- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘晓天编著
- 出 版 社:北京:地质出版社
- 出版年份:1996
- ISBN:7116021566
- 页数:344 页
A 1
a,an 1
a(n),one 1
able,capable 3
above,over 4
accept,receive 5
accident,incident,mishap 6
accuse,charge 6
acknowledge,admit,confess 7
act,action 8
adhere to,stick to 9
admission,admittance 9
advance,advanced 10
advantage,benefit,profit 11
affair,matter,business 12
affect,effect 12
afraid,frightened,scared 13
after,behind 14
after,since 15
ago,before 16
agreeable,enjoyable 17
aid,assist,help 18
alike,like 19
almost,nearly 19
alone,lonely 20
also,too,likewise 21
although,though 22
altogether,all together 23
amazed,astonished,surprised 24
among,between 25
angry,indignant,furious,mad 26
another,the other 27
announce,declare,proclaim,publish 28
anxious,eager 29
any,some 30
anyway,any way 31
apparent,obvious,plain 32
appear,emerge,loom 33
arrest,capture,catch 34
as a whole,on the whole 35
as such,such as 35
ashamed,shameful,shameless 36
at,in,on 37
at hand,in hand,on hand 39
at last,last 40
at least,in the least 41
at the moment,for the moment,in a moment 41
attentive,careful,cautious 42
authentic,genuine 43
avenge,revenge 44
avoid,elude,escape,shun 46
award,reward 47
aware,conscious 48
B 50
bad,ill,evil,wicked 50
bare,naked,nude 51
bath,bathe 52
be to,be about to 53
bear,endure,withstand,stand 54
beat,defeat 55
beautiful,handsome,lovely,pretty 56
because,for 58
because of,due to,owing to,thanks to 59
begin,start 60
behaviour,conduct 60
below,under 61
beside,besides 62
besides,except 63
big,large,great 64
bind,tie 65
bloom,blossom,flower 66
blush,flush 67
bold,brave,courageous 68
borrow,lend 69
both,either 70
both...and,either...or 71
brief,short 72
bring,fetch 73
bring,take 73
build,set up 74
burden,load 75
buy,purchase 76
by,with 76
by all means,by no means 78
by turns,in turn 78
call,cry,shout,scream 80
C 80
can,may 81
cathedral,church,chapel 82
cause,get,make 83
cause,reason 84
celebrated,famous,notorious,well-known 84
center,middle 85
chance,opportunity 86
cheap,inexpensive 87
cheat,deceive 88
childish,childlike 89
chief,main 89
choose,select 90
civil,polite,courteous 91
clasp,embrace,hug 92
class,lesson 93
classic,classical 94
clean,tidy,neat 95
client,customer,patron 96
climate,weather 96
close,shut 97
clothing,clothes,dress,costume 98
collect,gather 99
combine,connect 100
come,go 101
command,order 102
compose,comprise 103
comprehensible,comprehensive 104
conceited,proud 104
conference,congress,meeting,rally 105
contented,content,satisfied 106
continual,continuous 107
convince,persuade 108
cost,spend,take 109
count,calculate 110
couple,pair 111
cure,heal,treat 112
curious,inquisitive 113
custom,habit 114
D 116
dead,die 116
deceit,deception 117
decide,determine 117
decline,refuse,reject 118
defend,protect,guard 119
delay,postpone 120
desert,dessert 121
different,various 121
dine,eat 122
direct,directly 123
discover,invent 124
displace,misplace 125
disinterested,uninterested 125
divide,separate 126
disqualified,unqualified 126
do,make 127
doubt,suspect 129
drill,exercise 129
drunk,drunken 131
during,for 131
duty,responsibility 132
E 134
each,every 134
early,soon 135
easy,easily,with ease 136
eatable,edible 137
economic,economical 138
effective,efficient 138
either,too 139
electric,electrical 140
elementary,primary 141
empty,vacant 141
enlarge,increase,grow 142
enough,sufficient 143
entire,whole,total 144
envious,jealous 145
especial,special 146
everyday,every day 146
examination,test,quiz 147
example,instance 148
excite,stimulate,inspire 149
excuse,pardon,forgive 150
F 152
face,look,appearance 152
fairly,rather 154
family,home,house 155
farther,further 156
fast,quick,rapid 157
female,feminine 158
few,a few 159
find,look for 159
first,firstly,at first 160
forbid,prohibit 161
frank,outspoken,straightforward 162
from,since 163
funny,amusing,comical 163
gaze,stare 165
G 165
genius,gift,talent 166
gentle,mild,soft 166
get ready,prepare 167
gift,present 168
give,offer 169
give,present 169
glass,glasses 170
gold,golden 171
guide,lead 172
had better,had rather 174
H 174
happen,occur,take place 175
hardly,scarcely 176
have words,have word,have a word 178
hear,listen 178
high,highly 180
high,tall 181
hinder,prevent 182
hire,let,rent 183
holiday,vacation 184
historic,historical 184
hostile,hospitable 185
how,what 186
hurt,injure,wound 188
I 190
idle,lazy 190
ignore,neglect 191
ill,sick,diseased 191
immature,premature 193
in,within 194
in case of,in the case of 195
in all,all in all 195
in front of,in the front of 196
in future,in the future 196
in the field,on the field,at the field 197
in the way,on the way 198
in time,on time 198
indeed,really 199
individual,personal,private 200
industrial,industrious 201
infer,imply 202
insist,persist 203
instrument,implement,tool 204
interfere,intervene 205
introduce,recommend 206
J 207
job,work 207
join,take part in 208
journey,trip,tour,voyage,expedition 209
jump,leap,spring 210
K 212
kill,murder,assassinate,slaughter 212
kind,sort 213
know,recognize 214
L 216
lack,want,need 216
largely,at large 217
late,lately,recently 218
laugh,smile,beam,chuckle,giggle,grin 219
lay,lie,lie 221
learn,study 222
leave,depart,set off,set out,go off 223
lesson,diminish,reduce,decrease 224
like,be fond of,love 226
liable,likely 226
little,a little 227
little,small 229
look,see,read,watch 230
look,seem 232
live,alive,living 233
lose,miss 235
M 237
mail,post 237
many,much,a lot of 238
maybe,may be 239
mend,patch,repair 240
misfortune,disaster 241
mistake,blunder,error 242
mix,blend,mingle 242
motion,move,movement 244
move,remove,shift,transfer 245
much,very 246
must,have to 248
near,nearly 251
no,not 251
N 251
no better than,not better than 252
no one,none 253
noise,sound 254
note,notice 255
O 256
object,oppose 256
occupation,profession,vocation,trade,craft 257
old,aged,senior 258
on,upon 259
once again,once and again 260
opinion,view 261
out of question,out of the question 262
P 263
pleasant,pleasing, pleased 263
politician,statesman 264
possible,probable,likely 265
practicable,practical 266
presently,at present,for the present 267
principal,principle 268
propose,suggest 268
question,problem,issue 271
Q 271
quiet,calm,silent,still 272
R 274
raise,rise 274
rare,scarce 275
real,true 275
reasonable,rational 276
recover,restore 277
release,relieve 278
remain,stay 279
remember,recollect,recall 280
replace,substitute 282
respectable,respected,respectful 283
result,consequence 284
rob,steal 285
round,around 286
S 288
salary,wage,pay 288
satisfied,satisfactory 289
say,speak,talk,tell 290
scene,scenery 291
slow,slowly 292
some time,sometime,sometimes 293
somewhat,in a way 294
stationary,stationery 295
stop,cease,halt 296
strain,stress,tension 297
street,avenue,boulevard,road,lane,highway,expressway 298
suit,suite 300
survive,outlive 300
synthetic,imitation,artificial 301
T 304
this,that 304
through,throughout 305
time,times 306
tolerable,tolerant 308
trust,believe 308
truthful,faithful 310
try,attempt 311
U 313
up,down 313
use,utilize 315
used to,be used to 316
valuable,valued 318
V 318
vanish,disappear 319
varied,various 319
W 321
wait,await 321
wake,awake,waken,awaken 322
wear,put on 323
wide,broad 324
worth,worthy 325
Y 328
yet,as yet,still 328
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