- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:胡奕编著
- 出 版 社:广州:广东高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:753612502X
- 页数:162 页
Chapter 1 电话用语 1
1.打电话(Give me a call as soon as possible.) 3
2.接电话(She's on another line.) 8
3.回电话(I'll call you back.) 9
4.请稍等(Hold on,please.) 10
5.接通电话(I'll put him through.) 12
6.留言(Can I leave a message?) 16
7.电话故障(It's out of order.) 19
Chapter 2 时间 23
1.准时(Do be on time,OK?) 25
2.及时(The doctor saved him in time.) 26
3.提前(Can you finish it ahead of time?) 27
4.推迟(We'll have to put off our meeting.) 28
5.时间紧迫(I'm pressed for time.) 30
Chapter 3 交通用语 31
1.开车(I'll drive you away.) 33
2.搭车(Can you give me a lift?) 35
3.查找和等待(I'm looking for the airport bus stop.) 36
4.上/下车(Please let me off here!) 39
5.途中(I saw him on my way home.) 44
6.停车和减速(Could you pull up here?) 47
7.进/出站(The train pulls in on time.) 49
8.坐飞机(What time does the plane take off?) 52
9.车坏了(My car broke down again.) 55
10.请人帮忙(Could you do me a favor?) 57
11.检修(Could you fix up the car for me?) 58
12.汽油(I've run out of gasoline.) 65
13.收费(How much do you charge for mending a tire?) 66
14.撞车及违反交通规则(I'm sorry to have run into your car.) 68
15.事故处理(I'll let you off this time.) 70
Chapter 4 健康 77
1.生病(I feel sick.) 79
2.预约(I'd like to make an appointment with Dr.smith.) 81
3.填表(Could in fill in the form while waiting?) 84
4.看病(Please check me over.) 86
5.建议(Give up smoking.It'll do you harm.) 89
6.探望(I'll call on you again.) 91
7.照料(We'll take good care of her.) 95
8.恢复(I feel much better now.) 98
Chapter 5 旅馆 103
1.预订(Have you made reservations?) 105
2.登记住宿(I'd like to check in,please.) 107
3.服务(Can you wake me up at 6 a.m. tomorrow morning?) 108
4.结账离开(When shall I check out?) 111
Chapter 6 购物 113
1.上市(Is it on sale now?) 115
2.购买(Let's go shopping today.) 116
3.挑选(Have you picked out anything?) 117
4.价钱(How much is it?) 119
5.缺货(It's out of stock.) 122
6.决定(I've decided on the red one.) 125
7.停业(When do you close up?) 127
Chapter 7 工作与学习 129
1.求职(I wish to apply for the position of assistant manager.) 131
2.上/下班(Have you checked in?) 134
3.出差(I'll go on a business trip.) 136
4.犯错(Make sure not to make any mistakes,OK?) 137
5.称职(I hope you will be worth your salt.) 139
6.坚持(Keep on trying,boy.) 140
7.负责(Are you in charge of the Personnel Depart-ment?) 142
8.利用(Make full use of your spare time.) 143
9.相处(Are you getting on well with your mates?) 145
10.进步和成功(I made it.) 146
11.同意(We all agreed on it.) 150
Chapter 8 晚会与晚餐 153
1.期待(I'll be looking for you.) 155
2.打扮(Where are you going all dressed up?) 157
3.参加(When shall I turn up?) 159
4.喜欢(Would you care for some tea?) 161
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