- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:阎香芹主编;李赋广,李莉,李惠玲,王爱莲,张文华,薛晓霞副主编;王爱莲,阎香芹,李莉等编委
- 出 版 社:郑州:河南人民出版社
- 出版年份:1997
- ISBN:7215040666
- 页数:392 页
Chapter One The Sentence 1
Ⅰ.What Is a Sentence 1
Ⅱ.Types of Sentences 1
1.Declarative,Interrogative,Imperative and Exclamatory Sentences 1
2.Simple,Compound and Complex Setences 2
Ⅲ.Joining Sentences 7
1.Compound Sentences 7
2.Complex Sentences 9
1)Attributive Clauses 9
2)Indirect Questions 10
3)Adverb Clauses 12
Ⅳ.Tenses 17
1.The Past Continuous 18
2.Sequence of Tenses(1) 19
3.Sequece of Tenses(2) 20
4.Sequence of Tenses(3) 21
Ⅴ.Word Order 22
Ⅵ.Common Mistakes 24
Chapter Two The Paragaraph 30
Ⅰ.What Is a Paragraph 30
Ⅱ.How to Write a Paragraph 30
1.The Topic Sentence 30
2.The Developing Sentences 32
3.The Concluding Sentence 34
Ⅲ.Development of a Paragraph 44
1.Development by Examples 44
2.Development by Classification/Division 49
3.Development by Comparison/Contrast 53
4.Development by Definition 58
5.Development by Cause and Effect 61
6.Development by Process 66
7.Development by Time and Space 70
8.Development by Generalization 75
9.Development by Combination of Methods 78
Chapter Three The Essay 81
Ⅰ.Building up Your Essay 81
1.Unity 81
2.Coherence 84
3.Completeness 85
4.Cutting Loose 86
5.Re-writing 86
6.Titles 86
Ⅱ.How to Write an Essay 87
1.The Opening 87
2.The Body 90
3.The End 90
Chapter Four Narration 96
Ⅰ.What Is a Narration 96
Ⅱ.How to Write a Narration 97
1.Writing Stories 98
2.Writing News Reports 118
3.Writing Travels 126
Chapter Five Description 138
Ⅰ.What Is a Description 138
Ⅱ.How to Write a Description 138
1.Thinking of a Central Idea 139
2.Selecting Details 139
3.Choosing Appropriate Words and Using Figures of Speech 140
4.Using Sensory Details 141
5.Making a General Outline 142
Ⅲ.Four Types of Descriptions 145
1.Description of a Person 145
1)Appearance 145
2)Clothing 146
3)Manners 146
4)Action 147
5)Language 148
6)Psychology 149
2.Description of a Place 169
3.Description of an Object 179
4.Description of a Scene 185
Chapter Six Exposition 196
Ⅰ.What Is an Exposition 196
Ⅱ.How to Write an Exposition 197
Ⅲ.Types of Expositions 197
1.Illustration 197
2.Comparison and Contrast 206
3.Definition and Classification 214
4.Cause and Effect 222
5.Process 230
6.Object Exposition 236
7.Reason Exposition 241
8.Simple Exposition 241
1)Advertisements 241
2)Directions 245
Chapter Seven Argumentation 251
Ⅰ.What Is an Argumentation 251
Ⅱ.How to Write an Argumentation 252
1.A Clear Viewpoint 252
2.Sufficient Evidence 253
3.Rigorous Reasoning 253
4.A Logical Conclusion 254
Ⅲ.Types of Argumentations 254
1.Argumentative Essays 255
1)Argumentation Supporting the View 255
2)Argumentation against the View 261
2.Speeches 266
1)The Fourth Inaugural Address of President F.D.R 266
2)The Gettysburg Address 270
3)Speech at the Graveside of Karl Marx 271
Chapter Eight Letters 276
Ⅰ.Letter Writing 276
Ⅱ.How to Write Letters 276
Ⅲ.Types of Letters 281
1.Personal Letters 281
2.Business Letters 293
1)The Letter of Inquiry 293
2)The Letter of Application 295
3)The Letter of Recommendation 302
Ⅳ.How to Address an Envelope 303
Chapter Nine Notes and Notices 307
Ⅰ.Notes 307
1.Invitations 307
2.Congratulations 313
3.Condolences 315
4.Thanks and Apologies 316
5.Asking for Leave 317
6.Note Left 319
Ⅱ.Notices 321
Chapter Ten The Summary 327
Ⅰ.What Is a Summary 327
Ⅱ.How to Write a Summary 327
Ⅲ.Five Types of Summaries 329
1.Narrative Materials 329
2.Passages Containing Conversations 330
3.Passages Containing Facts and Comments 332
4.Imaginative Writings 335
5.Argumentative Writings 336
Chapter Eleven Figures of Speech 346
Ⅰ.What Is a Figure of Speech 346
Ⅱ.Types of Figures 347
1.Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers 347
2.Simile 352
3.Metaphor 353
4.Metonymy 357
5.Synecdoche 359
6.Personification 362
7.Hyperbole 363
8.Euphemism 364
9.Irony 366
10.Antithesis 368
11.Paradox 368
12.Oxymoron 369
13.Parallelism 370
14.Apostrophe 374
Chapter Eleven Punctuation 379
Ⅰ.What Is Punctuation 379
Ⅱ.The Rules of Punctuation 380
1.Quotation Marks 380
2.The Question Mark 381
3.The Exclamation Mark 381
4.The Full Stop 381
5.The Colon 382
6.The Semi-colon 382
7.The Comma 383
8.The Dash 385
9.The Hyphen 386
10.The Apostrophe 386
11.Brackets 387
12.Dots 387
Bibliography 390
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