新世纪基础英语 3 学生用书PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张伯香,张福林总主编;曾静等主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7810952730
- 页数:283 页
Contents 1
Unit 1 Love 1
Text A A boy with a mission 4
Dialogue Romance is usually a mystery 11
Text B Hungry for your love 12
Guided writing Simple,compound,complex and compound-complex sentences 17
Grammar Punctuation Ⅰ 19
Unit 2 Growing-up 22
Text A When Allie left home 24
Dialogue I wish I hada sister like yours 31
Text B It's not just how we play that matters 32
Guided writing Relations between sentences Ⅰ—combination,expansion and transition 38
Grammar Punctuation Ⅱ 41
Unit 3 Culture and language 44
Text A Friendship in different cultures 46
Dialogue What do you like to do with your free time? 54
Text B Do the English understand English? 55
Guidedwriting Relations between sentences Ⅱ—parallelism,subordination and contraction 60
Grammar Tag questions 62
Unit 4 Lifestyle 66
Text A How to install love 68
Dialogue Would you please teach me how to use the computer? 76
Text B My resignation 77
Guided writing Topic sentences 82
Grammar Phrasal verbs 84
Unit 5 Happiness 88
Text A The importance of just being there 90
Dialogue Why don't you change your attitude and be happy? 99
Text B The terribly,tragically sad man 100
Guided writing Paragraph development by examples 106
Grammar Compound words 109
Unit 6 Communication 112
Text A Communicating without body language 114
Dialogue I ordered it through internet! 121
Text B Internet addiction—fact or fantasy? 122
Guided writing Paragraph development by comparison and contrast 127
Grammar The word order of adjectives 130
Unit 7 Psychoanalysis 132
Text A Young Hans 134
Dialogue Bird-watching on TV or in the mountains? 141
Text B Doctor of the mind 142
Guided writing Paragraph development by definition and classification 149
Grammar Noun clauses 152
Unit 8 A better world 156
Text A I imagine world peace 158
Dialogue Earth day 166
Text B The butterfly on the redwood 167
Guided writing Paragraph development by space and time 174
Grammar Adverbial clauses of time,place,concession and comparison 176
Unit 9 The most precious gift 182
Text A The most precious gift 184
Dialogue What is the most precious gift? 193
Text B Wendy's story 194
Guided writing Paragraph development by cause and effect 201
Grammar Adverbial clauses of cause,purpose and result 203
Unit 10 Popular science 206
Text A Ants are smarter than we think 208
Dialogue Does camel spit at people? 217
Text B How plants prepare for winter 218
Guided writing Concluding sentences 223
Grammar Subordinate clauses 225
Unit 11 Job and interview 228
Text A How to handle different types of interview 230
Dialogue I am qualified for the job I apply for 237
Text B What to wear for job interviews 238
Guided writing Unity and coherence Ⅰ 243
Grammar Appositives and appositive clauses 246
Unit 12 Opinions 248
Text A No gains without pains—or are there? 250
Dialogue Isn't it unfair,sir? 257
Text B So-called psychic a simple trickster 258
Guided writing Unity and coherence Ⅱ 265
Grammar Parallelism 267
Appendix Glossary 271
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