- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李宝忱主编;吴广文,周志远,徐瑶华编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国对外经济贸易出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7800047377
- 页数:312 页
A 1
a,an,one 1
a many,many a 2
a number of,the number of 2
able,capable 3
about,around,almost,nearly,approximately 4
above,over,up,on 5
accept,receive 7
according as,according to 7
accuse,charge 8
act,act as 9
act,action 9
active,lively 10
actor,player 11
address,speech,lecture 11
advantage,benefit,good 12
advice,advise,persuade 14
a few,few,a little,little,a bit 15
affect,effect 16
affair,business,matter,thing 17
afraid,fearful 17
after,behind 19
after,all,on earth 19
after,since 20
afterward,afterwards,later 21
again,again and again,once again 21
ago,before 22
agree,consent,approve,agree to,agree with,agree on/upon 23
alike,like 25
alive,live 25
all right,That's all right 26
allow,permit 27
alone,lonely 27
aloud,loud 28
already,yet 29
although,though 29
among,between 30
another,the other 31
answer,reply 32
any,some 33
anxious,eager 33
anyone,anybody,any one 34
appreciate,enjoy 35
arise,rise 36
around,round 36
arrest,capture 37
as,because,for 38
B 39
bad,badly 39
bad,ill,evil,wrong 39
beat,defeat 41
be to,be about to 41
beautiful,fair,good-looking,handsome,lovdly,nice,pretty 42
before long,long before 44
begin,start 44
believe,believe in 45
believe,think,consider,imagine,guess,fancy,suppose 46
below,under,down 48
big,large,huge,great 49
borrow,lend 50
both,either,neither 51
bright,clever,wise 53
bring carry,fetch,take,get 54
broad,wide 55
build,constrcut,establish,found,set up,put up 56
but,except,except for,except that,besides 58
but,however,yet,still 60
buy,purchase 61
by,beside,at 62
by,with,in 63
by oneself,for oneself 64
C 65
call,cry,shout 65
call,call on,call at,visit,pay a visit to,drop in 66
summon,call 67
can,be able to,may 68
cap,hat 69
car,bus,truck 70
carry on,carry out 70
catch,seize,grasp,snatch 71
catch,catch up with,keep up with 72
close,shut 73
clothes,clothing,cloth,dress 74
collect,gather 75
combine,connect 75
compare to,compare with 76
complete,finish,fulfil,accomplish 77
conference,meeting 78
consider,regard 79
dare,dare to 80
D 80
dangerous,in danger 80
date,day 81
dead,dying,deadly,fatal 82
decide,make up one's mind,be determind 83
decrease,drop,fall 84
deep,deeply 85
defend,protect,guard 85
delay,put off 86
desire,long 87
depend,rely 87
different,various 88
difficult,hard 89
dirt,dust,rubbish 90
dine,eat 91
dinner,meal 91
discover,invent 92
dislike,hate 93
divide,separate 94
door,gate,entrance 94
double,two,twice 95
drag,draw,pull 96
drill,exercise 97
drawing,painting,picture,figure,portrait 98
drive,ride 99
E 100
each,every 100
each other,one another 102
earn,win,gain,obtain 103
earth,globe,world 104
either,too 106
elder,older 107
emotion,feeling 108
empty,vacant 110
error,mistake 111
especially,specially,particularly,principally 113
event,incident,accident 115
every day,everyday,daily 117
everyone,every one 118
F 120
factory,mill,plant,works 120
fairly,rather 122
family,house,home 124
far,by far,far from,from far 126
fare,fee 128
farmer,peasant 129
farther,further 130
fast,quick,rapid,swift 131
feed,feed on,feed…on,feed…to,live on 133
feel,feel like 135
feel,touch 136
find,find out,look for,search for,be after,seek for 137
first,firstly,at first 139
fix on,fix upon,glare at,stare at 140
G 143
game,sport,play 143
get rid of,do away with 144
gift,present 145
give in,give up 146
give off,give out,send out 147
go,walk,step 148
go to bed,go to sleep 149
graduate,graduate from 150
grateful,thankful 151
grow,plant 152
grow,raise 153
guide,lead 154
H 156
had best,had better,had rather,would rather 156
half,half of 158
hand in,turn in 159
handin hand,hand to hand 160
happen,take place,occur,break out 161
harm,hurt,injure,damage,destroy,ruin,wound 163
have been to,have gone to 166
have done,have it done 167
hear,listen 167
hear of,hear from 169
heavy,weighty 169
Here it is,Here you are,Here we are 170
high,tall,highly 172
idea,opinion,point,view,thought 174
I 174
if only,only if 176
ill,sick 177
in,into,inside 178
in all,all in all 179
in charge of,in the charge of 179
in front of,in the front of 180
in hospital,in the hospital 181
in order to,in order that,so as to,so that 181
in possession of,in the possesion of 183
in point of,on the point of 183
in the east of,to the east of,on the east of 184
in the evening,on the evening of 185
J 186
job,work,task 186
join,take part in,attend 187
journey,trip,travel,tour 189
jump,leap 191
just,only 192
just,fair 193
K 195
kill,murder 195
kind,sort,type 196
kind,kindly 197
know,recognize 197
knowledge,learning 198
L 200
last,latest,final 200
late,lately,recently 201
laugh,smile,sneer 202
law,rule 203
laugh at,laugh over,make fun of 203
lay,put,place,set 204
learn,study 206
let,make,have,get 206
let's,let us 208
lie,lay 208
lift,pick up,raise 209
M 211
machine,machinery 211
make…of,make…from 212
mail,post 212
manage,deal with 213
marry,be married,wed,wedding 214
material,matter,substance 215
maybe,perhaps,probably 216
mend,repair,fix 217
method,way 218
mistake,mistaken,wrong 219
mister,sir 220
moment,instant,minute 221
more than,over,above 222
motion,move,movement 223
much more,much less 224
must,have to 225
N 226
near,nearby,nearly,close 226
need,want 228
neither,none,no one 230
new,newly 231
newspaper,press,journal,daily,paper 232
no less than,not less than,no less…than not less…than 234
noise,sound,voice 235
no longer,not…any longer,not…any more,no more 236
not,no,never 237
now,just now 239
O 240
only,but 240
one day,some day 241
opinion,in one's opinion 241
others,the others 242
owe,due,owe…to 243
out of question,out of the question 243
P 245
pain,ache 245
pair,couple,a pair of,a couple of 246
pass,pass by,passed,past 247
path,road,route,trail,way 248
pay,pay for 250
percent,per cent 250
per day,a day 251
permit,promise 251
play,play with 252
plenty,plenty of 253
prefer,prefer…to 254
prepare,prepare for,get ready 255
problem,question 256
product,produce,production 257
pupil,student 258
Q 260
quality,property 260
quarter,a quarter 260
quiet,silent 261
raise,rise,arise 262
R 262
real,true 263
remain,stay 264
remind,remind…of 265
rob,steal 265
rough,rude 266
S 268
salary,wage(s) 268
satisfied,satisfactory 269
same…as,same…that 269
say,speak,tell,talk 270
search,search for 272
seat,sit 273
settle,solve 273
shall,will,be ging to 274
so,such 276
soldier,fighter 277
someone,somebody 277
sometime,sometimes,some time 278
Sorry,Excuse me 279
strong,powerful 279
surprised,surprising 280
switch on,turn on 281
T 282
take a walk,go for a walk 282
take(a) cold,catch a cold,have a cold 282
teacher,master 283
term,word,remark 283
that,which 285
think about,think of 286
till,until,by,up to 287
time,times 289
too…to,only too…to 290
try doing,try to do 290
turn on,turn down 291
U 292
unless,if…not 292
used to,be used to 293
view,scenery,scene,sight 294
V 294
visit,visit with 295
W 297
wake,waken 297
wait,wait for 298
warn…against,warn…of 298
wear,put on 299
welcome,welcomed 300
whatever,no matter what 301
when,while,as 302
who,whom 304
woman,lady 305
work at,work on,work out 305
worth,worthy 306
would,used to 307
write,write to 308
Y 310
young,youth,young man,lad,fellow 310
Z 312
zoo,garden 312
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