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  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:吴力新,陶亮采主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
  • 出版年份:1993
  • ISBN:7111036433
  • 页数:129 页

Unit One 1

Test A Age and Creativity 1

Test B Jack-of-age-trades and Renaissance Man 4

Test C A Teen-age Science Contest 5

Unit Two 7

Test A Ia Your Child in Good Health? 7

Test B Dyslexia 9

Test C Lead Level in the Blood 10

Test A Ekectronic Pictures for Tesching Medicine 12

Unir Three 12

Test B Growth Factors 14

Test C A New Device for Transplanting Organs 16

Uint Four 18

Test A Shyness 18

Test B How to Train the Blind 20

Test C Keeping Pets 21

Unit Five 23

Test A A Report on the World's Wild Aress 23

Test B The Study of Oceans 25

Test C National Hurricane Center 27

Unit Six 28

Test A Visit to Planer Mars 28

Test B Environmntal Problems 30

Test C The Destruction of Ozone 31

Unit Seven 34

Test A Temperatures in 1990 34

Test B How the Gulf War Affects the Environment 36

Test C Plastic Wastes 37

Test A Saving Wild Animals with Advanced Techniques 40

Unit Eight 40

Test B The Frogs and Toads Mystery 42

Test C The Fate of Some Rare Animals 44

Unit Nine 46

Test A The Mobile Staellite Communication System 46

Test B A Rader System for Observing Space Junk 48

Test C Teleoperators 50

Test B A Good Why to Store Cement 50

Unit Ten 52

Test A Aquarus -An Underwater Reseach Center 52

Test B The Jaipur Foot 54

Test C The First Patent Animal 55

Test A Heat Recovery Systems 58

Unit Eleven 58

Test C Computer Programs for Population Planning 61

Unit Twelve 64

Test A Solar-powered Water Pumps 64

Test B Wind-resistand Blockhouses 66

Unit Thirteem 70

Test A No-till Faiming 70

Test B A New way to Proauce Gotion Fibers 72

Test C Alternative Agriculture System 72

Test A Prodcing Electricity from Cattle Wastes 75

Test B How to Build aSimple Incubator 77

Test C How to Increace the Production of Male Catfish 79

Unit Fifteen 81

Test A The Effects of Restricled Eating 81

Test B Why Left-handed people Are More Vulnerable to Accidents 83

Test C Breat-fedd Your Baby 84

Unit Sisteen 86

Test A The New Electric Car 86

Test B Fractogenometry 88

Test C Disputing the Theory of ZFY Gene 90

Unit Seventeen 92

Test A Where X-ray Radiation in the Sky Comes from 92

Test B The Study of Tree Rings 94

Test C TheVillage Telephone System 97

Test C Watching Migratong Birds with Wearther Radar 100

Unit Nineteen 103

Test A Urban Archaeobogy 103

Test B A Threat to Ancient Treasures 105

Test C The Oldest Floewer Ever Found 106

Unit Twenty 108

Test A Compact Disks 108

Test B Compton's Multimedia Encyclopacdia 110

Test C What New Computers Can Show You 112

AppendixⅠ:Key to Exercises (Units 1-20) 114

Appendix Ⅱ:Chinese Translstion of Tests A(Units1-20) 117

Unit Fourteen 785
