- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:姜涛主编
- 出 版 社:北京:新华出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7501174350
- 页数:348 页
Anne Bradstreet 1
Some Verses on the Burning of Our House 3
To My Dear and Loving Husband 9
The Flesh and the Spirit 13
Philip Freneau 23
The Wild Honey Suckle 25
The Indian Burying Ground 31
William Cullen Bryant 37
The Yellow Violet 39
To a Waterfowl 43
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 47
A Psalm of Life 50
Excelsior 54
My Lost Youth 58
Edgar Allan Poe 65
Israfel 68
The Raven 74
Annabel Lee 84
Walt Whitman 89
O Captain!My Captain! 92
Come up from the Field Father 97
Spirit That Form'd This Scene 105
Emily Dickinson 109
Success 111
I Taste a Liquor Never Brewed 113
I'm Nobody!Who Are You? 116
Tell All the Truth But Tell It Slant 118
Edwin Arlington Robinson 120
Richard Cory 122
Miniver Cheevy 125
Mr.Flood's Party 129
Amy Lowell 136
Patterns 138
Robert Frost 148
Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening 150
Mending Wall 153
The Road Not Taken 157
Carl Sandburg 160
Chicago 162
The Harbor 169
Wallace Stevens 171
The Anecdotes of the Jar 173
The Idea of Order at Key West 177
The Emperor of Ice-Cream 183
Willian Carlos Williams 188
The Red Wheelbarrow 190
Spring and All 193
Ezra Pound 198
A Pact 200
In a Station of the Metro 203
E.E.Cummings 206
In Just 208
I (a 211
O sweet spontaneous 213
Archibald MacLeish 217
Ars Poetica 219
Allen Tate 224
Ode to the Confederate Dead 226
Langston Hughes 235
The Negro Speaks of Rivers 237
Ballad of the Landlord 241
Mother to Son 245
Robert Lowell 248
For the Union Dead 250
Mr.Edwards and the Spider 259
Allen Ginsberg 266
Howl 268
James Wright 304
Saint Judas 306
A Blessing 309
In Terror of Hospital Bills 312
Anne Sexton 316
You,Doctor Martin 318
Sylvia's Death 322
Sylvia Plath 329
Lady Lazarus 331
Daddy 338
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