中学英语疑难浅释 高中PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李国南著
- 出 版 社:福州:福建教育出版社
- 出版年份:1984
- ISBN:9159·040
- 页数:220 页
2....just before dinner...(L1,p1) 7
3....while my father was looking through the evening paper...(L1,p1) 9
4....a cry of surprise.(L1,p1) 11
5.I had thought that he had died at least twenty years ago.(L1,p1) 13
6.He lives in Deleville,which is...(L1,p1) 14
7....about an hour's ride from here.(L1,p1) 15
8.Henry,tomorrow is Saturday.(L1,p1) 23
9.Will you permit an old pupil...(L1,p2) 27
10.Later my father and Mr.Crossett talked for about half an hour of things and persons they remembered in the school.(L1,p3) 29
11.He went to a kind of closet...(L1,p3) 31
12.Mr.Crossett thus kept a record of all his old students.(L1,p3) 32
13....and tears came to his eyes.(L1,p3) 35
14....and began to make faces...(L1,p4) 37
15.I do not want you simply to promise me...(L1,p4) 39
16.Mr.Crossett patted him affectionately on the head...(L1,p5) 40
17.Do not think any more about it,my son.(L1,p5) 42
18.Very,very big,or very,very many does not mean"infinite".(L2,p15) 43
19....countless grains of sand or countless drops of water...(L2,p15) 51
20....because there is a definite number of grains of sand...(L2,p16) 53
21.Infinite things go on and on and on,forever.(L2,p16) 54
22....to imagine anything that doesn't end somewhere...(L2,p16) 57
23....isn't nearly so hard.(L2,p16) 59
24.A molecule is a thousand times bigger than an atom of hydrogen.(L2,p18) 62
25....you are getting to something very,very small.(L2,p18) 65
26.bacteria(L2,p19) 67
27.The more she talked,the more excited she felt.(L2,p27) 71
29....Dr.Manette told the story of the great wrong done to him.(L3,p28) 77
30....who kept shouting and crying,obviously mad.(L3,p28) 79
31....Dr.Manette's account of his meeting with the boy...(L3,p29) 83
32.He forced my brother to draw upon him...(L3,p30) 86
33.The boy's eyes had slowly moved to him...(L3,p30) 87
34.She was engaged to a young man...(L3,p31) 88
35.(To be continued)(L3,p31) 90
36.We were robbed by that man...(L4,p40) 90
37....scores of his tame birds...(L4,p40) 92
38....it was a dreadful thing to bring a child into the world.(L4,p40) 93
39....I followed him here,and climbed in,sword in hand.(L4,p41) 95
40."Marquis,"said the boy...(L4,p42) 96
41....in the days when all these things are to be answered for...(L4,p42) 97
42....I summon you and yours...(L4,p42) 100
43.dread ful(L4,p43) 101
44.Some birds will fly away to the south...(L5,p52) 102
45....when the weather turns cold.(L5,p52) 103
46....it is a different matter.(L5,p52) 105
47....the creature's blood temperature drops too.(L5,p53) 106
48.And then it has no choice but to lie down...(L5,p53) 108
49.Hibernation is more than sleep.(L5,p53) 110
50.That is to say,they sleep during the winter...(L5,p54) 112
51....he quickly goes to sleep again.(L5,p54) 115
52.wolf(L5,p55) 117
53.centigrade(L5,p56) 118
54.half-hibernate(L5,p56) 119
55....or in non-English speaking countries.(L5,p61) 120
56....where anyone would expect to see strange characters on the street.(L6,p64) 121
57....and devote himself to abstract research.(L6,p65) 122
58.But the family did manage to send him...(L6,p65) 124
59....where he received a doctor's degree in 1905.(L6,p66) 126
60....Einstein's theory proved to be correct...(L7,p77) 128
61....honors were heaped upon Einstein.(L7,p77) 130
62.He won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.(L7,p77) 131
63.The gifts to him would have filled a railroad freight car.(L7,p77) 132
64....Einstein,who was a Jew,found the doors...(L7,p77) 133
65....for?1,000 a minute.(L7,p78) 136
66.check(L7,p81) 136
67.Some people seem to think that...(L8,p91) 138
68....at times when they are not working...(L8,p91) 139
69.Sports and games build our bodies...(L8,p91) 140
70.THE LAST LESSON(L9,p106) 141
71.I was very late that morning...(L9,p106) 143
72.The master had told us...(L9,p106) 145
73....he would question us on verbs...(L9,p106) 146
74.I had hoped to be able to take my seat...(L9,p107) 147
75....to see some of the village people seated on the benches...(L9,p108) 149
76.Have you finished writing the letter?(L9,p118) 150
77.I hardly knew how to write...(L10,p120) 152
78....and I never should learn now.(L10,p120) 154
79....without daring to lift my head.(L10,p120) 157
80.Nothing was heard but the voice...(L10,p121) 160
81....some pigeons were softly cooing...(L10,p121) 161
82.Oh,I shall always remember that last lesson!(L10,p122) 163
83....my friends,...I...I...(L10,p122) 164
84.Out rushed the children.(L10,p125) 166
85.Yet an apple tree does not take in sugar...(L11,p133) 170
86.Yet an apple has sugar in it.(L11,p133) 171
87.A certain scientist had discovered that...(L12,p144) 172
88.There was an old building at the back of the university...(L12,p145) 174
89....weighing and boiling and measuring and calculating and thinking.(L12, p146) 174
90.Look!...Look!(L12,p147) 175
91....was the mysterious something which they had worked so hard to find: Radium.(L12,p147) 176
92.calculate(L12,p149) 177
93....it was not worth going on with his own laboratory work...(L12,p152) 178
94.Their working conditions were rather satisfactory.(L12,p153) 182
95.THE GIFTS(L13,p158) 186
96.And the next day would be Christmas.(L13,p158) 188
97....but flop down on the shabby little couch and weep.(L13,p158) 189
98.You see,life is made up of sobs,sniffles,and smiles—but mainly of sniffles.(L13,p158) 190
99....and she had only ?1.87 with which to buy Jim,her husband,a present.(L13,p158) 191
100....—something worthy of the honour of being owned by Jim.(L13,p159) 193
101....which had been his father's and his grand father's.(L13,p160) 195
102.It reached below her knees...(L13,p160) 195
103.She did it up again nervously and quickly.(L13,p160) 196
104....She hesitated for a minute...(L13,p160) 198
105....her head was covered with tiny,close-lying curls...(L13,p161) 200
106.Della wriggled off the table...(L14,p173) 201
107.disapproval(L14,p176) 203
108....and he pointed to a herd of deer...(p212) 206
109.The mere mentioning of Robin Hood's name would bring fear to the lords and officers.(p213) 209
110.The first...The second...Next comes...(p216) 213
111.The healthy cells accomplish this by splitting their bodies...(p220) 215
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