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英语写作基础教程  第2版
英语写作基础教程  第2版

英语写作基础教程 第2版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:丁往道,吴冰主编;郭栖庆等编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7040174626
  • 页数:288 页
《英语写作基础教程 第2版》目录

Chapter 1 Manuscript Form and Punctuation 1

1 Manuscript Form 1

1.Arrangement 1

2.Word Division 2

3.Capitalization 3

4.Handwriting 4

2 Punctuation 4

1.The Comma(,) 4

2.The Period(.) 6

3.The Semicolon(;) 7

4.The Colon(:) 8

5.The Question Mark(?) 9

6.The Exclamation Mark(!) 10

7.Quotation Marks("&") 10

8.Parentheses/Brackets((&)) 12

9.Square Brackets([&]) 12

10.The Dash(—) 12

11.The Slash(/) 14

12.Underlining and Italics 14

Keys for Reference 15

Chapter 2 Using Proper Words 17

1 Types of Words 17

2 Choice of Words 19

3 Synonyms 20

4 Some Good Dictionaries 21

Keys for Reference 34

Chapter 3 Making Correct and Effective Sentences 43

1 Correct Sentences 43

1.Completeness in Structure 43

2.The Right Subject 45

3.Agreement Between the Subject and the Predicate Verb 46

4.Agreement Between Pronoun and Antecedent 49

5.Clear Pronoun Reference 50

6.Ending Sentences with Full Stops 52

7.Joining Clauses with Conjunctions 52

8.A Main Clause in a Complex Sentence 53

9.Proper Use of Comparisons 54

10.Correct Use of the Tenses 55

2 Coordination and Subordination 57

3 Effective Sentences 60

1.Unitv 61

2.Coherence 62

3.Conciseness 65

4.Emphasis 67

5.Variety 73

Keys for Reference 77

Chapter 4 Developing Paragraphs 89

1 Features of a Paragraph 89

2 Ways of Developing a Paragraph 91

1.Development by Time 92

2.Development by Process 94

3.Development by Space 97

4.Development by Example 99

5.Development by Comparison and Contrast 102

6.Development by Cause and Effect 105

7.Development by Classification 107

Keys for Reference 111

Chapter 5 Summarizing 116

1 Uses of Summary-Writing 116

2 Procedure 117

1.Reading 117

2.Writing 117

3.Revision 118

Keys for Reference 121

Chapter 6 Composing Essays 123

1 Criteria of a Good Composition 123

2 Steps in Writing a Composition 124

1.Planning a Composition 124

2.Writing the First Draft 131

3.Revising the First Draft 131

4.Making the Final Copy 132

3 Three Main Parts of a Composition 133

1.The Beginning 133

2.The Middle 134

3.The End 134

4 Types of Writing 134

1.Narration 134

2.Exposition 142

Keys for Reference 182

Chapter 7 Writing for Practical Purposes 190

1 Notices 190

2 Greetings,Good Wishes,and Formal Invitations 195

1.Greetings 195

2.Good Wishes 198

3.Formal Invitations 199

3 Notes 201

1.Appointments 203

2.Apologies 204

3.Informal Invitations 205

4.Requests 205

5.Thanks 206

6.Messages 207

4 Letters 208

1.Personal Letters 208

2.Business Letters 215

3.Envelopes 224

5 Résumés 229

Keys for Reference 234

Chapter 8 Preparing Research Papers 247

1 Definition and Purpose 247

2 Steps 247

1.Choosing a Topic 247

2.Collecting Information 250

3.Analyzing the Information,Organizing Ideas and Working Out an Outline 256

4.Writing the First Draft 259

5.Revising the Draft and Finalizing the Paper 262

3 Format 263

1.Components of a Paper 263

2.Use of Quotations 264

3.Use of Notes 267

4.Works Cited 269

4 A Sample Research Paper 275

Keys for Reference 282

批改/校对符号 287

写作错误统计表 288
