- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:徐绍敏,时锋编著
- 出 版 社:北京:教育科学出版社
- 出版年份:1992
- ISBN:7504108367
- 页数:387 页
A 1
a an 1
a(n) one 1
a(n) the 4
A and B's room A's and B's room 5
a bit a little 6
a Chinese the Chinese 6
a few few 7
a few a little 8
a friend of my father's a friend of my father 8
a great deal a great deal of 10
a little little 11
a most… the most… most 11
a number of the number of 12
a piece of paper a paper 13
a second the second 14
a teacher of English an English teacher 14
a very clever man quite a clever man 15
about on 15
about or so some around 16
above over on upon 17
active lively 18
afraid frightened 19
after behind 19
after in 21
after later 22
after since 23
ago before 23
ahead before 25
all all of 26
air gas 26
all every 28
all everything 30
all whole 31
all along all the time all the way always 33
all day all the day 34
all right OK 35
All right. That's all right 36
almost nearly 37
alone by oneself 38
aloud loud 39
already yet still 40
also too either 43
America the United States of America 45
among between in the middle of 45
and or 47
animal beast 48
another the other 49
answer reply 50
any some 51
anybody anyone 53
anybody any body anyone any one 54
apologize excuse(me) (be)sorry pardon 54
around round 57
arrive reach get 57
as like 58
as…as the same…as 59
as because since for 60
as when while 61
ask ask for 63
ask invite 64
at by near 64
ask beg 64
at first firstly 65
at in on(时间) 66
at in on(地点) 67
at last finally in the end 70
at night in the night during the night 71
at once right now right away immediately 72
at table at the table 72
at the end by the end in the end 73
at the corner in the corner on the corner 73
at to 75
attend join take part in 75
away off 76
baby child 77
bad badly 77
B 77
be become get grow turn 78
be afraid of be afraid to 80
be afraid fear 81
beautiful nice good-looking 81
be back come back return 82
be careful of pay attention to 83
be dead die 84
be going to will shall be+V-ing 85
be good at do well in 89
be hungry starve 90
be made of be made from be made in 90
be on strike go on strike 91
be strict with be strict in 91
begin start 92
begin to do begin doing 93
below under 94
beside by near 95
big large great huge 96
bike bicycle 98
borrow lend 98
both either 98
both two 100
bottle jar 101
break destroy 102
break interrupt 102
break rest 103
bright clever 103
bring take carry 104
bring out get out take out 104
Britain and England British and English 105
build put up found establish 105
build make 106
building house 107
business trade 107
but except 108
but yet though while 108
by by the end of 110
by and by before long sooner or later in no time 111
bye-bye good-bye bye 111
C 112
call cry shout 112
can be able to 113
can may 113
can't help doing sth. can't keep back sth 115
cap hat 116
car carriage truck bus jeep 116
certain sure 117
cast throw 117
catch hold 117
change into turn into 118
charcoal coal 119
chick chicken 119
China's Chinese 120
cinema film 120
city town 121
class lesson 121
clean clear 122
clean sweep 122
clothes dress 123
cold cool 123
come at come to 124
come to come up to 124
college university 124
come up come up to 125
copy write 125
corn crop grain 126
could was(were)able to 127
country state 127
cup glass 128
D 128
day date 128
desert sand 129
desk table 129
difficult hard 130
dinner meal 130
Do you have…? Have you…? 131
Do you have to…? Have you to…? You don't have to… You haven't to 132
door gate 133
do some washing wash 133
drawing photo picture 134
drop fall sink 134
during for 136
during in 136
E 138
each every 138
earth the earth 139
earth ground 139
earth world 140
else other 141
enjoy like love 142
ever once 143
ever since from now on 144
everybody everyone 145
everybody every body 145
everyday every day 146
everyone every one 146
exam test 147
excellent wonderful 147
except except for 147
F 148
family home house 148
exercise homework 148
far from from far 149
farther further farthest furthest 150
fast quick 151
fearless brave 151
feel touch 152
fight struggle war 152
fight about fight for 153
fill be full 154
fighter soldier 154
find find out 155
find look for 156
fine good well nice excellent 156
finish end 158
fish fishes 159
fix repair 159
floor ground 159
for since 160
for oneself to oneself 162
form organize 162
from since 163
G 164
game match 164
gather collect 165
get gain win 166
get on get on with 167
get out get off 168
give send 169
give a talk have a talk 169
give back return 169
give in give up 170
glad pleased happy pleasant 171
glass a glass 172
go leave 173
go walk 174
go ahead with go on with 175
go down sink 175
go home be home 176
go on be on continue 176
go on doing go on to do go on with 177
go to school go to the school 178
go on strike be on strike go on with strike 178
go to the cinema go to a film see a film 179
go to work go to the factory 179
goat sheep 180
grateful thankful 180
group team 181
grow grow up 181
H 182
hanged hung 182
hang up put up 182
happen take place 183
hard hardly 183
hare rabbit 184
harvest crop 184
have have got 185
have there be 186
have a word with have words with 187
have a word with talk with(to) 187
have done sth. have sth.done 188
have gone be gone 189
have gone to have been to 189
have…done have…doing have…do 190
hear listen(to) 191
help sb.do sth. help sb.to do sth 192
Here it is. Here you are 193
hide store 194
high tall 194
hit beat 195
hold up put up 195
hope wish want 196
horrible terrible 198
hot warm 199
hour o'clock 200
how what 201
how What…like? 203
however how ever 205
hundred hundreds 205
I 206
I me 206
I and you you and I 207
if whether 208
ill bad 211
ill sick 211
illness trouble 212
indeed really truly in fact 212
in into 214
information news message 214
interesting interested 215
in the east to the east on the east 216
in the way on the way by the way 216
in time on time 217
introduce oneself to sb. introduce sb to sb 218
in with 218
in within inside 219
it one 222
J 222
jacket coat 222
job work 223
just just now 224
just only but 225
keep up insist 226
keep up keep up with 226
K 226
kill murder 227
kind type class 227
kind friendly 228
knock at knock into 229
L 229
lamp light 229
last latest 230
last past 230
laugh at laugh to laugh over 232
laugh smile 232
learn study 233
leave forget 234
let's let us 235
life lives 236
lid cover 236
life living 237
lift raise put up 238
like to do like doing 239
little small 239
look see watch notice 240
look after take care of protect 242
look on…as… have…as 243
look out be careful 243
look up look for 243
M 244
madam Mrs 244
make do 245
manner manners 246
manner way method 246
many much a lot of a great deal of plenty of 247
marry be married 249
matter the matter 250
matter thing business 251
maybe may be 252
maybe perhaps 252
meeting meet party 253
middle heart 254
millions of men men of millions 255
minute moment second 255
missing gone lost 256
more again 257
more than more…than 257
more than over above 259
Mother mother 259
mouse rat 260
mountain hill 260
much very so 261
must have to 263
My name is X. I am x 265
my mine 266
N 266
near nearly 266
near nearby close 267
nearest next 268
need want require 269
neither not both 270
next the next 270
night evening 272
no not never 272
nobody none no one 276
nor either 278
none nothing 278
not…any more not…any longer no more no longer 279
not as…as not so…as 280
not…but not only…but also 281
notice pay attention to 281
O 282
of about 282
of course certainly 283
officer official 284
older elder oldest eldest 286
on upon onto on to 287
on Sunday on Sundays on a Sunday 289
once once upon a time 290
only a few quite a few 290
one another each other 291
over across 292
other another 292
out outside 292
P 294
past through 294
pay pay for 294
peasant farmer 295
people the people a people 295
people person man 296
pick dig 298
pick pick up 298
piece block 298
pile dump 299
pingpong table tennis 300
place put set 300
place room space 301
planet star 302
plant grow 303
play play with 304
please ask invite 304
plenty plenty of 305
polite manners 305
post send 306
prepare get ready 306
prepare prepare for 307
problem question matter 307
pull draw 308
pupil student 309
put into turn into translate into 309
put on put…on 310
Q 310
quiet silent 310
quite rather 311
quite very 312
R 314
raise rise 314
read do some reading 315
read pronounce 315
read read out read of(about) 316
read a book look at a book 316
real true 317
receive get 318
regret be sorry 318
regret to do regret doing 319
remember to do remember doing 320
repeat say again 320
report talk 321
research study 321
restaurant pub 322
rich the rich 323
ride drive 324
right correct 325
river creek 326
road way route street 326
rubbish dump dustbin 328
run rush 328
rush hurry 329
S 329
sad sorry 329
say tell speak talk 331
search search for 334
see sb.do see sb.doing 335
seem look 335
send send for send out send up 336
sell sell out 336
set off set out start leave 337
several some 338
ship boat 339
shop do some shopping 339
shout at shout to 339
sick terrible 340
sink set 340
sir Mr 341
sit be seated 342
sit seat 342
sit sit down 342
sky heaven universe space 344
slow slowly 345
smell taste 346
so that so…that 346
sometime sometimes some time 347
speak about speak of 348
spend take 348
speak do some speaking 348
spirit genie 350
stadium playground 350
start to do start doing 351
station stop 351
steam vapour 352
stop doing stop to do 352
such so 353
T 354
take place take one's place take sb's or sth's place take the place of 354
talk about talk of 355
talk to talk with 355
take off get off 355
tell about tell of 356
tell sb.sth. tell sb.about sth 356
ten of them the ten of them 356
think about think of 357
think hard use one's head think over 357
this that 358
through across 360
throughout all over 360
throw at throw to 362
to toward(s) 362
to be at home to be home 363
tomorrow the next day 363
tonight this evening 363
topic subject 364
travel trip 365
track rail 365
trust believe 366
try one's best do one's best 367
try to do try doing 367
turn around turn to 368
turn in hand in 368
U 370
understand see 370
until by 372
until to 372
useful helpful 373
usually often always sometimes 374
W 375
waiter servant 375
voice sound noise 375
V 375
wake up wake…up 376
wear put on 377
what which 377
what who 378
What about…? How about…? 378
what's more and 379
what time when 380
which who 381
who whom 382
wife Mrs 382
with by 382
work on work away 384
write write to 384
wrong shortcoming mistake 385
Y 386
yes no 386
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