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新思路大学英语口语  上
新思路大学英语口语  上

新思路大学英语口语 上PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:张在新,穆杨主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7810957406
  • 页数:144 页
《新思路大学英语口语 上》目录


Activity 1 3

Business Hours 3

Table of Contents 3

Car Theft 4

Activity 2 5

Bills 5

The Dancing Chicken 6

Write It Down 8

Unit 2 Health 8

Activity 3 8

Speed Limit 9

Activity 4 10

Don't Touch Me 10

I Hurt All Over 11

Unit 3 Food and Drink 14

Activity 5 14

Small Hamburgers 14

Dinner Party 15

Unit 4 Weather 17

Activity 6 17

Afraid of the Dark 17

Weather Forecast 18

Unit 5 People 20

Activity 7 20

Dead Horse 20

Speeding 21

A Biologist and His Assistant 23

Activity 8 23

New Motorcycle 24

Unit 6 Free-Jime Aetivities 26

Activity 9 26

Skydiving 26

At a Swimming Pool 27

Activity 10 29

Basketball in Heaven 29

Fun on Saturday 30

Activity 11 33

The Impossible Examination 33

Unit 7 ?dueation 33

Nuisance in the School Library(1) 34

Activity 12 35

A Math Problem 35

Nuisance in the School Library(2) 36

Unit 8 Home and Family 38

Activity 13 38

Trained Parrot 38

The Silent Treatment 39

A Nice Woman 41

Activity 14 41

Unit 9 Soeial Relations 41

Two Sandwiches 42

Unit 10 Jravel 45

Activity 15 45

Waiting for a Bus 45

Street Accident 46

Activity 16 47

Railroad Accident 48

Crossing a River 49

A Holiday Trip for Free 50

Activity 17 50

Red Lights 51


Unit 1 Daily ?ife 57

Unit 2 Weather 60

Unit 3 Food and Drink 62

Unit 4 Free-Jime Aetivities 65

Unit 5 Health 68

Unit 6 Serviees 73

Unit 7 Jravel 78

Unit 8 Home and Family 84

Unit 9 Soeial Relations 86

Unit 10 Jobs and Oeeupations 91

Unit 11 People 96

Unit 12 ?dueation 100

Self/Peer Evaluation(Level 1) 103

Oral Assessment Guidelines 104

Tapescript 106

Answer Key 121

Vocabulary 141
