- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:曾宪宇编著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:1993
- ISBN:7302011443
- 页数:258 页
CONTENTSSelection1.Thunderstorms 3
2.The Human Heart 4
3.The Human Brain 6
4.Great Discoveries and Inventions 8
5.Molecules 10
6.Migration 11
7.Mercury:A Poison Encountered in Industry 14
8.Bamboo 15
9.The Three States of Matter 17
10.Archimedes's Principle 18
11.Speed in the Supermarket 21
12.Reproduction of Salmon 22
13.Plants 24
14.A Valley of Death and Prosperity 26
15.A Plan for Manhattan Traffic 28
16.A New Theory of Dental Care by R.V.Tait 30
17.The Powerful Influence of Weather 32
18.Food Chains 34
19.Rocks 36
20.Intelligence 38
21.Plastic Surgery 40
22.Carnivorous Plants 41
23.Changes in Telephones and Television 43
24.Our Neighbours in Space 45
25.Food Personalities 47
26.The Polar Regions 49
27.Conditioning 51
28.Obesity Research 53
29.How Pencils Are Made 55
30.Two Vital Elements 57
31.Water Pollution 59
32.Credit Cards 61
33.The Biological Clock 65
34.The Preservation of Food(Part 1) 66
35.The Preservation of Food(Part 2) 68
36.Climate and Vegetation 70
37.Why Didn't the Iceberg Sink to the Bottom of the Sea? 73
38.The Earth and the Sun 74
39.Alcohol 77
40.Six Essential Foodstuffs for the Body 79
41.Spare Parts for the Human Body 82
42.About Lefties 84
43.Elephants 87
44.A City Is Dying 90
45.Black Gold 93
46.Laser-Technology for the Future 95
47.Earthquakes 97
48.Bees 99
49.Penicillin 101
50.Television 103
51.Color 104
52.Noise 107
53.“Stop the world,I want to get off” 110
54.Amazing Partnerships in Nature 112
55.The Psychology of Money 115
56.What Will the Future Be? 117
57.Galileo 120
Glossary 125
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Key to Exercises 247
Appendix 254
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