- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)亨 利(Henry,O.)著;沈 黎,曲卫国注释
- 出 版 社:上海:上海译文出版社
- 出版年份:1989
- ISBN:7532704734
- 页数:541 页
1. The Gift of the Magi 1
2. The Coming-out of Maggie 11
3. The Furnished Room 24
4. One Thousand Dollars 36
5. The Renaissance at Charleroi 46
6. The Thing's tho Play 69
7. The Cop and the Anthem 82
8. The Poet and the Peasant 94
9. Mammon and the Archer 105
10. The Brief Debut of Tildy 117
11. Proof of the Pudding 128
12. The Love-Philtre of Ikey 145
13. The Hand that Riles the World 154
14. The Hypotheses of Failure 164
15. The Shocks of Doom 185
16. Witches' Loaves 195
17. A Tempered Wind 202
18. A Retrieved Reformation 233
19. The Ethics of Pig 247
20. The Skylight Room 264
21. The Assessor of Success 276
22. The Man Higher Up 287
23. Telemachus, Friend 311
24. Roads of Destiny 325
25. Transients in Arcadia 362
26. Count and Wedding Guest 372
27. The Marionettes 383
28. The Pendulum 405
29. The Enchanted Profile 414
30. Little Speck in Garnered Fruit 427
31. The Duplicity of Hargraves 437
32. A Municipal Report 460
33. The Romance of a Busy Broker 489
34. A Ghost of a Chance 497
35. Brickdust Row 510
36. The Last Leaf 524
37. The Dream 536
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