桂林山水甲天下 滕彬桂林风光摄影作品 中英韩日法德文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:7 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:滕彬摄影;黄伟林撰文;本社编
- 出 版 社:桂林:漓江出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:754073292X
- 页数:94 页
桂林城区(Guilin City) 5
骆驼山Camel Hill 5
象山四季Elephant Trunk Hill at All Sea-sons 6
塔山四季Pagoda Hin at All Seasons 8
木龙古渡Mulong Historic Ferry 9
四季奇峰镇Qifeng Town at All Seasons 10
南天一柱——独秀峰Duxiu(Solitary Beauty)Peak—A Pillar Upholding the Sky in Southern China 11
叠彩山Diecai(Folded Brocade)Hill 12
伏波山Fubo(Wave-Subduing)Hill 12
尧山日出Sunrise above the Yao Mountains 13
杉湖双塔Twin Pagodas in the Fir Lake 14
两江四湖(Dreams on Wa—ters—2 Rivers and 4 Lakes) 16
解放桥A Distant of the Three Bridges 16
榕湖双桥Twin Bridges over the Banyan Lake 17
桂湖西清桥Xlqing Bridge over the Laurel Lake 17
桂湖夜景The Laurel Lake at Night 18
榕湖夜景The Banyan Lake at Night 19
山环水绕Clear Waters Meandering through the Green Hills 20
木龙湖夜景The Night Effect of Mulong Lake 21
榕湖迎宾桥The Bridge Greeting the Guests over the Banyan Lake 21
漓江(The Lijiang River) 22
卓笔峰晨Painting-Brush Peak at Dawn 22
山水依依Hills and Waters in Harmony 23
兴坪风光Xingping Scenery 24
云涌山浮Fleeting Clouds and Floating Hills 26
漓江晨捕Moming Fishing in the Lijiang River 27
船在青山顶上行Boat-Cruising on Top of the Green Hills in the Lijiang River 28
旭日东升The Sun Rising in the East 29
云浮千峰Clouds Hanging around the Hills 30
撒网捕鱼Net Fishing 31
奇山秀水Fantastic and Beautiful Hills and Waters 32
黄布滩风光Scenes at Yellow Ribbon Shoal 33
碧莲峰Green Lotus Hill 34
九马画山Nine-Horse Fresco Cliff above the Waters 35
落日熔金Sunset Gilding the Sky 36
绿洲放牧Cattle Grazing on the Green Islet 36
浪石览胜The Fabulous Wave Rocks 37
漓江渔民Fishman on the Lijiang River 38
兴坪渔村Xingping Fishman's Village 39
轻纱漫笼漓江梦The Lijiang River envel-oped in dreamy mist 40
杨堤风光Scenes at Yangdi 41
群峰夕照Sunset over the Hills 42
漓江之晨The Lijiang River in the Morning 43
兴坪佳境Xingping a Pleasant Resort 44
阳朔(Yangshuo) 47
东岭朝霞Dongling in the Morning Glows 47
矮山风光Dwarf Hill Scenery 48
书童山The School-Boy Hill 48
田园似锦The Picturesque Country Scen-ery 49
高田秀色The Beautiful Scenery at Gaotian 50
群峰倒影山浮水Peaks under and above Waters 51
破晓Daybreak 52
西塘桃红Peach-Pink West Pond 53
水天一色blend as well as sky and water 54
田园春色Rural Scenes in Spring 55
遇龙河风光The Yulong River Scenery 56
牧归A Homecoming Cowherd 56
群峰竞秀Peaks Beauty Show 57
山影·竹影·水影Hills·Bamboos·Waters·Reflections 58
阳朔西街West Street in Yangshuo 59
刘三姐定情大榕树Third Sister Liu Dating under the Ancient Banyan Tree 60
水上人家A fishing family 61
郊野夏日Summer Outing 62
翠屏风光Scenes at Cuiping 63
渔樵耕读A Bookworm Fishman 64
金宝河风光The Jinbao River Scenery 65
光照奇峰Sunbeams over the Fascinating Peaks 66
山间夕照Mountain Streams in the Evening Glows 67
春回大地Spring Is Coming 68
阳朔遇龙桥Yulong Bridge in Yangshuo 69
山清水秀Green Hills and Clear Waters 70
红帆映江A red sail standing out against the river 71
大桂林(Greater Guilin) 72
猫儿山之巅Summit of the Mao'er Moun-tains 72
兴安华江The Hua River in Xing'an 73
猫儿山云海The Mao'er Mountains and the Clouds 74
兴安灵渠The Ling Canal in Xing'an 75
全州天湖风光The Heaven Lake in Quan-zhou 76
秋天印象Impression of Autumn 78
灵川海洋金秋Haiyang in Golden Autumn in Lingchuan 79
临桂会仙铜桥Huixian Bronze Bridge in Lingui 80
恭城文庙Gongcheng Confucius Temple 81
金色的龙脊Golden Longji 83
龙脊梯田(Longji Terraced Fields) 83
龙脊风光Longji Scenery 84
金坑梯田Jinkeng Terraced Fields 85
农家秋实Autumn harvest in farmhouse 86
冬之韵Winter rhyme 87
岩洞(Caves) 89
芦笛岩Reed Flute Cave 89
丰鱼岩Fengyu Cave 90
冠岩Crown Cave 91
银子岩Silver Cave 92
七星岩Seven Star Cave 93
莲花岩Green Lotus Cave 94
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