- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社;剑桥大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:7560085296
- 页数:277 页
Introduction 1
Why use authentic video? 1
What you need 3
Ways of using video 6
How to use this book 7
General guidelines for video activities 9
Part A 12
Ⅰ Video drama 12
Introduction 12
1 Full-length feature films 18
Doing a film 18
The film and the book 27
2 Other video drama 35
Drama series 35
Sitcoms 38
Soap operas 42
3 Short dramatic sequences 46
Drama clips 46
Comedy sketches 55
Ⅱ Non-fiction video 59
Introduction 59
1 Programmes about real life 62
Documentaries and educational films 62
The TV news(including weather,national events,speeches) 68
Interviews and talk shows 82
Sports programmes 90
Game shows 96
2 Short sequences and promotions 99
Non-fiction clips 99
TV commercials 105
Part B Activities with authentic video 105
1 Video comprehension 118
2 Activities 123
Accents 123
Act along 123
Ad angles 124
Ad language 125
Adopt a character 125
Advice 126
Answers 127
Awkward questions 128
Before and after 129
Best image 130
Best scene 131
Body language 131
Body parts 132
Book and film 132
Case study 134
Casting couch 1 134
Casting couch 2 135
Celebrity interview 137
Changes 138
Character network 139
Chases 141
Choose your words 142
Climax 143
Comment 145
Commentary/Copywriter 145
Completions 146
Cross-cutting 147
Culture 148
Daily life 149
Decisions 151
Describe an ad 152
Describing real interaction 154
Describing speech style 155
Diary 156
Dossier 157
Dress 158
Effects 158
Enigmas 159
Experts 160
Eye on the object 161
Famous films 161
Famous people 162
Fashion parade 163
Favourite scene 164
Feeling flow 165
Fights 167
Film presentation 168
Floor 169
Fly on the wall 170
Follow the news 171
Getting things done 172
Gossip 173
Grading 173
Heard and seen 175
Holophrases 176
How it's done 177
I spy 177
Interactive language 178
Interview 180
Interview article 181
Invisible music 184
Issues 184
Jumbled statements 185
Labelling and linking 186
Lead-in 187
Learning English with films 189
Letters to the editor 190
Lifestyle 192
Lipreading and mindreading 192
Long and short 193
Loves and hates 194
Make a case 195
Make a case for character 195
Maps and journeys 196
Matching 196
Misapprehensions 198
Missing character 198
Missing scene 199
News leads 199
News script 200
News story 202
One-liner 203
Organization man 204
Oscar 205
Other people's shoes 206
Over the top 207
Panning 207
Parallels 208
Pick of the news 209
Picture it 209
Place and period 211
Plan a chase 212
Plot idea 1 213
Plot idea 2 216
Preview 217
Problem 217
Programme proposal 220
Puff 220
Purrs and slurs 221
Puzzle 221
Question types 222
Questions 223
Quotes 224
Quoting and illustrating 224
Racing 225
Reaction shots 226
Reading aloud 228
Rhetoric 229
Rules 230
Runabout 232
Scenario 232
Schema 233
Script 234
Scriptwriter 236
Seen it before 237
Sequel and prequel 238
Set the scene 238
Silly soaps 239
Situation report 240
Soap chronicles 241
Soap write-out 242
Speculations 242
Speech acts 244
Sports highlights 246
Sports quiz 246
Stage directions 247
Stand by it 248
Structures 249
Subtitles 1 249
Subtitles 2 250
Summary 250
Talk show 251
Telephone conversations 253
Tenses 253
Themes 254
Tone up 255
Transcript 256
Trigger 257
Turning points 257
Twin texts 259
Viewshare 260
Voice 1 261
Voice 2 262
Voxpop 262
Walkthrough 263
Weather words 263
What next? 265
What's going on? 266
What weather where 267
Whv and How? 268
Wordhunt 268
Writing the book 270
Your movie 270
3 Glossary 272
Index 275
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