- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张立民等编
- 出 版 社:南京:江苏科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:1984
- ISBN:753451732X
- 页数:682 页
第一章 英文书信的写法The Ways on English Lotter Writing 1
一、英文书信的形式和要求The Forms and Stylistics of English Letters 1
(一) 英文书信的种类The Kinds of English Letters 2
(二) 英文书信的格式The Forms of English Letters 2
(三) 英文书信的各组成部分The Parts of English Letters 6
1. 信头The Heading 6
2. 收信人地址、姓名The Inside Address 9
3. 称呼The Salutation 10
4. 正文The Body of the Letter 10
5. 结束用语The Complimentary Close 11
6. 签名The Signature 12
1. 英文书信的书写通则The General Rules of English Letter Writing 14
(四) 怎样写好英文书信How to Write Good English Letters 14
2. 英文书信的起首语和结束语 Opening and Concluding Sentences in English Letters 17
二、信封的写法The Ways on Envelope Writing 18
(一) 信封的使用要求How to Choose your Envelope 18
(二) 信封的书写形式The Forms of Envelope Writing 19
(三) 怎样写信封How to Write Envelopes 20
1. 国内信封Inland Envelope 20
2. 国际信封International Envelope 23
3. 英美国家在信封写法上的区别The Differences between British and America in Envelope Writing 25
三、其他Others 26
(一) 信纸的折叠The Folding of Letter Paper 26
(二) 几个注意的问题Some Points for Attention 26
第二章 社交书信Your Social Correspondence 28
一、邀请信及复信Letters of Invitations and Acknowledgments. 30
(一) 宴会邀请信及复信Dinner Invitations and Acknowledgments 32
1. 邀请亲密的朋友赴宴Inviting a Close Friend to Dinner 33
2. 邀约朋友来宴会补缺Inviting a Friend to Fill an Empty Place at Dinner 39
3. 邀请朋友赴宴及看戏Inviting Friends to Dinner and the Theatre 41
4. 由女儿充当女主人的邀请信When a Daughter Acts as Hostess 43
5. 取消非正式宴会的短笺Note to Recall an Informal Dinner Invitation 44
6. 对于非正式宴请的违约短笺Note to Break an Informal Dinner Engagement 45
(二) 午、晚宴邀请信及复信Luncheon and Suppper Invitations and Acknowledgments 46
1. 邀请朋友参加午宴Inviting a Friend to a Simple Informal Luncheon 46
2. 邀请不相识的人参加午宴Inviting Someone You Do Not Know to Luncheon 48
3. 晚宴的邀请A Supper Invitations 51
4. 邀请朋友同他们不认识的人一起共进晚餐Inviting Friends to Supper with the Strangers 53
(三) 聚会邀请信及复信Party Invitations and Acknowledgments 56
1. 非正式酒会的邀请信An Invitation for an Informal Cocktail Party 56
2. 非正式茶会的邀请信Invitations for an Informal Tea Party 57
3. 邀请来家中小住及周末聚会An Invitation for a House and Weekend Party 58
(四) 舞会邀请信Dance Invitations 62
1. 邀请朋友参加庆祝国庆节的舞会An Invitation for an Informal Dance Celebrating a National Day 62
2. 化装舞会邀请信An Invitation for a Masquerade 63
(五) 婚礼邀请Wedding Invitations 64
1. 新娘邀请亲密朋友的信Bride s Note of Invitation to a Close Friend 64
2. 邀请亲威To a Relative 65
3. 只邀请参加宴会的邀请信Inviting a Friend to the Reception Only 66
4. 新娘的母亲代写的邀请信An Invitation Written By the Bride s Mother 67
二、感谢信Letters of Thanks 69
(一) 感谢赠送礼品Thanks for the Gifts Received 69
1. 感谢赠送结婚礼品Thanks for Wedding Gifts 69
2. 感谢圣诞节的礼品Notes of Thanks for Christmas Gifts 74
3. 感谢送行的礼品For a Bon Voyage Gift 76
4. 感谢送给新生婴儿或幼儿的礼品For a Gift for a Newborn Baby or Young Child 78
5. 感谢款待The Bread-and-Butter Letter 79
6. 感谢送给病人的礼品Thanks for Gifts to a Patient or Invalid 81
7. 感谢受到的照顾Thanks for a Favour Received 83
8. 对于吊唁信的感谢Thanks for a Letter of Condolence 84
9. 感谢别人的祝贺Thanks for a Letter of Congratulation 89
参考用语Reference Expressions 94
三、祝贺信Letters of Congratulations 99
1. 祝贺订婚Congratulations on an Engagement 99
2. 祝贺结婚Congratulations on Marriage 101
3. 祝贺结婚周年纪念Congratulations on a Wedding Anniversary 103
4. 祝贺生日Congratulations on a Birthday 105
5. 祝贺生孩子Congratulations on the Birth of a Child 107
6. 祝贺毕业Congratulations on Graduation 109
7. 祝贺获得荣誉Congratulations on Winning an Honour or Distinction 111
8. 祝贺晋升或新开业Congratulations on Promotion or a New Venture 112
9. 祝贺演出成功Congratulation on a Performance 114
参考用语Reference Expressions 114
四、吊唁信Letters of Condolence 124
1. 悼某人丧父(母)On the Death of a Parent 124
2. 悼某人丧偶On the Death of a Husband or Wife 128
3. 悼友人丧子(女)On the Death of a Child 129
4. 悼某人丧亲属On the Death of a Relative 130
5. 对亲友遇害的吊唁When Kith or Kin Is Killed 132
参考用语Reference Expressions 134
五、慰问信Notes of Sympathy on Illness,Injury and Material Loss 138
1. 慰问病人To Those Who Are Ill 138
2. 慰问受伤的人To Those Who Have Been Injured 142
3. 慰问蒙受物质损失的人To Those Who Have Suffered Material Loss or Damage 145
参考用语Reference Expressions 146
六、介绍信Letters of Introduction 147
1. 亲自带交的介绍信To Be Presented in Person 147
七、其他参考信例Other Reference Letters 147
2. 邮寄的介绍信To Be Sent By Mail 151
3. “随后发出”更详细的介绍信A Follow Up Letter of Introduction Giving Additional Information 153
1. 一位美国教授写给中国某大学校长的一封表扬信A Letter of Comment From an American Professor to a Chinese President 157
2. 一位外国朋友写给我国某大学校长的一封信A Letter From a Foreign Friend to a Chinese President 158
3. 一位中国教授写给芝加哥大学历史系的一位教授的感谢信A Letter of Thanks From a Chinese Professor to a Professor of the Department of History of the University of Chicago 160
4. 一位外国朋友的友好书信A Friendly Letter From a Foreign Friend 161
5. 邀请朋友游览雍和宫的信A Letter Inviting a Friend to Visit Yonhe Gong 162
6. 邀请朋友来黄山游览的信A Letter Inviting a Friend to Visit Huangshan Mountains 166
一、友好书信Friendly Leters 170
第三章 私人书信Your Personal Correspondence 170
1. 写给在远方的朋友A Letters To a Friend in a Distant Place 174
2. 远方朋友的来信A Letter From a Distant Place to a Friend Back Home 175
3. 圣诞节写给朋友的信A Christmas Letter to a Friend 178
二、家信Family Letters 181
1. 写给因公外出的丈夫To a Husband Away on Business 182
2. 写给嫁到外地的姐姐To a Married Sister Living at a Distance 184
3. 写给在外地学习的孩子Letters to Children Away at School 187
三、私人事务性信件Personal Business Letters 192
(一) 申请信Letters of Application 192
1. 申请做打字员An Application to a Typist 197
2. 一封刚从大学毕业的青年人的申请信An Application of a Young Man Just Out of College 199
3. 申请做美工设计主任An Application to an Art Director 201
1. 为某一位广播节目导演写的证明信A Letter of Reference for a Program Director 204
(二) 证明信Letters of Reference 204
2. 介绍并证明的信A Letter of Introduction and Reference 205
3. 向写证明信者询问情况Letters Requesting Information From References 207
第四章 商业书信Business Letters 209
商业书信的结构The Structures of Business Letters 209
1. 信头 Letterhead 209
2. 封内地址Inside Address 211
3. 称谓The Salutation 213
4. 正文The Body of the Letter 213
5. 结束用语The Complimentary Close 214
6. 签名The Signature 215
7. 其他The Others 215
1. 商业书信的语言及行文风格The Language and the Style in Writing Business Letters 217
书写商业书信需要注意的一些问题Some Points for Attention in Business Letter writing 217
2. 商业书信的形式与要求The Form and Stylistics of Business Letters 220
一、建立贸易关系Establishing Business Relations 221
1. 寻求建立贸易关系Seeking the Possibilities of Establishing Business Relaitions 221
2. 同意建立业务联系Agree to Establish Business Relations 223
3. 主动联系业务Voluntary Letter 224
4. 试图恢复业务往来Trying to Resume Business Relations 225
参考用语Reference Expressions 226
二、询问Enquiry 228
1. 初次询问First Enquiry 228
2. 索取价格单和样品Asking for Pricelist and Samples 229
3. 洽谈价格Price Negotiations 230
4. 要求寄样品检验Asking to Send Samples for Inspection 231
5. 向没有业务关系的公司寻求货源Asking for Supplies From a Companv With No Business Relations 232
参考用语Reference Expressions 233
三、报盘Offer 236
1. 对初次询问价格的回复Reply to the First Enquiry 236
2. 寄送商品目录及价格表Sending Catalogues and Pricelist 237
3. 因缺货无法寄样Fail to Send Samples for Short of Supply 238
4. 报盘Offer 239
5. 要求修正报价Asking for Amendment to an Offer 240
6. 拒绝还盘Refusing to a Counter-offer 242
7. 重新报盘Re-offer 243
8. 同意报盘Offer Accepted 244
9. 拒绝报盘Offer Declined 245
参考用语Reference Expressions 246
四、销售Sales 251
1. 答复询盘Answering the Enquiry 252
2. 一般性推销Ordinary Sales 253
3. 试求凭样推销Trying to Sell With Samples 254
4. 向老客户推销Sell to an Old Customer 256
5. 宣布派人接洽Announcing sb s Call 257
6. 催问Press For An Answer 258
参考用语Reference Expressions 259
五、订购Orders 262
1. 去函订货Order by Letter 264
2. 洽谈订购条件Negotiating the Conditions of Business 264
3. 确认订货Order Confirmed 265
4. 确认发货Delivery Confirmed 266
5. 因缺货无法如期供应Fail to Supply at the Date Owing to Goods Out of Stock 266
6. 要求减少订货数量Requesting for Reducing Ordered Quantities 267
7. 答复无法改变原订数量Refusing the Request of Altering Ordered Quantities 268
8. 要求减低价格Asking for Price Reduction 270
9. 因价格误差,要求检查订单Asking to Check the Order for the Miss-quoted 271
10. 续订Repeat Order 272
11. 对续订的答复Reply to the Repeat Order 272
12. 取消订单Cancelling an Order 273
13. 拒绝订货Declining an Order 274
参考用语Reference Expressions 276
六、装运和发货Shipments and Deliveries 282
1. 装运指示Shipping Instructions 282
2. 装运通知Shipping Advice 283
3. 催货Urging Immediate Shipment 285
4. 通知买方不能如期发货Informing the Buyer That the Goods Can Not Be Delivered as Scheduled 286
5. 查询货物短少原因Checking the Cause of Shortage 287
6. 回复运货短少原因Reply to the Cause of Shortage in Delivery 288
参考用语Reference Expressions 289
7. 询问货运情况Enquiring Shipping Service 289
七、信用调查Credit Inquiring 293
1. 要求填写信用货款申请书Asking Customers to Fill in the Credit Application 294
2. 要求提供信用资料Asking for Credit Standing 294
3. 关于信用资料的答复Giving Credit Standing of Customers 295
4.查询信用情况Asking for Credit Standing 296
5. 要求银行提供情况Asking for Information From Bank 297
6. 信用良好报告Favourable References on Credit Standing 298
7. 信用不良报告Unfavourable References on Credit Standing 299
8. 同意赊购Credit Accepted 300
9. 拒绝赊款Credit Refused 301
10. 要求预先付款Asking for Advanced Payment 302
参考用语Referemce Expressions 303
八、付款和索款Payment and Demand Payment 306
2. 收讫通知Acknowledgement Advice 307
1. 付款Payment Honoured 307
3. 索款Demanding Payment 308
4. 两次索款Urging Payment 308
5. 三度坚持索款Insisting on Payment 309
6. 警告客户采取其他措施追回欠款Warning to Adopt Other Means for Payment 310
7. 要求延期付款Asking for Deferred Payment 311
8. 同意延付期款Granting Deferred Payment 312
9. 拒绝延期付款Deferred Payment Rejected 312
参考用语Reference Expressions 313
九、索赔Claims 316
1. 因货物破损要求补发Asking for a Retroactive Shipment Due to Breakage 317
2. 答复同意补发Acceptance of Retroactive Shipment 318
4. 答复同意调换Acceptance of Replacement 319
3. 到货不符 要求重换Asking for a Replacement Due to Inconformity 319
5. 产品质量低劣,要求更换Asking for a Repacement Due to Inferior Quality 320
6. 答复同意调换并派人检查Acceptance a Replacement and Sending Representatives to Inspect 321
7. 因短重要求赔偿A Claim for Shortweight 322
8. 理赔Settlement of a Claim 323
参考用语Reference Expressions 324
十 货物保险Insurance 331
1. 向保险公司询问保险情况Enquiring Insurance Informations from an Insurance Company 331
2. 关于询问保险情况的答复Replying to the Enquiry of Insurance 332
3. 接受保险Accepting the Insurance 333
4. 要求投保一切险Asking for Insurance Against All Risks 334
参考用语Reference Expressions 335
第五章 请柬Invitations 336
一、宴会请柬及回柬Dinner Invitations and Acknowledgments 342
1. 为欢迎客人举行的宴会Dinner in Honour of a Special Guest or Guests 345
2. 为某种庆祝活动而举行的宴会Dinner to Celebrate a Special Occasion 348
3. 宴会后另有音乐会或歌剧的请柬Dinner Followed by Concert or Opera 349
4. 由子女代替父母发出的宴会请柬Dinner by Sons and Daughters in Honour of Parents 350
5. 怎样推迟或取消正式宴会的邀请How to Postpone or Cancel Formal Dinner Invitations 352
二、午宴、晚宴的请柬及回柬Luncheon and Supper Invitations and Acknowledgments 353
2. 宴请几位妇女的午宴请柬A Luncheon Given for a Group of Women 354
1. 午宴后有重要体育活动的请柬A Luncheon Preceeding an Important Sporting Event 355
3. 为欢迎某位特殊的客人而举行的午宴请柬A Luncheon in Honour of a Special Guest 355
4. 几位妇女联合举行的大型的、隆重的宴会请柬A Large and Elaborate Luncheon Given by Two or More Women 357
三、聚会请柬及回柬Party Invitations and Acknowledgments 358
1. 正式桥牌午宴请柬For a Formal Bridge Luncheon 358
2. 正式酒会请柬For a Formal Cocktail Party 359
3. 茶会请柬Formal Tea Parties 359
1. 舞会请柬A Dance Invitation 361
四、舞会请柬及回柬Dance Invitations and Acknowledgments 361
2. 怎样写正式舞会请柬的回柬How to Acknowledge a Formal Dance Invitation 362
3. 取消或推迟正式舞会的请柬Recall or Postponement of a Formal Dance Invitations 363
4. 募捐舞会和慈善事业舞会A Subscription Dance and Charity Ball 363
五、婚礼请柬及通知书Wedding Invitations and Announcements 365
1. 教堂婚礼The Church Wedding 369
2. 允许进入教堂的卡片Church Admission Card 373
3. 家庭婚礼The Home Wedding 373
4. 结婚通知书Wedding Aunouncements 375
5. 随结婚通知书一起寄去的“家庭地址”卡片Enclosing At Home Cards with the Announcements 378
6. 特殊情况下的婚礼请柬Wedding Invitations for Special and Unusual Circumstances 379
7. 取消婚礼请柬Recalling a Wedding Invitation 385
8. 怎样写婚礼请柬的回柬How to Acknowledge Wedding Invitations 386
1. 邀请出席工业展览会的请柬An Invitation of an Inauguration of an Industrial Exhibition 388
六、其他请柬Other Invitations 388
2. 外贸部长举行宴会的请柬An Invitation of the Minister of Foreign Trade 389
3. 出口商品交易会的招待会请柬An Invitation of an Export Commodities Fair 390
第六章 电报Telegram 391
一、社交电报Social Telegrams 393
1. 贺电Message of Congratulations 393
2. 唁电Message of Condolences 394
3. 聘请电Telegram of Appointment 395
参考用语Reference Expressions 395
二、商用电报Business Telegrams 396
1. 询问Inquiries 397
2. 回复Replies 397
5. 致歉Offering Regrets 398
4. 谢绝Refusal 398
3. 致谢Gratitude 398
6. 提请注意Reminding of Matters Needing Attention 399
7. 友好往来Exchanging of Friendly Visits 399
三、私人电报Personal Telegrams 400
1. 告病危Informing sb. Critically Ill 400
2. 告平安Informing sb Everything Well 400
3. 接人Meeting Wanted 401
4. 汇款Remittence 401
5. 祝贺Congratulations 401
6. 致谢Extending Thanks to 402
7. 悼念Condolences 402
8. 其他The Others 402
1. 外交照会Diplomatic Note 403
第七章 公文Offcial Documents 403
一、外交公文Diplomatic Documents 403
2. 条约Treaty 407
二、普通公文Ordinary Official Documents 411
(一) 合同Contract 411
(二) 备忘录Memorandum 416
(三) 介绍信Letter of Introduction 421
(四) 奖状Certificate of Commendation 422
第八章 通告、公告Notice and Proclamation 424
一、通告Notice 424
(一) 商业通告Business Notice 424
1. 成立新公司Establishment of a New Corporation 424
2. 公司更名 Change of Name 426
3. 合并Notice Announcing to Form a New Firm 427
4. 迁址Relocation Notice 428
5. 招标Invitation to Bid 429
(二) 一般通告Ordinary Notice 432
1. 启用新的列车时刻表Notice Announcing a New Timetable Coming into Effect 432
2. 游泳池对外开放Swimming Pool Be Opened to Public 433
3. 电影院暂停开放Cinema Be Closed for Repairs 434
4. 影剧、电视节目预告Notice on Screen, Stage, and TV Programmes 434
5. 举办展览会Openning an Exhibition 437
二、公告Proclamation 438
1. 选举结果公告Proclamation of Election Results 438
2. 会议新闻公报Press Communiqu? 438
一、证明书Certificate 440
1. 身份证明Identity Certificate 440
第九章 证明书和公证书Certificates 440
2. 入学证明Enrollement Certificate 441
3. 毕业证明Graduation Certificate 442
4. 病情诊断书Medical Certificate 442
二、公证书Notarized Certificate 443
1. 出生证明Birth Certificate 443
2. 死亡证明Death Certificate 444
3. 学历证明Schooling Record Certificate 445
4. 简历证明Resume Certificate 446
第十章 便条Notes 448
一、请假条Written Request for Leave 449
1. 请病假Asking for Sick Leave 449
2. 请事假Asking for Business Leave 450
二、留言条Notes Left 451
3. 续假Asking for an Extension of Leave 451
1. 通知会议延期Informing the Meeting Put Off 452
2. 约友相聚Asking a Friend to Call 453
3. 专访不遇留言Message to One Who Is Out 453
4. 邀医生就诊Asking a Doctor to Come 454
5. 代接电话留言Message to One Who Is Wanted on the Phone 455
6. 商谈参观游览Discuss the Plan of Going Sightseeing 456
7. 送票、券附言Message With Tickets Presentation 457
8. 催还图书Asking to Return the Books 458
9. 黑板留言Notes On the Visitor s Board 459
第十一章 启事、海报、通知Notice and Poster 460
一、启事Notice 460
1. 遗失启事Lost 460
2. 招领启事Found 461
4. 更正启事Corrections 463
3. 征稿启事Contribution Wanted 463
5. 征求意见Notice Soliciting Opinions From the Readers 465
6. 其他The Others 466
二、海报Poster 466
1. 讲座Lecture 467
2. 足球赛Football Match 467
3. 篮球赛Basketball Match 468
4. 戏剧Drama 469
5. 演奏会Recital 470
6. 电影消息Film News 471
7. 文艺晚会Literary and Artistic Evening Performance 472
三、通知Notice 473
1. 举办报告会Notice About a Report Meeting 474
2. 召开会议Meeting Notice 475
3. 听传达报告Notice About a Relayed Report 475
4. 汇报演出Notice Announcing a Report Performance 476
5. 安排参观活动Notice About a Visit 477
6. 通知参观活动延期Notice Announcing a Visit Put Off 478
第十二章 广告宣传Advertisement 479
一、询登广告Inquiries About Advertising 479
二、业务介绍Recommending Business Lines and Services on the Paper 481
1. 书店Bookshop 481
2. 文物商店Antiquty Store 482
3. 工艺美术公司Arts and Crafts Corporation 483
4. 机器制造厂Machinery Works 485
1. 中国日报China Daily 488
三、报刊书籍Papers, Periodicals and Books 488
2. 中国企业China Enterprise 491
3. 线装本图书Thread-Bound Books 493
四、日常用品Daily Necessities 494
1. 防感牙膏Cold Prevention Dental Cream 494
2. 衣箱、袋Suitcases and Bags 495
3. 地毯Carpets 496
五、衣着服饰Clothes and Adornments 498
1. 羊绒衫Cashmere Sweaters 498
2. 男装Men s Wear 499
3. 童装Children s Wear 500
六、食品饮料Food and Drinks 501
1. 北京烤鸭Beijing Roast Duck 501
3. 葡萄汽酒Pu Tao Chee Chiew 502
2. 朱古力Chocolates 502
七、医药补品Medicine and Tonic 504
1. 鱼肝油Fish Liver Oil 504
2. 青春宝Qing ChunBao 505
八、机械产品Machinery Products 507
1. 圆盘犁片Discs 507
2. 侧面叉车Sideloader 508
九、其他Others 509
1. 招聘人员Wanted 509
2. 房间出租Rooms to Let 510
第十三章 常见说明书Common Directions 512
一、电子器件Electonic Device 512
1. 液晶电子计算机Electronic Caculator 512
2. 收录两用机Radio Cassatte Recorder 518
1. 拉丝机Wire Drawing Machine 519
二、农工机械Agricultural Machinery and Other Machine Tool 519
2. 喷灌机组Sprinkler Set 520
三、药品Medicines 522
1. 密环片Mihuanpian 522
2. 散利痛Saridon 525
服药缩写词Abbreviations 528
第十四章 单据、表格Bills and Forms 529
一、条据I.O.U.and Receipt Forms 529
1. 借条Forms of I.O.U 530
2. 收据Forms of Receipts 531
二、货运单据Shipping Documents 532
1. 售货确认书Sales Confirmation 532
2. 装货单Shipping Order 536
3. 提货单Bill of Lading 538
4. 装箱单Packing List 541
5. 收货单Mate s Receipt 542
6. 品质证明书Certificate of Quality 544
7. 保险单Policy 545
三、表格Forms 546
1. 出境旅客行李物品申报单Baggage Declaration for Outgoing Passengers 547
2. 履历表Resume 549
3. 住宿登记表Registration Form of Residence 551
4. 长途电话挂号单Booking Ticket of Long Distance Telephone Call 552
5. 中国国际旅行社旅行委托书China International Travel Service Booking Form 553
6. 征求意见表Form Seeking Comments and Suggetion From Guests 555
7. 留学生入学申请表International Student Application for Admission 556
8. 留学生经济状况登记表International Student Form for Finacial Status 566
9. 成绩通知单Crade Report 569
四、订单及其他Subscription Form and Others 571
1. 订阅单Subscription Form 572
2. 预防接种证书Certificates of Vaccination 575
3. 发票Voucher 578
4. 名片Visiting Card 579
第十五章 公共揭示和标志Public Signs and Marks 583
一、公共揭示Public Signs 583
1. 揭示用语Signs 583
2. 公共场所名称Names of Public Places 587
3. 货物装箱标志Marks and Signs on Parking-boxes 588
二、国际交往常见标志和图徽Signs and Emblems Common Sight in Internationally Intercourse 590
1. 国外道路标牌Road Signs in Foriegn Countries 590
2. 国际主要航空班机机徽Emblems on Main Scheduled Flights on International Lines 592
3. 国外主要行业标志Emblems of Main Trades in Foreign Countries 595
4. 其他标志和图徽Other Emblems 600
第十六章 其他Miscellaneous 605
一、致辞Speeches 605
1. 欢迎辞Welcoming Speeches 605
2. 欢送辞Send-off Speech 607
3. 告别辞Farewell Speech 608
4. 祝酒辞Toast Speech 609
5. 悼辞Memorial Speeches 611
二、规章制度Rules and Regulations 614
1. 旅客须知Notice for Pssengers 615
2. 海关准许携带物品限量Limited Quantity of Article Allowed By Customs to Be Carried 620
附录(Appendix) 627
一、各种书信的信封书写形式及书信的开端用语Forms of Addressnig the Envelope and Beginning the Letter 627
二、商业书信参考用语和一般商业用语、略语Reference Phrases and Sentences in Business Letters and Common Commercial Expressions and Abbreviations 648
三、常用电报术语及略语Common Telegraphic Terms and Abbreviations 677
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