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外刊经贸知识选读  汉英对照
外刊经贸知识选读  汉英对照

外刊经贸知识选读 汉英对照PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:史天陆主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7300034179
  • 页数:547 页
《外刊经贸知识选读 汉英对照》目录

外刊经贸知识选读 1

Lesson 1 China's Foreign Trade. 3

Text China in the Market Place 3

Questions on Content and Language Points 16

Exercises 18

Supplementary Material for Free Reading 22

Lesson 2 China's Absorption of Foreign Direct Investment 29

Text The Curtain Goes up 29

Questions on Content and Language Points 40

Exercises 43

Supplementary Material for Free Reading 50

Lesson 3 China's Opened Economy 61

Text Beijing Rising 61

Questions on Content and Language Points 72

Exercises 74

Supplementary Material for Free Reading 79

Appendix to Lesson 1—3 85

Deng Calls for Speedup in Reform 85

Questions on Content and Language Points 97

Lesson 4 The World Economy 99

Text The Economic Scene:A Global Perspective 99

Questions on Content and Language Points 121

Exercises 124

Supplementary Material for Free Reading 128

Lesson 5 On the US Strategy&Policy in Trade 134

Text U.S.Is Prepared to See Trade Relations Worsen 134

Questions on Content and Language Points 144

Exercises 146

Supplementary Material for Free Reading 150

Lesson 6 The Development of EU 171

Text Economic Troubles Cloud New Market's Future 171

Questions on Content and Language Points 180

Exercises 183

Supplementary Material for Free Reading 188

Lesson 7 On Japan's Position on Trade 200

Text Japan Says No 200

Questions on Content and Language Points 211

Exercises 213

Appendix to Lesson 7 217

Text Why Japan Won't Cave Into U.S.Trade Demands 217

Questions on Content and Language Points 225

Lesson 8 South Korea & Other Fast-developing Asian Countries—Their Progress and Problems 227

Text Here Comes Korea,Inc 227

Questions on Content and Language Points 245

Exercises 247

Supplementary Material for Free Reading 254

Lesson 9 Newly-Emerging Trading Stars 273

Text Prosperity Persists in the UAE 273

Questions on Content and Language Points 293

Exercises 298

Supplementary Material for Free Reading 305

Lesson 10 On GATT-WTO 313

Text Freer Trade,with Luck 313

Questions on Content and Language Points 325

Exercises 328

Supplementary Material for Free Reading 332

Lesson 11 Barter Still in Use 343

Text The Comeback of International Barter 343

Questions on Content and Language Points 353

Exercises 354

Lesson 12 Market Competition 358

Text Soft Drink Wars:the Next Battle 358

Questions on Content and Language Points 369

Exercises 371

Supplementary Material for Free Reading 376

Lesson 13 Market Analysis 394

Text Hong Kong is Tops at Cracking U.S. Shell Eggs 394

Questions on Content and Language Poricts 400

Exercises 401

Lesson 14 Commodities Market 409

Text Soft Commodities 409

Questions on Content and Language Points 419

Exercises 422

Supplementary Material for Free Reading 424

Lesson 15 Reports on Commodities Exchange in Telex 437

Text Weekly Commodities(Telex) 437

Questions on Content and Language Points 453

Exercises 455

Index 458

Brief Answers or Clues to Questions on Content and Language Points 466

Thesis for Reference——"The Content Constitution and Language Features of Joumal Articles on World Economics and Interna-tional Business" 494

附录 西方报刊经贸文章的内容构成和语言特点&史天陆 495

附 外刊经贸知识选读自学考试大纲 521

Ⅰ.课程性质与设置目的 521

Ⅱ.课程内容和考核目标 522

Ⅲ.有关说明和实施要求 524

附录 题型举例 543

后记 547
