高等学校教材 英语 师范院校英语专业用 第1册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄次栋主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:1987
- ISBN:7810091670
- 页数:463 页
Lesson One 1
Communicative Functions: 1
Introducing someone 1
Patterns: 5
Ⅰ Who's that...? 5
Who are these...? 5
Ⅱ Do you know Any diea who/what/where/when...? 7
Text A:A Much-Tavelled Boy 8
Phonology:Introduction to Intonation(Ⅰ) 11
Grammar:The Present Tense and the Past Tense 14
Text B:Ⅰ—Ⅲ 17
Lesson Two 23
Communicative Functions: 23
Identifying oneself 23
Patterns: 29
Ⅰ Do/Does X ever...? 29
Ⅱ Do/Does X still...? 31
Text A:Heroic Man and Heroic Symphony 32
Phonology:Introduction to Intonation(Ⅱ) 36
Grammar:The Present Continuous 39
Text B:Ⅰ—Ⅲ 42
Lesson Three 48
Communicative Functions: 48
Describing and identifying an object 48
Patterns: 53
Ⅰ What's that...? 53
Ⅱ What X is that...? 55
Text A:Teaching Machines 56
Phonology:Introduction to Intonation(Ⅲ) 60
Grammar:State Verbs and Action Verbs 63
Text B:Ⅰ—Ⅲ 67
Lesson Four 72
Communicative Functions: 72
Narrating and describing a past expe-rience 72
Patterns: 77
Ⅰ Have/Has X ever...? 77
Ⅱ Have/Has X...lately? 79
Text A:The Respected Doctor 81
Phonology:The Falling Tone 84
Grammar:The Past Continuous and the Future Continuous 87
Text B:Ⅰ—Ⅲ 90
Lesson Five 95
Communicative Functions: 95
Making an appointment and making an ar-rangement 95
Patterns: 102
Ⅰ ...are/is X going(planning/expecting)to...? 102
Ⅱ ...will X...? 103
Text A:An Appointment by Custom 105
Phonology:The Rising Tone 109
Grammar:Ways of Expressing Future Time 111
Text B:Ⅰ—Ⅲ 116
Lesson Six 120
Communicative Functions: 120
Asking the way;asking about someone's health and asking for linguistic information 120
Patterns: 126
Ⅰ How are/is X...? 126
Ⅱ How are/is X...ing? 127
Text A:Watt and Water 129
Phonology:The Falling-Rising Tone 132
Grammar:The Present Perfect 134
Text B:Ⅰ—Ⅲ 138
Lesson Seven 142
Communicative Functions: 142
Commands 142
Patterns: 148
Ⅰ ...must 148
Ⅱ ...have to 150
Text A:Write Your Name Backwords 152
Phonology:Stress(Ⅰ) 155
Grammar:The Difference between the Past Tense and the Present Perfect 158
Text B:Ⅰ—Ⅲ 161
Lesson Eight 165
Communicative Functions: 165
Making a request 165
Patterns: 171
Ⅰ Could X...? 171
Ⅱ Would X...? 173
Text A:On My Last Legs 174
Phonology:Stress(Ⅱ) 178
Grammar:The Past Form of"shall","will"and"can" 180
Text B:Ⅰ—Ⅲ 182
Review Exercises(Lns.1—8) 187
Lesson Nine 209
Communicative Functions: 209
Offering help/food/drink/cigarettes/to do something;accepting the offers;refusing the offers 209
Patterns: 215
Ⅰ Would you like 215
Ⅱ Can I...? 217
Text A:The Cat and Fiddler 218
Phonology:Stress(Ⅲ) 222
Grammar:The Past Perfect 224
Text B:Ⅰ—Ⅲ 226
Lesson Ten 231
Communicative Functions: 231
Offering a gift;accepting or declining an offer 231
Patterns: 236
Ⅰ Here's/are...for 236
Ⅱ This is…for 238
Text A:Choosing a Present 240
Phonology:Stress(Ⅳ) 244
Grammar:The Parts of Speech 246
Text B:Ⅰ—Ⅲ 249
Lesson Eleven 254
Communicative Functions: 254
Asking for a suggestion;making a suggestion;responding to a suggestion 254
Patterns: 261
Ⅰ Let's...,shall we? 261
Ⅱ Why don't you/we...? 262
Text A:Mrs.Ripley's Trip 264
Phonology:Weak Forms 267
Grammar:Countable and Uncountable Nouns 270
Text B:Ⅰ—Ⅲ 272
Lesson Twelve 277
Communicative Functions: 277
Inviting someone to tea/dinner/a party;inviting someone to do something;refusing or accepting an invitation 277
Patterns: 284
Ⅰ Are you...(ing)...? 284
Ⅱ I wonder if/whether...? 286
Text A:The Luncheon 288
Phonology:Strong Forms 291
Grammar:The Article 293
Text B:Ⅰ—Ⅲ 296
Lesson Thirteen 303
Communicative Functions: 303
Making apologies;giving.excuses;responding to apologies 303
Patterns: 309
Ⅰ (I'm)sorry 309
Ⅱ Excuses me...? 310
Text A:A Lame Excuse 312
Phonology:Rhythm(Ⅰ) 315
Grammar:Other Uses of the Article 317
Text B:Ⅰ—Ⅲ 323
Lesson Fourteen 329
Communicative Functions: 329
Giving advice;accepting,considering or re-jecting the advice;declining to give advice 329
Patterns: 335
Ⅰ I think X should/ought to/'d better 335
Ⅱ If I were you,I'd 337
Text A:Dan and the Dolphin 338
Phonology:Rhythm(Ⅱ) 342
Grammar:The Present Perfect Continuous 345
Text B:Ⅰ—Ⅲ 348
Lesson Fifteen 353
Communicative Functions: 353
Expressing an intention to leave;asking about intention 353
Patterns: 358
Ⅰ I must/have got to 358
Ⅱ I intend/mean/want/'d like to 360
Text A:Job-hunting 362
Phonology:Rhythm(Ⅲ) 365
Grammar:Sentences,Clauses and Phrases 368
Text B:Ⅰ—Ⅲ 371
Lesson Sixteen 377
Communicative Functions: 377
Seeking opinion;expressing an opinion 377
Patterns: 383
Ⅰ What do you think of...? 383
What's your opinion of...? 383
Ⅱ Do you enjoy/like…? 384
Text A:A Matter of Opinion 386
Phonology:Rhythm(Ⅳ) 389
Grammar:The Basic Sentence Patterns 392
Text B:Ⅰ—Ⅲ 396
Review Exercises(Lns.9—16) 401
Glossary of Linguistic Terms 425
Vocabulary List 428
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