- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王乃彦主编;李富森等编写
- 出 版 社:北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7810009486
- 页数:222 页
Lesson 1 Arrival of a Foreign Businessman 1
1-1 At the Customs 1
1-2 At the Airport 3
1-3 On the Way to the Hotel 4
Lesson 2 At the Hotel 12
2-1 Checking in at the Hotel 12
2-2 In the Room 13
2-3 Looking around the Hotel 14
3-1 Inviting the Guest 20
Lesson 3 Dining at a Restaurant 20
3-2 Before Dining at the Restaurant 21
3-3 At the Table 22
Lesson 4 Sightseeing 30
4-1 Arranging a Visit for the Guest 30
4-2 Visiting the Museum Park 31
Lesson 5 Shopping 40
5-1 At the Banking Counter 40
5-2 Accompanying a Foreign Guest for Shopping 41
5-3 On the Ancient Cultural Street 43
6-1 At a Theatre 49
Lesson 6 Accompanying a Foreign Guest for Recreational Activities 49
6-2 At a Dance Ball 51
Lesson 7 Telephoning 58
7-1 Booking a Flight 58
7-2 Placing an Oversea Call 59
7-3 Leaving a Message 60
Lesson 8 Seeing a Doctor 64
8-1 In Mr.Anderson's Room 64
8-2 At the Hospital 65
9-1 A Brief Introduction to the College 70
Lesson 9 A Visit to an International Business College 70
9-2 Around the Campus 71
9-3 Talking with Some Students 72
Lesson 10 On the Departure of a Foreign Guest 77
10-1 At a Farewell Dinner 77
10-2 At the Airport 78
10-3 At the Check-in Desk 79
Lesson 11 A Preliminary Talk with a New Customer 84
11-1 Meeting at the Guangzhou Fair 84
11-2 On Foreign Trade Policy 86
12-1 A Visit to a Sample Room 94
Lesson 12 Products Presentation 94
12-2 Seeing an Exhibition 96
Lesson 13 Enquiry and Offer 103
13-1 Business Enquiry 103
13-2 Enquiry and Offer 104
Lesson 14 Price 111
14-1 Price Haggling 111
14-2 Market and Price 113
Lesson 15 Payment Terms 121
15-1 Payment by L/C 121
15-2 Payment by D/P at Sight 123
Lesson 16 Letter of Credit 130
16-1 Urging the Establishment of an L/C 130
16-2 Amendment to an L/C 132
Lesson 17 Packing and Labelling 138
17-1 Export Packing 138
17-2 On Labelling 140
Lesson 18 Delivery and Shipment 148
18-1 The Date of Delivery 148
18-2 On Shipment 150
19-1 Clarification of Certain Insurance Coverage 156
Lesson 19 Insurance 156
19-2 A Talk on Insurance 158
Lesson 20 Contract 164
20-1 Signing a Contract 164
20-2 Negotiating a Long-Term Agreement 166
Lesson 21 Claims and Settlement 173
21-1 A Claim Case on Quality Deterioration 173
21-2 Settling a Claim 175
Lesson 22 Absorption of Foreign Capital 183
22-1 China's Policy on Absorption of Foreign Capital 183
22-2 On Joint Venture 185
Lesson 23 Technology Transfer 194
23-1 A Preliminary Talk 194
23-2 A Further Discussion 195
Lesson 24 On Agency Agreement and Distributorship 204
24-1 On Agency Agreement 204
24-2 On Distributorship 206
Lesson 25 Modes of Foreign Trade 213
25-1 Compensation Trade 213
25-2 Processing and Assembling Trade 215
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