英语冠词活学活用 第2版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:卢仲逖编著
- 出 版 社:武汉:湖北教育出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7535125395
- 页数:297 页
Lei Feng,A Lei Feng与Thousands of Lei Fengs 1 1
A Munich与A British Watergate 4 2
A Ford与The Ford 6 3
The Ford Motor Company与China King 9 4
Mr.Smith与A Mr.Smith 11 5
English,The English与The English language 13 6
Monday与A Monday;November与A November 15 7
A Smith与The Smiths 17 8
The Wright brothers与The brothers Wright 20 9
Henry Adams与The Henry Adams 21 10
The great Edison与The treacherous Spitz 24 11
“Is this a new Patrick Henry?” 27 12
The Hudson River,Hudson Bay与Hudson Strait 29 13
The Himalayas与Mount Everest 32 14
China与The Philippines 34 15
New Year's Day与The Spring Festival 36 16
The White House与Buckingham Palace 38 17
The United Nations,The U.N.与The 40 18
The British Museum,Hyde Park与The Zoo 42 19
党派,主义,宗教与冠词 43 20
The Bible与The Trinity 44 21
称呼与冠词 46 22
人名,同位语与冠词 48 23
The aristocracy与The Socialists 53 24
Wall Street与The Wall Street Journal 55 25
历史时期,历史事件与The 58 26
TIME与The Times 59 27
London University与The University of London 63 28
A boy and a girl,A boy and girl与Boy and girl 66 29
多项并列结构中的冠词省略 71 30
Hand in hand与Shoulder to shoulder 74 31
When Greek meets Greek 78 32
Head first与Pencil in hand 80 33
Child as Tom is与零冠词 82 34
Go to school与Go to the school 84 35
Go to the cinema与Go to the films 87 36
Play the piano,Play bridge与Play ball 88 37
Radio,TV与冠词 89 38
Take root与Bearfruit 91 39
A woman with a child与A woman with child 92 40
The child is father to the man 93 41
标题中的冠词省略 97 42
电报中的冠词省略 100 43
Stage Direction中的冠词问题 101 44
笑话幽默中的冠词省略 103 45
A cold,The flu与Bronchitis 105 46
“The giraffe is verytall”中的歧义 109 47
Man is not always stronger than woman 111 48
Man enough,Manly enough与Enough of a man 113 49
Autumn与The fall 114 50
The sun,A golden moon与(the)Earth 116 51
Wind,The wind,A good wind,Winds 119 52
Word,A word,与The word 121 53
Time,A time,The time与Times 124 54
There is egg on your nose 127 55
In possession of与In the possession of 129 56
At a cost of与At the cost of 132 57
Two of a trade与Birds of a feather 133 58
Next week与The next week 134 59
The same,The like与The only 136 60
A,One与A 1 euro coin 140 61
A,The与Per 144 62
There be句型与冠词 146 63
A good many,A great many与Many a 149 64
Quite a long story与A quite long story 150 65
“All(both,double,half,just,quite)+the+名词”结构 152 66
A stupid man与How stupid a man 154 67
The pen is mightier than the sword 155 68
A lamb与Lamb 159 69
Be appointed chairman与Turn traitor 160 70
介词As与零冠词 162 71
By train与By the 9:30 train 164 72
A diameter of four inches与Four inches in diameter... 166 73
Turn to the north与Turn north 169 74
At night与During the night 171 75
The white of an egg与The thick of winter 174 76
Kiss her cheek与Kiss her on the cheek 175 77
Of短语与The 179 78
Mastering the language与A good mastering of the lan guage 181 79
A mountain of a wave与A wave of a mountain 185 80
A friend of my father's中的冠词问题 187 81
On the increase与On the go 189 82
Another与The other 192 83
The job for me与The very job I'm looking for 194 84
To a day与To the day 196 85
The wise与The wiser 197 86
比较级与The 201 87
More(a)scholar than(a)teacher 204 88
最高级与“最” 207 89
The most,A most与Most 210 90
The second,A second与Second 211 91
从Half an eye到All eyes 214 92
Turn a deaf earto与Fall on deaf ears 217 93
后置修饰语对名词前冠词的影响 220 94
Coffee与A coffee;lron与An iron 223 95
数量结构与冠词 225 96
Kindness与A kindness;Failure与A failure 228 97
The information与A piece of information 231 98
A piece of与名词 232 99
A sort of,Of a sort与Of sort 234 100
Few,A few与Quite a few 237 101
A few days与A busy three days 239 102
Part of与A part of;Two of you与The two of you 241 103
数或表示数量的短语与冠词 244 104
由上下文决定的特指 246 105
再次提及不等于简单的词语重复 249 106
特定环境与定冠词The 251 107
Don't start with the egg 253 108
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