第一证书英语教程 英汉对照本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)Ona Low编;唐述宗译注
- 出 版 社:合肥:安徽科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:1986
- ISBN:7533700783
- 页数:342 页
Preface 1
Composition Writing 1
Improving your Compositions 2
Spoken English 4
1 Never Trust Appearances 人不可以貌相 11
Notes on the passage 11
Spoken English 16
Reading comprehension 18
Compositition:Sentences 19
Use of English 19
Interview 20
General guidance and Practice 23
KEY 31
2 Settling Down in England 定居英国 36
Notes on the passage 36
Spoken English 41
Reading comprehension 44
Composition:Sentences 46
Ues of English 47
Interview 48
General guidance and practice 51
KEY 56
3 An Irish Wedding 爱尔兰人的婚礼 62
Notes on the passage 62
Spoken English 68
Reading comprehension 69
Composition:Narrative 71
Use of English 73
Interview 74
General guidance and Practice 77
KEY 83
4 A Gentie Nightmare 温和的梦魇 87
Notes on the passage 87
Spoken English 94
Reading comprehension 96
Composition:Description 97
Use of English 98
Interview 100
General guidance and practice 103
KEY 108
5 Shelter for the Night 投宿 113
Notes on the Passage 113
Spoken English 119
Reading comprehsion 121
Composition:Explanations 123
Use of English 124
Interview 126
General guidance and Practice 130
KEY 138
6 Fear for Company 为交往而担惊受怕 145
Notes on the Passage 145
Spoken English 150
Readiong comprehension 152
Composition:Dialogues 154
Use of English 155
Interview 156
General guidance and practice 160
KEY 166
7 Originality is Not Everything 别出心裁并非最重要的 172
Notes on the passage 172
Spoken English 179
Reading comprehension 180
Composition:Letter writing 182
Use of English 185
Interview 186
General guidan and practice 189
KEY 201
8 Pity for a Stranger 对一个陌生人的同情 205
Notes on the passage 205
Spoken English 210
Reading comprehension 211
Composition:Business letters 213
Use of English 215
Interview 217
General guidance and practice 221
KEY 228
9 Picnic in the Dining Room 餐厅里的野餐 235
Notes on the Passage 235
Spoken English 239
Reading comprehension 240
Composition:Giving instructions 243
Use of English 245
Interview 247
General guidance and practice 250
KEY 260
10 Ghosts for Tea “鬼”诱茶客 266
Notes on the passage 266
Spoken English 269
Reading comprehension 271
Composition:Various subjects 273
Use of English 273
Interview 275
General guidance and practice 280
KEY 287
11 Related Talents 一脉相承的才华 293
Notes on the Passage 293
Spoken English 298
Reading comprehension 299
Composition:Various subjects 301
Use of English 302
Interview 304
General guidance and practice 309
KEY 320
12 Bitter Memories 辛酸的回忆 328
Notes on the passage 328
Common mistakes 334
Index 340
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