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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:洪丕柱编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1987
  • ISBN:7218·238
  • 页数:289 页

目录 1

前言 1

第一级 理解初步 1

第一部分 正确理解并判断意义 2

1.Sometimes People Need a Push 4

2.A Baby That Puts on Ten Pounds a Day 7

3.A Giraffe That Did Not Believe in Himself 12

4.Brother and Sister 16

5.A Little Humour(Ⅰ) 22

6.A Little Humour(Ⅱ) 27

第二部分 有目的地搜索文意并加以记忆 31

7.The Four Seasons(Ⅰ) 32

8.The Four Seasons(Ⅱ) 36

9.A Letter 40

10.A Famous Shooter 44

11.Which Is Better,a Dog or a Child? 48

12.Happy Endings 52

第二级 理解的深入 57

第一部分 理解含蓄意义 58

1.The King and the Writer 59

2.Balzac as a Handwriting Expert 63

3.What's the Time? 68

4.The First English Window 73

5.First Balls 78

6.Animals—Future Workers 83

第二部分 对文章要点进行搜索性的阅读并加以记忆 87

7.King Solomon and the Two Women 88

8.Learn How to Observe and Reason 94

9.Sign Language(Ⅰ) 99

10.Sign Language(Ⅱ) 105

11.Einstein and His Driver 110

12.The English Names 115

第三级 文体识别初步 121

第一部分 记叙体 122

1.Follow the Bus 123

2.An Unpleasant Experience 128

3.A Fat Woman on the Bus 132

4.The Blindman and the Boy 135

第二部分 描述体 141

5.How to Find the Centre of a Circle 142

6.The First Snow of Winter 147

7.At the Lost and Found 152

8.Professor Hill and His Study 155

第三部分 说明体 160

9.Vitamins 161

10.Postage 165

11.Road Safety 170

12.Model Airplanes 176

第四级 文章结构初步 181

第一部分 段落的结构 182

1.Do the English Speak English? 183

2.Social Customs 189

3.The Increasing World's Population 195

4.Do You Know How Houses Are Built in Six Weeks? 200

5.Language—What It Is and How It Serves Us 206

6.Our Most Dangerous Enemy—the Rats 212

第二部分 完整文章结构的初步知识 217

7.A Traveller's Tale 218

8.Basketball 223

9.School in a Class of Its Own 229

10.Library 235

11.About Memory 242

12.Lost and Found 249

练习参考答案 255
