当代文学理论导读 第4版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:塞尔登(SELDEN,R.)著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:7560085296
- 页数:272 页
1 New Criticism,moral formalism and F. R.Leavis 13
Origins:Eliot,Richards,Empson 13
The American New Critics 17
Moral formalism:F. R.Leavis 23
2 Russian formalism 29
Shklovsky,Muka?ovsk?Jakobson 30
The Bakhtin School 41
3 Reader-oriented theories 47
Phenomenology:Husserl,Heidegger,Gadamer 51
Hans Robert Jauss and Wolfgang Iser 53
Fish,Riffaterre,Bleich 58
4 Structuralist theories 66
The linguistic background 67
Structuralist narratology 71
Metaphor and metonymy 78
Structuralist poetics 81
5 Marxist theories 88
Soviet Socialist Realism 90
Lukács and Brecht 93
The Frankfurt School:Adorno and Benjamin 99
'Structuralist' Marxism:Goldmann,Althusser,Macherey 103
'New Left' Marxism:Williams,Eagleton,Jameson 108
6 Feminist theories 121
First-wave feminist criticism:Woolf and de Beauvoir 124
Second-wave feminist criticism: 127
i.Kate Millett:sexual politics 130
ii.Marxist feminism 132
iii.Elaine Showalter:gynocriticism 134
iv.French feminism:Kristeva,Cixous,Irigaray 137
7 Poststructuralist theories 150
Roland Barthes 155
Psychoanalytic theories: 161
i.Jacques Lacan 162
ii.Julia Kristeva 168
iii.Deleuze and Guattari 169
Deconstruction: 170
i.Jacques Derrida 170
ii.American deconstruction 176
Michel Foucault 184
New Historicism and cultural materialism 187
8 Postmodernist theories 200
Jean Baudrillard 204
Jean-Fran?ois Lyotard 207
Postmodernism and Marxism 210
Postmodern feminisms 213
9 Postcolonialist theories 221
Edward Said 223
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak 225
Homi K.Bhabha 228
Race and ethnicity 231
10 Gay,lesbian and queer theories 243
Gay theory and criticism 244
Lesbian feminist theory and criticism 248
Queer theory and criticism 254
Index 267
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