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中级实用英语教程  第2册
中级实用英语教程  第2册

中级实用英语教程 第2册PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:池西诚主编;《中级实用英语教程》编委会编
  • 出 版 社:北京:科学技术文献出版社
  • 出版年份:1993
  • ISBN:7502319263
  • 页数:417 页
《中级实用英语教程 第2册》目录


Lesson One 1

The Professions 1

Structure and Pattern Practice The Use of the Adjectives 7

Reading Materials 9

A.Who Invented Roller Skates? 9

B.The Origin of Words 11

C.Casiotone CT-360(Part Ⅰ) 13

Lesson Two 17

Government 17

Structure and Pattern Practice The Degrees of the Adjective 24

Reading Ma terials 26

A.Winston Churchill 26

B.Crossword Puzzles 29

.Casiotone CT-360(Part Ⅱ) 31

Lesson Three 35

Medicine and Health Care 35

Structure and Pattern Practice Common Adverbs 42

Reading Materials 45

A.A Suitable Statue 45

B.The Lorelei 47

C.Casiotone CT-360(Part Ⅲ) 49

Lesson Four 53

Education 53

Structure and Pattern Practice The Use of Indefini te Pronoun 60

Reading Materials 64

A.How Britain's Parliament Makes New Laws 64

B.Honor among Thieves 67


Lesson Five 73

Agriculture 73

Structure and Pat tern Practice Mul tiple-word Verbs 80

Reading Materials 82

A.Sweden 82

B.The Golden Voice 84

C.Computer and Business Profe ssionals 85

Lesson Six 88

Art 88

Structure and Pattern Practice The Use of Some Auxil iary Verbs and Adverbs 96

Reading Materials 100

A.English——a World Language ? 100

B.AMatter of Priorities 104

C.Installation Instructions for New Water Pump 106

Lesson Seven 109

Space Travel(Part Ⅰ) 109

Structure and Pattern Practice The Use of the Auxiliary Verb"to do" 119

Reading Materials 124

A.Space Travel 124

B.Taxi,Mister? 126

C.35mm Auto Focus Camera(Part Ⅰ) 127

Lesson Eight 132

Space Travel(Part Ⅱ) 132

Structure and PatternPractice The Use of the Verb"to be" 144

Reading Materials 148

A.Isambard Kingdom Brunel 148

B.Crime in the Streets 149

C.35mm Auto Focus Camera(Part Ⅱ) 151

Lesson Nine 154

Sam Gogarty's Last Case(Part Ⅰ) 154

Structure and Pattern Practice The Use of the Auxiliary Verb"to haue" 165

Reading Materials 169

A.Education in Britain 169

B.Just a Simple Question 171

C.35mm Auto Focus Camera(Part Ⅲ) 173

Lesson Ten 176

Sam Gogarty's Last Case(Part Ⅱ) 176

Structure and Pattern Practice The Modal Verbs 185

Reading Materials 192

A.How Colour Pictures Get to Our Screens 192

B.The Presents 196

C.Room Air Conditioner CW-701JH 200

Lesson Eleven 206

Man of Courage(Part Ⅰ) 206

Structure and Pattern Practice Some Idiomatic Verb Phrases 217

Reading Materials 222

A.The Loch Ness Monster 222

B.Where Is the Missing Dollar? 225

C.Video Cassette Recorder(Part Ⅰ) 228

Lesson Twelve 233

Man of Courage(Part Ⅱ) 233

Structure and Pattern Practice The Passive Voice 242

Reading Materials 246

A.Yes/No Signals 246

B.Never Before in My Life Had Such a Thing Happened 250

C.Video Cassette Recorder(Part Ⅱ) 254

Lesson Thirteen 259

Man of Courage(Part Ⅲ) 259

Structure and Pattern Practice The Adjective Clause 268

Reading Materials 273

A.Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses 273

B.A Humor Story 276

C.Multi-Purpose Iron(Part Ⅰ) 278

Lesson Fourteen 284

The Time Warp 284

Structure and Pattern Practice The Adverbial Clause(Part Ⅰ) 293

Reading Materials 298

A.Trayel in Space(Part Ⅰ) 298

B.Caught Red Handed 302

C.Multi-Purpose Iron(Part Ⅱ) 303

Lesson Fifteen 307

The World of Computers(Part Ⅰ) 307

Structure and Pattern Practice The Adverbial Clause(Part Ⅱ) 317

Reading Materials 323

A.Travel in Space(Part Ⅱ) 323

B.Funny or Not? 326

C.Sanyo Electric Oven 328

Lesson Sixteen 333

The World of Computers(part Ⅱ) 333

Structure and Pattern Practice The If-Clause 343

Reading Materials 347

A.Summer Time 347

B.The Wrong Time 351

C.ARKON-14 Quality Electronic Flash 353

Lesson Seventeen 358

Our Friends in the Sea(Part Ⅰ) 358

Structure and Pattern Practice The Object Clause 370

Reading Materials 374

A.The World Cup 374

B.Mr Baker in Trouble 379

C.Toshiba Refrigerator Operating Instructions 382

Lesson Eighteen 390

Our Friends in the Sea(Part Ⅱ) 390

Structure and Pattern Practice The Use of Some Sentence Connectors 401

Reading Materials 406

A.Alaska 406

B.A Fish Story 408

CPortable Typewriter Operating Instructions 412
