- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张卫平主编;毕玉玲,王晓露,毛丽娜编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:756005076X
- 页数:323 页
Unit 1 Politics 1
Text:The Higher Education of Washington 1
Exercises 8
Further Readings: 10
Reading Passage 1:The Bubble of American Supremacy 10
Reading Passage 2:The Bubble of American Supremacy(Continued) 17
Cultural Information: 24
1.解读美国政治中的“院外游说”现象 24
2.The American Presidential Election 26
Unit 2 Economics 31
Text:Global Motors 31
Exercises 39
Further Readings: 40
Reading Passage 1:Two-Faced Capitalism 40
Reading Passage 2:Stormy Weather 47
CuItural Information: 54
1.英语汽车词汇摘要 54
2.Aerospace Industry in the United States 57
Unit 3 Military Affairs 62
Text:Army Study of Iraq War Details a"Morass"of Supply Shortages 62
Exercises 68
Further Readings: 69
Reading Passage 1:So,What Went Wrong? 69
Reading Passage 2:So,What Went Wrong?(Continued) 79
Cultural Information: 88
1.美军和英军的军衔制 88
2.美军的陆海空三军建制 91
Unit 4 Law and Crime 95
Text:Computer Violence:Are You Kids at Risk? 95
Exercises 102
Further Readings: 103
Reading Passage 1:The Case Against the Prosecution 103
Reading Passage 2:In the Heart of Darkness 110
Cultural Information: 116
1.美国文化娱乐产品的分级制度 116
2.Capital Punishment in the United States 120
Unit 5 Education 124
Text:Campus on a Keyboard 124
Exercises 129
Further Readings: 130
Reading Passage 1:Who Pays to Study? 130
Reading Passage 2:Who Pays to Study?(Continued) 136
Cultural Information: 140
1.英国教育体制概况 140
2.A Glimpse of Universities in the United States 143
Unit 6 Society and Culture 147
Text:The Quest for Cool 147
Exercises 155
Further Readings: 156
Reading Passage 1:New Fuel for the Culture Wars 156
Reading Passage 2:Whoops!There Goes the Revolution 162
Cultural Information: 168
1.美国时尚文化的四大先锋 168
2.American Customs 174
Unit 7 Art 179
Text:Blair Witch Craft 179
Exercises 186
Further Readings: 187
Reading Passage 1:The Most Wanted Works of Art 187
Reading Passage 2:The Most Wanted Works of Art(Continued) 200
Cultural Information: 211
1.美国人的文化娱乐方式 211
2.Impressions on French Impressionism 214
Unit 8 Personality 217
Text:In Churchill's Footsteps 217
Exercises 225
Further Readings: 226
Reading Passage 1:French Ex-Premier Is Convicted of Graft 226
Reading Passage 2:Navy Adm.Moorer,91,Dies 233
Cultural Information: 240
1.温斯顿·丘吉尔——西方世界最伟大的人物之一 240
2.French Political Environment 243
Unit 9 Science and Technology 248
Text:Older Women,Too,Struggle with a Dangerous Secret 248
Exercises 253
Further Readings: 254
Reading Passage 1:Coming Soon to Your Cellphone:Everything! 254
Reading Passage 2:More Power to You 261
Cultural Information: 267
1.没什么值得我们忧虑 267
2.Technology Pioneers 268
Appendix 1 美英新闻业简介 271
Appendix 2 美英著名报刊发行量排行表 281
Appendix 3 Glossary 285
- 《汉语应用文英译选读》熊兵主编 2019
- 《国学经典选读 下》 2017
- 《英语专业系列教材 语音学与音系学早期经典著作选读》黄智佳,刘艳责任编辑;曲长亮 2019
- 《中国古代设计经典论著选读》夏燕靖选编 2018
- 《湖州民国史料类纂与研究 报刊史料 第2辑》杨伟民主编;湖州市人民政府地方志办公室编 2015
- 《近代岭南报刊短篇小说初集 下》梁冬丽,刘晓宁整理 2019
- 《中国文学名作德译本选读》宋健飞,黄克琴编著 2019
- 《翦伯赞全集 第10卷 中外历史年表 主编》翦伯赞著 2008
- 《教育名著选读》杨广晖,吴根洲著 2014