- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李萤,周令仪编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:1985
- ISBN:7218·165
- 页数:281 页
1.Farm Life in the United States 1
(Structural Items:Of course life keeps changing for everyone,including farmers.They learned to try new methods,…) 1
2.Winter Farm Scene 5
(Structural Items:Fred White is driving his horses homefrom the field.Fred expects to be home by six o clock.) 5
3.A Visit to the Hospital 9
(Structural Items:He and Jesse talked for a while,andthen Betty and Dave Watson came in.The small room was becoming too crowded.) 9
4.Christmas 13
(Structural Items:Their mother has baked them a very largeand rich Christmas cake.Tomorrow she will take them out shoppingin the High Street.She is going to buy them new clothes forChristmas.) 13
5.The Perfect Pearl 17
(Structural Items:An elegantly dressed man entered a famousjewelry shop one day.The price didn t matter,since business hadbeen particularly good for him that year.) 17
6.Will You Come to the Cinema? 21
(Structural Items:He went over his instructions in his mind.The agent would appeat at four o clock.) 25
7.Getting the Plans 25
resting?) 25
I have been working all day and I m tired. 25
(Structural Items:I m having a rest. 25
Will you tell me when you have finished 25
8.Four Holiday-Makers 29
(Structural Items:The boat “Suffolk Owl” has arrived at alittle town in Wales.…,and Mary has nearly all the birdpictures she wanted.)Revision Exercises 33
9.Modern Examinations 40
(Structural Items:The written examination was probablynot known until the nineteenth century.Two types of tests are commonly used inmodern schools.) 40
(Structural Item:An old section of the city has recentlybeen restored.) 44
10.A Slum Area 44
11.Community Theatre 47
(Structural Items:The group might have to choose a buildingthat has been used for other things.Heating and air conditioning will beneeded.) 47
12.Problems in Poor Countries and in Rich Countries 50
(Structural Items:New farming methods must be introduced.Something will have to be done about theseproblems,too.)Revision Exercises 52
A.Infinitive 55
13.Martin Baker and His Family 55
(Structural Items:I bought myself some overalls so as not to getpaint on my clothes.I borrowed a book about painting,so as toavoid making mistakes.) 58
14.Painting My Kitchen 58
He is not well enough to go to work.) 58
(Structural Items:He is too old to do any work. 58
15.Vacation Plans 61
(Structural Items:Mrs Bell wants to visit her sister in Florida.She wants her husband to go with her.) 61
16.In Another Country 64
(Structural Items:It is interesting to visit another country.We may not know how to buy the things weneed.) 64
17.Lily and Norah 67
(Structural Items:When do you expect to finish your work,Norah?I hope to have finished it by the timeyou get back.) 67
(Structural Items:I found it very strange not to have to go tothe office any more.It had been my habit to take work backhome very often.I am sorry to say that this failure tofind something to interest me began toget me down.) 70
18.After I Retired 70
19.Witness to a Robbery 74
(Structural Item:I heard somebody get out.) 77
B.Verbs in-ing/-ed Form 77
20.My Parents 77
(Structural Item:My parents both liked nature and theoutdoors and were fond of walking,gardening,and swimming.) 77
21.Life Is Possible Without Television! 80
(Structural Item:We certainly don t spend our eveningsstaring at the walls.) 80
22.“I m Losing My Bag.” 83
home from market,most of them carrying 86
heavy bags and baskets.) 86
The bus was crowded with passengers going 86
Revision Exercises 86
(Structural Items:There was no seat left. 86
ticket had gone. 86
containing all her money and her return 86
The chocolate was there,but her wallet 86
A.Noun Clauses 89
23.Plastics for Everyone 89
(Structural Item:That a person could live in the modern worldwithout synthetic substances is probablypossible.) 89
24.A Speech 92
(Structural Item:I am quite sure you all know why I have askedfor your attention for a moment,and what I amgoing to say.) 92
25.Which Bus Goes to the Zoo? 95
(Structural Items:Could you tell me which bus goes to the zoo?That s what the man said.)B.Attributive Clauses 95
26.A Child Who Could Not See,Hear or Speak 99
(Structural Item:The person who changed Helen s world washer teacher.) 99
(Structural Item:Yet there are three days which are usuallymarked by some kind of special ceremony.) 103
27.Three Great Events 103
(Structural Items:Edison was the first to make an instrumentwhich actually worked.He built a laboratory at Menlo Park,where he had gone to live.)C.Adverbial Clauses 107
28.Edison the Inventor 107
29.Some Experiences of a Newspaper Writer 111
(Structural Item:As soon as they were in the air,Mr.Pagetook some pictures out of his briefcase.)D.Conditional Clauses and Subjunctive Mood 111
30.What Should We Do? 116
(Structural Items:What can we do if we go down there?If it weren t raining,we could play football.) 116
31.Send for the Doctor 119
(Structural Items:If I m not better tomorrow morning I shan tcome to the office.If I had five pounds for each of my patientswho has flu,or thinks he has,I shouldbe a rich man.If Susan had been really ill,the doctor wouldhave sent her to 119
32.Going to Hawaii 123
(Structural Items:I wish I were going,but I can t. 125
I recommend that you go by ship if you can. 125
It s probably important that they be small 125
so they won t use up too much fuel.) 125
Revision Exercises 125
33.Go Boating 129
(Structural Item:On a sunny day in August Roger andSusan drove to a riverside town.) 129
A.Prepositions 129
34.An Adventure 132
(Structural Item:Jeremy and Wendy,who were staying 135
at Ben s farm,decided to walk to a village 135
five miles away.) 135
35.An Old Friend from California 135
(Structural Item:An old friend from California,who wasgoing to spend a few days with me,calledfrom the airport to tell me that he hadarrived.)B.Link Verbs 135
36.Poor George 138
C.Modal Auxiliary Verbs 141
37.Packing Luggage 141
(Structural Items:The leaves are turning brown. 141
Now he is growing discontented.) 141
(Structural Item:We can help you pack later.) 145
38.Meeting Mary on Sunday 145
(Structural Item:You must have played tennis in the after-noon.) 145
39.The First Food Cooked 148
(Structural Item:It might even have fallen into the fire.)D.Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs 148
(Structural Items:My father was eight years older than mymother and taller and thinner.He was built as straight as an arrow.) 151
(Structural Item:It might even have fallen into the fire.)D.Comparison of Adjectives and AdverbsOther? 151
40.Do My Parents Look and Behave Like Each 151
41.A Plane Ride 154
(Structural Items:The houses are getting smaller and smaller.The higher you climb,the colder it gets,youknow.)E.There… 154
42.A Large Open Square 157
(Structural Items:There is a church at one end of the square.There are wide walks going around it.) 157
43.The Great Fire of London 159
(Structural Items:There was one large bridge across theRiver Thames.There were many attractive churches andimportant buildings.) 159
(Structural Item:There grows a very pretty blue flower onour mountain.)F.Imperative Sentences 163
44.On Our Mountain 163
45.How to Make a Telephone Call 166
(Structural Item:First find the number of the person youwant to ring.) 166
46.Remember! 169
(Structural Items:Never swim alone. 172
Be sure that the water is deep enough.) 172
G.It 172
47.Mary and Bill 172
(Structural Items:I must say it s nice living in the country.It isn t very easy to do the shopping.It s a pity(that)they don t have decentshoes locally.)H.Direct Speech and Indirect Speech 176
48.A Visit to London 176
Is it far to go? 176
It s getting late.) 176
(Structural Items:Isn t it very cold out? 176
49.A Dialogue Between John and Columbus 179
(Structural Items:John:What are you doing now,Mr. 183
Columbus? 183
—John asked Mr.Columbus what 183
he was doing then. 183
John:Did many of your men get sea-sick 183
coming over to the New World? 183
—John asked if/whether many of 183
his men had got sea-sick coming 183
over to the New World.) 183
Ⅰ.Have…done Get…to do 183
50.June s Wedding 183
(Structural Items:She has had her beautiful wedding dressdesigned.He has got his gardener to tidy the wholegarden.)KEY TO EXERCISES 185
参考译文 240
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