100条 45
1.外貌(All cats are grey in the dark.) 47
2.为自己开脱(A bad shearer never had a good sickle.) 48
3.接受现实(Beggars must not be choosers.) 49
4.价格与质量(Best is cheapest.) 51
5.适可而止(The best is often the enemy of the good.) 52
6.关于孩子(Boys will be boys.) 53
7.忙与闲(Busiest men find the most time.) 55
8.小人物的权力(A cat may look at a king.) 56
9.勿自讨苦吃(Don't cut off your nose to spite your face.) 57
10.见好就收(Do not wear out your welcome.) 59
11.人孰无过(Even Homer sometimes nods.) 60
12.祸与福(Every cloud has a silver lining.) 61
13.家丑(Every family has a skeleton in the cup-board.) 64
14.超越自我(Every man is his own worst enemy.) 65
15.人多坏事(Everybody's business is nobody's business.) 67
16.眼大肚小(The eye is bigger than the belly.) 68
17.诽谤(Give a dog a bad name and hang him.) 69
18.恶有恶报(Give a thief enough rope and he'll hang himself.) 70
19.广告(Good wine needs no bush.) 71
20.酸葡萄(The grapes are sour.) 72
21.孤寂(A great city,a great solitude.) 73
22.速度与拖延(Haste makes waste.) 74
23.笑在最后(He laughs best who laughs last.) 76
24.金钱(A heavy purse makes a light heart.) 77
25.酒(In wine there is truth.) 80
26.量变到质变(The last straw breaks the camel's back.) 81
27.撒谎(Liars should have good memories.) 82
28.父与子(Like father,like son.) 83
29.求知(A little learning is a dangerous thing.) 85
30.交友(Success has many friends.) 86
31.心急不水沸(A watched pot never boils.) 88
Chapter 3 As merry as a cricket.乐在其中——趣味成语50例 89
1.成语中的动物形象(Will I get the bird?) 91
2.成语中的颜色词(You's just green as grass.) 106
3.妙趣比喻(He's as merry as a cricket.) 112
Chapter 4 Do drop in at the Dewdrop Inn.一顺百顺——趣味绕口令30则 119
Chapter 5 When is a door not a door?余味无穷——趣味谜语40条 131
谜底 141
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