- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:童永生著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:1997
- ISBN:7030060334
- 页数:256 页
一、前言 1
二、化石地点概况 3
三、研究方法和约定 14
四、分类记述 17
食虫目INSECTIVORA Illiger,1811 17
鼩形亚目SoricomorphaGregory,1910(Saban,1954) 17
昌乐鼩科Changlelestidae Tong et Wang,1993 17
齿鼩亚科TupaiodontinaeButler,1988 17
莱氏鼬鼩Ictopidi umlecheiZdansky,1930 17
似莱氏鼬鼩Ictopiaium cf.lechei Zdansky,1930 22
夜鼩科Nyctitheriidae Simpson,1928 23
邱氏垣曲鼩(新属、新种)yuanqulestesqiui gen.et sp.nov 23
一些食虫类的臼前齿 25
食虫目??INSECTIVORA I1liger,1811 26
无跟鼩科Apternodontidae Matthew,1910 26
似无跟鼩未定种cf.Apternodus sp 26
无跟鼩科??Apternodontidae Matthew,1910 27
齐氏类无跟鼩(新属、新种)Iconapternodus qii gen.et sp.nov 27
似类无跟鼩未定种I cf.Iconapternodussp.I 29
似类无跟鼩未定种Ⅱ cf.Iconapternodus sp.Ⅱ 29
古鼫科PalaeoryctidaeWinge,1917 29
秦岭新鼫(新属、新种)Neoryctes qinlingensis gen.et sp.nov 29
翼手目CHIROPTERA Blumenbach,1779 32
小蝙蝠亚目Microchiroptera Dobson,1875 32
古蝠科Palaeochiropterygidae Revilliod,1917 32
谢氏石蝠(新属、新种)Lapichiropteryx xiei gen.et sp.nov 32
石蝠未定种Lapichiropteryx sp 37
初蝠科Archaeonycterididae Revilliod,1917 38
类蝠?未定种Icaronycteris?sp 38
初蝠科?属种未定?Archaeorycterididae indet 38
小蝙蝠亚目属种未定Microchiroptera indet 40
灵长目PRIMATES Linnaeus,1758 41
曙猿科Eosimiidae Beard,Qi,et al.,1994 41
世纪曙猿Eosimias centennicus Beard,Tong,et al.,1996 41
似世纪曙猿Eosimias cf.centennicus Beard,Tong,et al.,1996 45
西瓦兔猴科Sivaladapidae Thomas et Verma,1979 46
黄河猴亚科Hoanghoniinae Gingerich,Holroyd et Ciochon,1994 46
吴氏任村猴(新种)Rencunius wui sp.nov 46
兔猴科属种未定Adapidae indet 49
灵长目??PRIMATES Linnaeus,1758 50
肖豕猴科?属种未定?Microsyopidae indet 50
兔形目LAGOMORPHA Brandt,1855 50
兔科Leporidae Gray,1821 50
石皮沟壮兔Strenulagus shipigouensis Tong et Lei,1987 50
壮兔?未定种Strenulagus?sp 54
洛河卢氏兔Lushilagus lohoensis Li, 1965 54
丹江卢氏兔?Lushilagus?danjiangensis Tong et Lei,1987 54
沙漠兔未定种Shamolagus sp 56
似中间沙漠兔Shamolagus ef.medius Burke,1941 57
戈壁兔未定种Gobiolagus sp 57
兔科??Leporidae Gray,1821 57
雅致双峰兔(新属、新种)Dituberolagus venustus gen.et sp.nov 57
始新世兔形类的分化 60
啮齿目RODENTIA Bowdich,1821 62
壮鼠超科Ischyromyoidea Wood,1937 62
壮鼠科??Ischyromyidae Alston,1876 62
始似古鼠(新种)cf.Hulgana eoertnia sp.nov 62
似古鼠未定种cf.Hulgana sp 62
壮鼠科?属种未定?Ischyromyidae indet 63
圆柱齿鼠科Cylindrodentidae Miller et Gidley,1918 64
似迈索鼠未定种cf.Mysops spp 64
东方圆柱齿鼠(新属、新种)Orientocylindrodon liguanqiaoensis gen.et sp.nov 66
似类真鼠未定种cf.Pareumys sp 67
小结 69
梳趾鼠超科Ctenodactyloidea Tullberg,1899 69
似鼠科Tamquammyidae Shevyreva,1984 69
似鼠亚科(新亚科)Tamquammyinae subf.nov 70
双棘似鼠(新种)Tamquammys dispinorum sp.nov 71
景文强鼠(新属、新种)Viriosomys jingweni gen.et sp.nov 74
秦岭鼠亚科(新亚科)Tsinlingomyinae subf.nov 75
杨氏秦岭鼠Tsinlingomys youngi Li,1963 75
淅川传夔鼠(新属、新种)Chuankueimys xichuanensis gen.et sp.nov. 78
塔塔鼠科Tataromyidae Bohlin,1946 81
渑池原塔塔鼠(新属、新种)Protataromys mianchiensis gen.et sp.nov 82
垣曲原塔塔鼠(新属、新种)Protataromys yuanquensis gen.et sp.nov 83
豫鼠科Yuomyidae Dawson,Li et Qi,1984 85
豫鼠亚科(新亚科)Yuomyinae subf.nov 86
豚豫鼠Yuomys cavioides Li,1975 86
皇冠鼠亚科(新亚科)Stelmomyinae subf.nov 86
似步氏塞依卡鼠Saykanomys cf.bohlini(Dawson,1964) 87
小皇冠鼠(新属、新种)Stelmomys parvus gen.et sp.nov 89
钝齿灰鼠(新种)Boromys obtusus sp.nov 91
短枝灰鼠(新种)Boromys brachyblastus sp.nov 92
深裂学诗鼠(新属、新种)Xueshimys dissectus gen.et sp.nov 93
珍鼠亚科(新亚科)Zoyphiomyinae subf.nov 95
珍鼠(新属)Zoyphiomys gen.nov 95
中国珍鼠(新属、新种)Zoyphiomys sinensis gen.et sp.nov 95
大珍鼠(新属、新种)Zoyphiomys grandis gen.et sp.nov 97
龙门细鼠(新属、新种)Zodiomys longmensis gen.et sp.nov 98
倾斜类滇鼠(新属、新种)Anadianomys declivis gen.et sp.nov 100
似倾斜类滇鼠Anadianomys cf.declivis 101
亚洲始新世梳趾鼠类地史分布 102
鼠型超科Muroidea Miller et Gidley,1918 108
仓鼠科Cricetidae Rochebrune,1883 108
祖仓鼠亚科(新亚科)Pappocricetodontinae subf.nov 108
祖仓鼠Pappocricetodon Tong,1992 108
绍氏祖仓鼠Pappocricetodon schaubi(Zdansky,1930) 108
任村祖仓鼠Pappocricetodon rencunensis Tong,1992 111
锥齿古亚鼠(新属、新种)Palasiomys conulus gen.et sp.nov 114
罕仓鼠亚科(新亚科)Raricricetodontinae subf.nov 117
罕仓鼠(新属)Raricricetodon gen.nov 118
中条罕仓鼠(新属、新种)Raricricetodon zhongtiaensis gen.et sp.nov 118
小罕仓鼠?(新属、新种)Raricricetodon?minorgen.et sp.nov. 120
梯形罕仓鼠?(新属、新种)Raricricetodon?trapezius gen.et sp.nov. 121
关于早期鼠型类(Muroidea) 122
跳鼠超科Dipodoidea Weber,1 904 128
林跳鼠科Zapodidae Coues,1875 128
始蹶鼠(新属)Primisminthus gen.nov 128
晋始蹶鼠(新属、新种)Primisminthusjinus gen.et sp.nov 128
似晋始蹶鼠Primisminthus cf.jinus 130
上河始蹶鼠(新属、新种)Pimrisminthus shanghenus gen.et wp.nov 131
豫始蹶鼠(新属、新种)Primisminthus yuenus gen.et sp.nov 132
伴月蹶鼠(新属)Banyuesminthus gen.nov 135
双连伴月蹶鼠(新属、新种)Banyuesminthus diconjugatus gen.et sp.nov 136
单连伴月蹶鼠新属、新种Banyuesminthus uniconjugatus gen.et sp.nov 137
似中华蹶鼠未定种cf.Sinosminthus sp 138
始新世中、晚期鼠齿类(Myodonta)小结 139
囊鼠超科??Geomyoidea Weber,1904 145
科未定Family incertae sedis 145
猪齿鼠(新属)Hydentomys gen.nov 145
隐脊猪齿鼠(新属、新种)Hydentomys crybelophus gen.et sp.nov. 145
大猪齿鼠(新属、新种)Hydentomys major gen.et sp.nov 148
猪齿鼠(Hydentomys gen.nov.)分类位置的探讨 149
原真兽目PROTEUTHERIA Romer,1966 150
对锥齿兽科Didymoconidae Kretzoi,1943 150
对锥齿兽亚科(新范围)Didymoconinae Kretzoi,1943 new rank 150
尖利家坚兽(新属、新种)Jiajianictis muricatus gen.et sp.nov 151
对锥齿兽亚科属种未定种Didymoconinae indet 152
阿丁兽亚科(新亚科)Ardynictinae subf.nov 153
翟氏阿丁兽(新种)Ardynictis zhaii sp.nov 154
对锥齿兽科的分化和分类位置 154
五、讨论 158
(一)石皮沟、上河和寨里小哺乳动物群的组成 158
(二)石皮沟、上河和寨里小哺乳动物群的组成特征 162
(三)石皮沟、上河和寨里小哺乳动物群的演替 164
(四)垣曲和李官桥盆地小哺乳动物的性质 168
(五)石皮沟、上河和寨里小哺乳动物群的时代 170
(六)亚洲始新世中、晚期小哺乳类扩散 172
主要参考文献 174
英文摘要 189
图版说明 250
图表目录(LiSt Of FigureS and TableS) 4
插图(Figures) 4
1.李官桥盆地东部早第三纪地层分布图 4
(Distribution of Paleogene in the eastern Liguanqiao Basin) 5
2.石皮沟化石地点核桃园组地层实测剖面 5
(Measured section of the Hetaoyuan Formation at Shipigou locality,north ofHetaoyuan Village of the Liguanqiao Basin) 5
3.垣曲盆地早第三纪地层分布图 8
(Distribution of Early Tertiary in the Yuanqu Basin) 11
4.上河一带化石层位和峪里-寨里剖面对比图 11
(Correction of the Shanghe section with the Yuli-Zhaili section) 15
5.早期鼠齿类上下臼齿结构名称 15
(Morphological terminology diagram of malors of the primitive myodonts) 15
6.莱氏鼬鼩颊齿冠面 19
(Ictopidium lechei,occlusal views of cheek teeth) 20
7.莱氏鼬鼩具p3-4和6个臼前齿齿槽的左下颌骨(V10171.1)唇侧视 20
(Ictopidium lechei,labial view of a fragment of left mandible with p3—4 and six ante-molar alveoli) 20
8.似莱氏鼬鼩下颊齿冠面视 22
(Ictopidium cf.lechei,occlusal views of p3 and ml) 24
9.邱氏垣曲鼩(新属、新种)下颊齿冠面视 24
(Yuanqulestes qiui gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views of lower cheek teeth) 24
10.食虫类臼前齿侧面视 25
(Insectivora incertae sedis,lateral views of antemolars) 26
11.似无跟鼩未定种下臼齿(Rm1/2,V101 98.1)冠面视 26
(cf.Apternodus sp.,occlusal view of lower molar) 28
12.齐氏类无跟鼩(新属、新种)颊齿冠面视 28
(Iconapternodus qii gen. et sp.nov.,occlusal views of cheek teeth) 28
13.秦岭新鼫(新属、新种),带i2-cl,p3-m3左下颌骨(V10203)冠面视和舌侧视 31
(Neoryctes qinlingensis gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal and lingual views of left mandible) 31
14.谢氏石蝠(新属、新种)上门齿上犬齿和上前臼齿侧面视 33
(Lapichiropteryx xiei gen.et sp.nov.,lingual view of incisor,labial views of caninaand premolars) 33
1 5.谢氏石蝠(新属、新种)右P4-M3(V10204—3)冠面视 34
(Lapichiropteryx xiei gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal view of P4-M 3
16.谢氏石蝠(新属、新种),存有c1—m3右下颌骨冠面视和唇面视 34
(Lapichiropteryx xiei gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal and labial views of right lower jowwith c1-m 3
17.石蝠未定种颊齿冠面视和侧面视 37
(Lapichiropteryx sp.,lingual views of lower incisor and canina and occlusal views ofm3 and M 2
18.类蝠?未定种臼前齿冠面视 38
(Icaronycteris?sp.,occlusal views of RP3 and Rc 1
19.?初蝠科属种未定,牙齿冠面视和侧面视 39
(?Archaeonycterididae indet.,occlusal or lingual views of teeth) 42
20.小蝙蝠亚目属种未定,颊齿冠面视 42
(Microchiroptera indet.,occlusal views of cheek teeth) 43
21.世纪曙猿上颊齿冠面视 43
(Eosimias centennicus,occlusal views of upper cheek teeth) 43
22.世纪曙猿下颊齿冠面视 43
(Eosimias centennicus,occlusal views of lower cheek teeth) 46
23.似世纪曙猿左m3(V10221.1)冠面视 46
(Eosimias cf.centennicus,occlusal view of Lm 3
24.吴氏任村猴(新种)右m2—3(正模,V10222)冠面视 47
(Rencunius wui sp.nov.,occlusal view of Rm2— 3
25.兔猴科属种未定,右上臼齿(V10223)冠面视 49
(Adapidae indet.,occlusal view of an incomplete upper molar) 51
26.?肖豕猴科属种未定,颊齿冠面视 51
(?Microsyopidae indet.,occlusal views of cheek teeth) 53
27.石皮沟壮兔颊齿冠面视 53
(Strenulagus shipigouensis,occlusal views of cheek teeth) 54
28.洛河卢氏兔左P4-M1(V10229)冠面视 54
(Lushilagus lohoensis,occlusal view of left P4-M 1
29.丹江卢氏兔?颊齿冠面视 55
(Lushilagus?danjiangen sis,occlusal views of cheek teeth) 57
30.戈壁兔未定种右p4(V10235.1)和左ml(V10235.2)冠面视 57
(Gobiolagus sp.,occlusal views of Rp4 and Lml) 58
31.雅致双峰兔(新属、新种)下颊齿冠面视 58
(Dituberolagus venustus gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views of lower cheek teeth) 58
32.?壮鼠科属种未定,上颊齿冠面视 64
(?Ischyromyidae indet.,occlusal views of upper cheek teeth ) 65
33.似迈索鼠未定种颊齿冠面视 65
(cf.Mysops spp.,occlusal views of cheek teeth) 66
34.东方圆柱齿鼠(新属、新种)右P4-M2(V10244)冠面视 66
(Orientocylindrodon liguanqiaoensis gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal view of right P4-M 2
35.似类真鼠未定种上颊齿冠面视 68
(cf.Pareumys sp.,occlusal views of LP4 and LM 2
36.双棘似鼠(新种)颊齿冠面视 72
(Tamquammys dispinorum sp.nov.,occlusal views of cheek teeth) 75
37.景文强鼠((新属、新种)右P4-M2(V10254)冠面视 75
(Viriosomys jingweni gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal view of right P4-M 2
38.杨氏秦岭鼠颊齿冠面视 77
(Tsinlingomys youngi,occlusal views of cheek teeth) 80
39.淅川传奎鼠(新属、新种)颊齿冠面视 80
(Chuankueimys xichuanensis gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views of cheek teeth and max-illa) 80
40.渑池原塔塔鼠(新属、新种)颊齿冠面视 82
(Protataromys mianchiensis gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views of cheekteeth) 82
41.垣曲原塔塔鼠(新属、新种)下颊齿冠面视 84
(Protataromys yuanquensis gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views of lower cheek teeth) 84
42.似步氏塞依卡鼠颊齿冠面视 87
(Saykanomys cf.bohlini,occlusal views of cheek teeth) 90
43.小皇冠鼠(新属、新种)下颊齿冠面视 90
(Stelmomys parvus gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views of lower cheek teeth) 90
44.小皇冠鼠(新属、新种)上颊齿冠面视 90
(Stelmomys parvus gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views of upper cheek teeth) 90
45.钝齿灰鼠(新种)下颊齿冠面视 92
(Boromys obtusus sp.nov.,occlusal views of lower cheek teeth ) 93
46.短枝灰鼠(新种)下颊齿冠面视 93
(Boromys brachylastus sp.nov.,occlusal viewa of lower cheek teeth) 93
47.深裂学诗鼠(新属、新种)颊齿冠面视 94
(Xueshimys dissectus gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views of cheek teeth) 94
48.中国珍鼠(新属、新种)颊齿冠面视 96
(Zoyphiomys sinensis gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views of cheek teeth) 96
49.大珍鼠(新属、新种)左M2(V10275)冠面视 98
(Zoyphiomys grandis gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views of left M 2
50.龙门细鼠(新属、新种)颊齿冠面视 99
(Zodiomys longmensis gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views of cheek teeth) 99
51.倾斜类滇鼠(新属、新种)颊齿冠面视 100
(Anadianomys decliv is gen.etsp.nov.,occlusal views of cheek teeth 102
52.似倾斜类滇鼠上臼齿(V10285)冠面视 102
(Anadianomys cf.declivis.occlusal view of LM 2
53.绍氏祖仓鼠上颊齿冠面视 109
(Pappocricetodon schaubi,occlusal views of upper molars) 110
54.绍氏祖仓鼠下颊齿冠面视 110
(Pappocricetodon schaubi,occlusal views of lower molars) 111
55.绍氏祖仓鼠左下颊齿(V10287)冠面视 111
(Pappocricetodon schaubi,occlusal views of Lm 1- 3
56.任村祖仓鼠臼齿冠面视 113
(Pappocricetodon rencunensis,occlusal views of molars) 116
57.锥齿古亚鼠(新属、新种)颊齿冠面视 116
(Palasiomys conulus gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views of molars) 118
58.中条罕仓鼠(新属、新种)颊齿冠面视 118
(Raricricetodon zhongtiensis gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views of molars) 118
59.梯形罕仓鼠?(新属、新种)上臼齿冠面视 121
(Raricecritodon?trapezius gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views of upper molars) 121
60.晋始蹶鼠(新属、新种)颊齿冠面视 129
(Primisminthus jinus gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views of cheek teeth) 129
61.上河始蹶鼠(新属、新种)颊齿冠面视 131
(Primisminthus shanghenus gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views of cheek teeth) 131
62.豫始蹶鼠(新属、新种)颊齿冠面视 133
(Primisminthus yuenus gen. et sp. nov.,occlusal views of cheek teeth) 133
63.双连伴月蹶鼠(新属、新种)颊齿冠面视 136
(Banyuesminthus diconjugatus gen. et sp. nov.,occlusal views of cheek teeth) 136
64.单连伴月蹶鼠(新属、新种)颊齿冠面视 137
(Banyuesminthus un iconjugatus gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views of cheek teetth) 137
65.似中华蹶鼠未定种左m2冠面视 139
(cf.Sinosminthus sp.,occlusal view of Lm2(V 10299
66.隐脊猪齿鼠(新属、新种)颊齿冠面视 146
(Hydentomys crybelophus gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views of cheek teeth) 146
67.大猪齿鼠(新属、新种)臼齿冠面视 149
(Hydentomys major gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views of molars) 152
68.尖利家坚兽(新属、新种)右下颌骨(V10317)冠面视和舌侧视 152
(Jiajianictismuricatus gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal and lingual views of rightmandible) 152
69.对齿兽亚科属种未定,右p4和左m1三角座冠面视和侧面视 153
(Didymoconinae indet.,occlusal and lateral views of trigonids of p4 and m 1
70.翟氏阿丁兽(新种)下臼齿(V10319)冠面视和侧面视 155
(Ardnictis zhaii sp.nov.,occlusal and lateral views of lower molar) 155
71.石皮沟小动物群组成图,按各物种最小个体数在动物群中的比例 161
(Diagram of the micromammalian faunal compositions from the Shipigou locality,byminimum number of individuals) 161
72.任村段下化石层小动物群组成图,按各物种最小个体数在动物群中的比例 162
(Diagram of the micromammalian faunal compositions from the Shanghe locality,byminimum number of individuals) 162
73.寨里小动物群组成图,按各物种最小个体数在动物群中的比例 163
(Diagram of the micromammalian faunal compositions from the Zhaili locality,byminimum number of individuals) 163
74.石皮沟、上河和寨里化石地点啮齿类组合科级百分组成(按最小个体数) 167
(Pereetage of familial composition of rodent assemblages by minimum number of indi-viduals at localities Shipigou,Shanghe and Zhaili)表(Tables) 167
1.莱氏鼬鼩颊齿测量 19
(Measurements of cheek teeth of Ictopidium lechei) 28
2.齐氏类无跟鼩颊齿测量 28
(Measurements of cheek teeth of Iconapternodus qii gen.et sp.nov.) 28
3.谢氏石蝠颊齿测量 36
(Measurements of teeth of Lapichiropteryx xiei gen.et sp.nov.) 45
4.世纪曙猿颊齿测量 45
(Meas urements of cheek teeth of Eosimias centennicus) 52
5.石皮沟壮兔颊齿测量 52
(Measurements of cheek teeth of Strenulagus shipigouensis) 56
6.丹江卢氏兔?颊齿数据统计 56
(Statistics for cheek teeth of Lushilagus?danjiangensis) 58
7.雅致双峰兔(新属、新种)下颊齿测量 58
(Measurements of lower cheek teethof Dituberolagus venustus gen.et sp.nov.) 58
8.亚洲始新世兔形类上颊齿主要特征 59
(Main characters of upper cheek teeth in Asian Eocene lagomorphs) 59
9.双棘似鼠(新种)颊齿数据统计 71
(Statistics for cheek teeth of Tamquammys dispinirumsp.nov.) 74
10.景文强鼠(新属、新种)颊齿测量 74
(Measurements of upper cheek teeth of Viriosomys jingweni gen.et sp.nov.) 74
11.杨氏秦岭鼠颊齿数据统计 76
(Statistics for cheek teeth of Tsinlingomys youngi) 79
12.淅川传奎鼠(新属、新种)颊齿数据统计 79
(Statistics for cheek teeth of Chuankueimys xichuanensis gen.et sp.nov.) 79
13.渑池原塔塔鼠(新属种)和垣曲原塔塔鼠(新属种)颊齿测量 84
(Measurements of cheek teeth of Protataromys mianchiensis gen.et sp.nov.and P.yuanquensis gen.et sp.nov.) 84
14.似步氏塞依卡鼠下颊齿并与内蒙古、蒙古标本对比 88
(Measurements of lower cheek teeth of Saykanomys cf.bohlini from the HetaoyuanFormation,and comparison with the known specimens from Inner Mongolia and Mon-golia) 88
15.小皇冠鼠(新属、新种)颊齿数据统计 91
(Statistics for cheek teeth of Stelmomys parvus gen.et sp.nov.) 94
16.深裂学诗鼠(新属、新种)颊齿数据统计 94
(Statistics for cheek teeth of Xueshimys dissectus gen.et sp.nov.) 94
17.中国珍鼠(新属、新种)颊齿数据统计 97
(Statistics for cheek teeth of Zoyphiomys sinensis gen.et sp.nov.) 97
18.龙门细鼠(新属、新种)颊齿数据统计 99
(Statistics for cheek teeth of Zodiomys longmensis gen.et sp.nov.) 99
19.倾斜类滇鼠(新属、新种)颊齿数据统计 101
(Statistics for cheek teeth of Anadianomys declivis gen.et sP.nov.) 101
20.中亚原始梳趾鼠类的地史分布 106
(Chronological distribution of primitive ctenodactyloids in Central Asia) 106
21.绍氏祖仓鼠臼齿数据统计 111
(Statistics for molars of Pappocricetodonschaubi) 114
22.任村祖仓鼠臼齿数据统计 114
(Statistics for molars of Pappocricetodon rencunensis) 116
23.锥齿古亚鼠(新属、新种)臼齿数据统计 116
(Statistics for molars of Palasiomys conulus gen.et sP.nov.) 119
24.中条罕仓鼠(新属、新种)臼齿数据统计 119
(Statistics for molars of Raricricetodon zhongtiensis gen.et sp.nov.) 119
25.小罕仓鼠?(新属、新种)臼齿数据统计 120
(Statistics for molars of Raricricetodon?minor gen.et sp.nov.) 122
26.梯形罕仓鼠?(新属、新种)臼齿数据统计 122
(Statistics for molars of Raricricetodon?trapezius gen.et sp.nov.) 122
27.早期仓鼠类原始、过渡和进步形态 127
(Character analysis of selected dental traits observed within primitive cricetids) 127
28.晋始蹶鼠(新属、新种)臼齿数据统计 130
(Statistics for molars of Primisminthus jinus gen.et sP.nov.) 130
29.晋始蹶鼠与绍氏祖仓鼠颊齿间的差异 130
(Morphological differences between the cheek teeth of Primisminthus iinus and Pap-pocricetodon schaubi) 130
30.上河始蹶鼠(新属、新种)臼齿数据统计 132
(Statistics for molars of Primisminthus shanghenus gen.et sp.nov.) 132
31.豫始蹶鼠(新属、新种)臼齿数据统计 133
(Statistics for molars of Primisminthus yuenus gen.et sp.nov.) 135
32.豫始蹶鼠与锥齿古亚鼠颊齿间的区别点 135
(Morphological differences between the cheek teeth of Primismninthus yuenus andPalasiomnys conulus) 135
33.单连伴月蹶鼠(新属、新种)颊齿测量 138
(Measurements of cheek teeth of Banyuesminthus uniconjugatus gen.et sp.nov). 138
34.始新世中晚期鼠齿类原始进步和过渡特征 141
(Character analysis of selected dental traits observed within primitive muroids anddipodoids) 141
35.隐脊猪齿鼠(新属、新种)颊齿数据统计 147
(Statistics for check teeth of Hydentomys crybelophus gen.et sp.nov.) 147
36.石皮沟、上河和寨里地点小哺乳动物相对丰度 158
(Relative abundance of micrornammals from the localities of Shipigou,Shanghe andZhaili) 158
37.石皮沟、上河和寨里动物群同科同属数 165
(Faunal resemblance indix for faunas of Shipigou,Shanghe and Zhaili) 165
38.石皮沟、上河和寨里小哺乳动物与欧洲、北美相近似的属 169
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