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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:曾敏主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京邮电大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7563503609
  • 页数:268 页
上一篇:体育百科大全 20下一篇:徒手抗暴术
标签:高一 主编

1.for the first time与the first time有何区别?(L.1) 1

2.at the beginning of与in the beginning能通用吗?(L.1) 1

3.如何使用“So was my friend Bob White.”这一句型?(L.1) 1

4.come on有几种用法?(L.1) 3

5.如何理解“What was the nicest part of yourholiday in your opinion?”?(L.1) 3

6.go on doing sth.,go on to do sth.,go on with sth.有何区别?(L.2) 4

7.“Although the farm is large,my Dad has onlytwo men working for him.”句中的have是什么动词?怎样使用它?(L.2) 5

8.如何使用have to?(L.2) 6

9.like,enjoy与prefer都有“喜爱”的意思,它们在使用时有何区别?(L.4) 6

10.英文的书信格式怎样?(L.4) 7

11.before与ago有何不同?(L.5) 9

12.what引导的从句可以分为几种情况?(L.5) 10

13.句子“Before you leave the lab,make sure theelectricity is turned off and the windows are shut.”中的make sure,turn off和shut如何使用?(L.5) 10

14.finally,at last和in the end用法相同吗?(L.5) 11

15.“He was a little man with thick glasses,buthe had a strange way of making his classeslively and interesting.”一句中的with,way,making怎么理解?(L.6) 12

16.如何使用instead of?(L.6) 13

17.“The mixture tasted terrible.”中的taste是何种动词?(L.6) 14

18.如何正确使用none和enough?(L.6) 15

19.如何分析“The finger I put into my mouth wasnot the one I had dipped into the cup.”?(L.6) 16

20.在“have difficulty(in)doing sth.”词组中,difficulty是可数名词还是不可数名词?(L.9) 17

21.“When do you take next exams?”这句为什么用一般现在时?(L.9) 18

22.形容词sorry能用作定语吗?它有哪些用法?(L.9) 18

23.英国英语和美国英语有哪些区别?(L.10) 19

24.如何理解know,know of与know about?(L.10) 21

25.however有哪些含义?(L.10) 21

26.几乎每课中都能看到to,它大概有哪些用法?(L.10) 22

27.如何使用a great many,right away与and so on?(L.10) 23

28.如何使用too,also和either?(L.11) 24

29.no more与no longer的区别是什么?(L.11) 25

30.动词find后接复合结构有哪些类型?(L.12) 25

31.“American English is a little different from BritishEnglish.”中的a little意思是什么?(L.12) 26

32.怎样理解“Jane and Betty are going on separateholidays in a few days time.”这一句?(L.13) 27

34.near,by,beside,at这四个词都可以表示“在……旁”,有何区别?(L.14) 28

33.“Do give her my regards.”中的do是什么词?(L.13) 28

35.smell有哪些用法?(L.14) 29

36.能用现在分词作宾补的动词有哪些?(L.14) 29

37.“This afternoon I was just about to go swimmingwhen luckily our guide saw me and shouted at me.”中的when是什么词性?(L.14) 29

38.except,besides和but的用法有哪些不同?(1.14) 30

39.“They move on to a new place every twoor three years.”中的every是什么意思?(L.15) 31

40.怎样理解句型“It is only about 20 centimetresthick.”?(L.15) 32

41.be made后常与哪些介词连用?(L.15) 32

42.take,spend,pay,cost四个动词的用法结构相同吗?(L.16) 33

43.现在进行时的主要用法有哪些?(L.16) 34

44.怎样理解“He has got lots of questions to ask.”中的has got?(L.17) 35

45.so that引导的从句是目的状语从句还是结果状语从句?(L.17) 36

46.在与in the past few years介词短语连用时,句中的谓语动词用什么时态?(L.18) 37

48.twice a year中的a能省吗?(L.18) 38

47.bring,take,carry,fetch这四个“带”动词的含义是什么?(L.18) 38

49.短暂性动词与时间段的关系是怎样的呢?(L.21) 39

50.英语中表示“穿;戴”的动词put on,wear,have on,dress以及try on用法有什么区别?(L.21) 39

51.引导原因状语从句的because,since,as有什么不同?(L.21) 40

52.请分析一下“We will meet under the clock atthe railway station at 7:00 on Monday morning.”这一句好吗?(L.21) 41

53.如何使用动词agree?(L.22) 42

54.“Not all…”作主语时,句子的意思是全部否定还是部分否定?(L.22) 44

55.as follows是什么意思?(L.24) 44

56.“What…like?”句型是问什么?(L.25) 45

57.表示“部分”,“大量”,“许多”的短语有哪些?(L.26) 45

59.当as作“在……时候”解时,它与when,while有何异同?(L.26) 47

58.怎样理解“as many as”?(L.26) 47

60.形容词afraid只作表语吗?它有哪些用法?(L.27) 48

61.英语“倍数”是怎样表示的?(L.27) 49

62.定语从句在哪些情况下只能用that引导?(L.28) 50

63.如何理解“What a delicious supper!”这一句子结构?(L.29) 51

64.如何使用offer?(L.29) 52

65.discover与invent有何区别吗?(L.30) 53

66.reach,get to,arrive in,arrive at都有“到达”的意思,如何使用?(L.30) 53

67.如何使用动词prepare?(L.30) 54

68.just now除了“刚才”外还有什么意思?(L.30) 55

70.“whether…or not”能用于几种选择?(L.32) 56

69.“It is said that Christopher Columbus discoveredAmerica.”中的it指什么?(L.32) 56

71.“We must decide which one to buy.”中的one是数词还是代词?(L.33) 57

72.get sb.to do sth.可以换成have sb.do sth.吗?(L.33) 59

73.be able to与cap有区别吗?(L.34) 59

74.at home and abroad之间能加不定冠词吗?(L.34) 60

75.have sports可以写成have a sport吗?(L.37) 60

76.英语中fast,quick,swift都含有“快”的意思,有何区别?(L.38) 61

77.“It means that every athlete should try torun faster,jump higher,and throw further.”中的further是什么意思?它与farther有何区别?(L.38) 62

78.used to与would有何区别?(L.39) 63

79.如何理解“They are talking about the coming weekend.”中的coming?(L.41) 63

80.如何使用动词hear?(L.41) 64

82.had better词组中的had有人称、数和时态的变化吗?(L.41) 65

81.“What kind of music does he sing”中的kind的意思是什么?(L.41) 65

83.如何使用alone与lonely?(L.42) 66

84.如何使用动词appear?(L.42) 66

85.过去完成时的基本用法有哪些?(L.44) 67

86.如何理解“the+比较级…,the+比较级…”这个句型?(L.45) 69

87.sure用法有哪些?(L.45) 69

88.another与other的区别是什么?(L.45) 70

89.如何使用动词do?(L.46) 71

90.怎样理解“be of+名词”结构?(L.46) 74

92.as可以作连词、副词或关系代词用。(L.50) 75

91.“Political leaders fought against slavery.”中的fight后接against与接for,意思是一样的吗?(L.49) 75

“Themuseum where we visited last week is newly built.”这句中的关系代词用错了。where用来指代地点,为什么不行?(L.50) 79

93.在“As a child he used to work hard and help hisfather on the small farm where they lived.”中,where they lived是定语从句还是状语从句? 79

94.在“When she saw that Abraham liked reading,she did all she could to help him.”中含有何种从句?(L.50) 80

95.怎样理解“He spent very little time at school,perhaps no more than a year in all.”?(L.50) 81

96.在“In 1860,Abraham Lincoln became Presidentof the United States.”一句中,President前可以加冠词吗?(L.50) 83

97.如何分析“But the Southern States wantedto set up a country of their own,where they wouldbe free to keep black slaves.”?(L.50) 84

98.break out能用于被动语态吗?(L.50) 85

99.“I will not stop…until….”和“slaves will havetheir freedom.”中will是助动词还是情态动词,句中until有哪些用法?(L.52) 86

100.动词consider有哪些用法?(L.53) 87

101.如何使用suggest?(L.53) 88

103.“That s why you need the lab.”中why-从句能改为because-从句吗?(L.53) 90

102.“You must weigh it carefully.”中的weigh是什么意思?(L.53) 90

104.英语“做实验”有几种译法?(L.53) 91

105.“I try my best to be friendly,but they don tseem kind to me.”中try one s best是什么意思?句中seem有哪些用法?(L.54) 92

106.“This is secret.”中的secret是形容词吗?有几种词性?(L.54) 93

107.reply和answer都有“回答”的意思,它们的用法有区别吗?(L.54) 94

108.worry,worry sb.,worry aboutsb.or sth.,be worried about sb.or sth.有何区别?(L.54) 95

109.什么是过去将来时态?表示将来发生的行为,除了用shall和will之外,还有哪几种形式?(L.55) 96

110.怎样使用动词advise?(L.57) 98

111.in future与in the future有什么区别?(L.57) 99

112.diet和food有什么不同?(L.58) 100

113.如何使用score?(L.59) 101

114.如何使用die of与die from?(L.59) 102

115.problem与question的区别是什么?(L.59) 102

116.如何理解“Which food do you think is healthyand which is unhealthy?”这句话中的do you think?(L.59) 103

117.如何分析“You might get burnt and you mightdrop the pan of burning oil.”?(L.61) 104

118.whole与all意义相同吗?(L.62) 105

119.“When they reached the burning building theyfound that their ladders were not long enough toreach the people who were trapped.”中两个reach的意思是一样的吗?(L.62) 105

120.light一词的用法有哪些?(L.64) 106

121.“Where are you travelling to?”中的where是代词还是副词?(L.65) 107

122.trip与journey有什么区别?(L.65) 108

123.common与usuall的含义相同吗?(L.66) 108

124.形容词alive在句中能充当哪些语法成份?(L.66) 109

125.如何分析“In fact,there are now so many deerthat some are being sent to places which wouldlike to return this kind of deer to the world.”?(L.66) 110

126.如何分析“Some deer hadbeen taken to England,where they were kept in the great park whichbelonged to him.”?(L.66) 110

127.如何使用动词recognize?(L.69) 111

128.如何使用dress?(L.69) 112

129.词组after all有几种含义?(L.69) 113

130.如何使用marry一词?(L.69) 113

131.continue有哪些用法?(L.70) 114

132.“Pierre and I did have a very good time atthe ball.”中Pierre and I可以换成I and Pierre吗?(L.70) 115

133.动词pay能与哪些词搭配?(L.70) 116

134.worth有哪些用法?(L.70) 116

136.复合名词变复数时有多少种情况?(L.73) 117

135.at the most与at most相同吗?(L.70) 117

137.不定式复合结构的逻辑主语前介词为什么有时用for,有时用of?(L.73) 118

138.怎样分析“Mr King,whose legs were badlyhurt,was quickly taken to hospital.”?(L.74) 119

139.如何理解短语“to everyone s surprise”?(L.74) 120

140.lie作“说谎;欺骗”和作“位于;躺”解时,其变化形式相同吗?(1.74) 121

141.promise有哪些用法,它与allow,permit有什么区别?(L.76) 121

142.如何使用关系代词whose?(L.76) 122

143.“back-to-front”是一个单词吗?(L.77) 123

144.如何比较method与way?(L.77) 124

145.现在完成进行时的用法及注意要点是什么?(L.78) 124

147.with复合结构中的第二部分是由什么构成的?有哪些语法功能?(L.79) 127

146.many和much有什么区别?(L.78) 127

148.get on(with sth.)和make progress(with sb.)表达的意思相同吗?(L.81) 128

149.“受凉”,“感冒”译成英语时,cold前面究竟用不用不定冠词a?(L.81) 130

150.force的用法有哪些?(L.82) 130

151.before long与long before有差别吗?(L.82) 131

152.如何使用such…that与so…that?(L.82) 132

153.keep on doing sth.与go on doing sth.,continuedoing sth.的意思是否相同?(L.82) 133

154.如何分析“In the 1870s,when Marx was already in hisfifties,he found it important to study the situationin Russia.”?(L.82) 134

155.谈论某一具体国籍常有几种方式?(L.85) 135

156.怎样理解“The larger of the two islands inBritain,which lies to the east of Ireland.”?(L.86) 136

158.go动词也能作连系动词吗?(L.87) 137

157.specially和especially有什么区别?(L.86) 137

159.表示“大约数”有多少表示法?(L.87) 138

160.“People still keep in touch with each other.”中的keep in touch with是什么意思?(L.87) 139

161.lead a…life短语中的不定冠词a可以省略吗?(L.87) 139

162.like,enjoy,be fond of,love都有“喜爱”、“喜欢”的意思,它们的用法有什么不同?(L.87) 140

163.怎样理解“All the visitors who go therebelieve that it was right that the templewas rescued.”?(L.90) 141

164.如何使用关系代词和关系副词?(L.92) 141

165.如何使用knock?(L.94) 146

166.condition只是可数名词吗?(L.94) 147

167.year after year与year by year有何区别?(L.95) 147

168.除直接引语变间接引语的基本句型外,还应该注意些什么?(L.96) 148

169.“Yes,there must be over two hundred here.”中的must是“必须”的意思吗?(L.97) 149

170.如何理解“Mr Baker replied to the invitation,accepting it.”中的invitation,reply和accept?(L.98) 150

171.joke有哪些用法?(L.98) 152

172.“There must be some mistake.”中的some是“一些”的意思吗?(L.98) 152

173.一些情态动词表示推测的基本用法有哪些?(L.99) 153

174.如何使用“not…but…”?(L.102) 154

175.如何使用manage?(L.102) 154

176.“动词+for oneself”表示什么意思?(L.102) 155

177.如何使用persuade?(L.103) 156

178.come to后面只接动词吗?(L.103) 157

跟踪练习 158

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