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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(英)麦克多诺(McDonoughJ.)等著;刘润清导读
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社;爱德华·阿诺德出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:7560085296
  • 页数:267 页

Introduction:setting the scene 1

Part 1:principles and perspectives 5

1.Teachers in action 7

Introduction 7

Context and roles 8

Instances 10

Patterns of research:implications 14

Conclusion 17

Discussion notes 19

2.The teacher researcher in focus 21

Introduction 21

Action and reflection 22

A short educational excursion 25

Teacher research and English language teaching 28

Conclusion 34

Discussion notes 35

3.What is research? 37

Introduction 37

General views 37

Common views of what research in language teaching does 41

Basic and applied research 42

Description and intervention 44

Normative and interpretive research 47

Conclusion 54

Discussion notes 55

4.Principles and problems:what makes good research? 57

Introduction 57

Features of good research 57

Comparison of research traditions on these features 69

Aspects of design of research 70

Conclusion 72

Discussion notes 73

5.Generating research 75

Introduction 75

Beginnings 75

Approaches 78

Content:teachers'choices 81

Research and research:existing work 84

Conclusion 88

Discussion notes 89

Part 2:topics and methods 91

6.Definitions and overview 93

Principles,methods,techniques 93

Introduction to methods and techniques 95

Out there:discovering other people's work and telling them about one's own 96

7.Observing language classrooms 101

Introduction 101

Observation:uses and perspectives 101

Systematizing observation 105

Alternatives to coding schemes 111

Naturalistic observation 114

Conclusion 118

Discussion notes 119

8.Diaries and diary studies 121

Introduction 121

Some definitions 121

Diary data 122

Diaries in language learning and language teaching 127

Keeping a diary 134

Conclusion 136

Discussion notes 136

9.Using numbers 137

Introduction 137

Why count,and what to count 138

Describing the numbers with other numbers 139

Inference from chance-'significance' 150

Computational aids 152

Conclusion 153

Discussion notes 153

10.Doing experiments 155

Introduction 155

Why experiments? 155

Causality and the method of detail 157

Experiments and quasi-experiments 158

Some examples 161

Reflections on the experimental approach 165

Conclusion 168

Discussion notes 169

11.Asking questions 171

Introduction 171

Questionnaires 172

Interviews 181

Issues in interviewing 185

Conclusion 187

Discussion notes 188

12.Looking inside:methods for introspection 189

Introduction 189

Introspection 190

Verbal report and think-aloud 191

Research on oneself 194

Research on learners 196

Some examples 200

Conclusion 201

Discussion notes 202

13.Studying cases 203

Introduction 203

What is a case? 203

Methods in case study research 207

Case studies in language learning and teaching 209

The controversy of case study 216

Conclusion 218

Discussion notes 218

14.Mixing research methods 219

Introduction 219

Principles in mixing methods 219

Teachers'research:some continuing case studies 225

Conclusion 231

Discussion notes 232

Conclusion 233

The role of research by teachers 233

Appropriate methodologies 234

Development of criteria 235

'Popularity'of various techniques 236

Teacher research and higher-degree research 236

Evaluations of teacher research 237

And finally 239

Appendix 241

References 247

Index 257

文库索引 263
