策略·风格·归因 学会学英语PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李力,陈治安,蒋宇红主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7810958054
- 页数:452 页
Preface 1
1 The Influence of Achievement Motivation and Attributional Beliefs on EFL Learning Strategy Use 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.1.1 Aims of the Study 3
1.1.2 Terminology 4
1.2 Related Previous Studies and Findings 7
1.2.1 Studies of Learning Strategies 7
1.2.2 Motivation and Strategy Use 17
1.2.3 Attribution and Strategy Use 23
1.3 Methodology 26
1.3.1 Subjects 26
1.3.2 Instrumentation 27
1.3.3 Data Collection and Analysis Procedures 32
1.4 Data Analyses and Findings 33
1.4.1 Typical Types of Learning Strategies and Variation in Strategy Use by Proficiency 33
of Learning Strategies? 38
1.4.2 Do Different Levels of Achievement Motivation Have an Effect on the Use 38
1.4.3 The Best Predictors of Learning Strategies in Relation to the Attributional Beliefs and Causal Models of Learning Strategies Based on Attributional Beliefs 41
1.5 Discussions and Implications 49
1.5.1 Discussions 49
1.5.2 Implications 62
1.6 Summary 68
2.1 Introduction 72
2.1.1 Research Background 72
2 A Relationship Study of English Learning Strategies,Learning Styles and English Achievement 72
2.1.2 Research Purposes 76
2.1.3 Hypotheses 79
2.1.4 Definitions 80
2.2 Previous Studies on Learning Strategies 83
2.2.1 Oxford's CLassification of Learning Strategies 83
2.2.2 Psychological Types 90
2.2.3 Relationship Between MBTI and Language Learning 91
2.2.4 Findings of Relevant Factors Influencing English Learning Strategies 93
2.3.1 Theoretical Framework 99
2.3 Design and Implementation 99
2.3.2 Tools for the Study 100
2.3.3 Samples 102
2.3.4 Data Collection Procedures 103
2.3.5 Data Analysis Procedures 103
2.4 Results and Discussions 104
2.4.1 High School Students'Distributions of Four Learning Style Dimensions In Zhanjiang City 106
2.4.2 Relationship Between Gender,English Achievement,Learning Styles and English Learning Strategies 106
2.4.3 Relationship Between Sex,Learning Styles and English Achievement 109
2.4.4 Correlation of the Related Variables with English Achievement 110
2.4.5 Predictors of English Achievement 111
2.5 Suggestions 113
2.5.1 Suggestions for English Teaching in High Schools 114
2.5.2 Limitations of This Study 120
2.5.3 Suggestions for Future Research 121
3 Learning Techniques for Non-English Majors 126
3.1 Introduction 126
3.2.1 Individual Learner Differences and Learner Autonomy 128
3.2 Review of Related Researches 128
3.2.2 Learning Strategies 131
3.3 Learning Techniques 145
3.3.1 Listening and Speaking 145
3.3.2 Reading 154
3.3.3 Writing 160
3.3.4 Learning New Words 168
3.4 Implications for English Language Teaching and Learning 175
3.4.1 For ELT 175
3.4.2 For FLL 177
3.5 Summary 178
4 Cooperative Learning:Affective Factors and the Teaching of College English in China 180
4.1 Introduction 180
4.2 Affect and Its Important Role in FLL T 184
4.2.1 Clarification of Affect 185
4.2.2 Linguistic Perspective 187
4.2.3 SLA Perspective 189
4.2.4 Psychological Perspective 195
4.2.5 Summary 203
4.3 Prior Studies on Affective Factors 204
4.3.1 Motivation 204
4.3.2 Attitude 211
4.3.3 Self-Esteem 214
4.3.4 Anxiety 217
4.3.5 Summary 225
4.4 CL and Affective Factors 226
4.4.1 A Survey of CL 227
4.4.2 Rationales for Employing CL in Foreign Language Classrooms 234
4.4.3 Educational Considerations 241
4.5 Implementing CL in the Teaching of College English 246
4.5.1 Strategies for Facilitating CL 246
4.5.2 Implementing Cooperative Activities in the Classroom 249
4.5.3 Evaluations of CL 257
4.5.4 Constraints on CL 262
4.6 Summary 265
5 Constructivism and Macrostrategies for FLT 268
5.1 Introduction 268
5.2 Studies on Constructivism and Foreign Language Teaching Strategies 270
5.2.1 Constructivism 270
5.2.2 Studies on Foreign Language Teaching Strategies 285
5.3 Constructivist Model of FLT and Macrostrategies for FLT 297
5.3.1 The Constructivist Model of FLT 297
5.3.2 The Constructivist Model of Macrostrategies for FLT 304
5.4 Macrostrategies for FLT Based on Constructivism 312
5.4.1 Cultivating Self-Awareness Competence of Knowledge Construction 312
5.4.2 Activating Intuitive Heuristics 314
5.4.3 Contextualizing Linguistic Input 320
5.4.4 Integrating Language Skills 325
5.4.5 Raising Cultural Consciousness 330
5.5.1 Purpose of the Study 335
5.5.2 Methodology 335
5.5 An Experimental Study:Effectiveness of Constructivist Macrostrategies for FLT 335
5.5.3 Findings 342
5.6 Discussion and Conclusion 345
6 An Investigation and Analysis on Teacher TaLK in EFL Classroom Context 347
6.1 Introduction 347
6.1.1 Research Background 347
6.1.2 Aims of the Present Study 350
6.1.3 Significance of the Present Study 351
Based on Interaction 354
6.2 Theoretical Foundations and Related Prior Studies 354
6.2.1 Theories of Classroom Learning 354
6.2.2 Models of Classroom Interactions and Second Language Acquisition 357
6.2.3 Perspectives in EFL Classroom Teacher Talk Research 366
6.3 Methodology 375
6.3.1 Subjects 375
6.3.2 Lesson Type 376
6.3.3 Instrumentation 377
6.3.4 Data Collection and Data Analysis Procedures 380
6.4.1 The Amount of Teacher Talk and Students Talk and Their Effects on Learners 381
6.4 Data Analyses and Findings 381
6.4.2 The Frequency of Display Questions and Referential Questions and the Effect of Different Frequencies of Use on Language Acquisition 383
6.4.3 The Distribution of Three Types of Interactional Modifications 386
6.4.4 Types and Frequencies of Praises and Error Treatments 388
6.5 Discussions and Implications 391
6.5.1 Discussions about the Research Results 391
6.5.2 Implications 402
6.6.1 Limitations 408
6.6 Limitations,Suggestions for Future Research and Conclusion 408
6.6.2 Suggestions for Future Research 409
6.6.3 Conclusion 410
Bibliography 412
Appendix 1 Language Learning Questionnaire 大学生英语学习情况调查 439
Appendix 2 大学英语学习动机、效能感、归因调查问卷 446
Appendix 3 Rules of Transcription 449
Appendix 4 英语课堂教师话语调查问卷 450
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