- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:复旦大学,上海科学技术大学编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海译文出版社
- 出版年份:1978
- ISBN:9188·15
- 页数:283 页
Lesson One 1
Contents 1
Text 17
Dialogue 17
The Alphabet 17
Phonetics:Vowels [i:][i][e][?] 17
Consonants [P][b][m][t][d][n] 17
Lesson Two 17
Text 29
Dialogue 29
Phonetics:Vowels [?][?][?][ei] 29
Consonants [k][g][f][v][s][z][l] 29
Lesson Three 29
Consonants [w][j][?][?] 42
Lesson Four 42
Dialogue 42
Phonetics:Vowels [u:][u][?][ai][?u] 42
Text 42
Text 55
Dialogue 55
Phonetics:Vowels [?][?][au] 55
Consonants [∫][?][h][r] 55
Lesson Five 55
Text 67
Dialogue 67
Phonetics:Vowels [?i][i?][?][u?] 67
Consonants [ts][dz][t∫][d?][tr][dr] 67
Lesson Six 67
Phonetics:A Summary of Vowels and Consonants 76
Lesson Seven 76
Text 76
Dialogue 76
Text:In the Reading-room 88
Dialogue 88
Phonetics:Ⅰ.Strong Forms and Weak Forms 88
Ⅱ.The Pronunciation of the Verb to be 88
in Sentences 88
Grammar:Ⅰ.Parts of Speech 88
Ⅱ.Personal Pronouns 88
Ⅲ.Demonstrative Pronouns 88
Ⅳ.Verb to be 88
Reading Material:A Freshman 88
Lesson Eight 88
Ⅵ.Possessive Pronouns 101
Ⅲ.The Possessive Case 101
Ⅱ.The Number of Nouns 101
Reading Material: Clocks and Watches 101
Lesson Nine 101
Sentences 101
Grammar:Ⅰ.Verb to have 101
Phonetics:The Pronunciation of the Verb to have in 101
Dialogue 101
Text: A Clock 101
Text: Mr White s Study 112
Dialogue 112
Phonetics:Ⅰ.The Pronunciation of there be in 112
Sentences 112
Ⅱ.The Intonation of Enumeration 112
Grammar:Ⅰ. There be Structure 112
Ⅱ.The Article(Ⅰ) 112
Reading Material:The New Apartment 112
Lesson Ten 112
Ⅱ.The Nominative Case and the Obiec- 127
tive Case of Personal Pronouns 127
Grammar:Ⅰ.Members of the Sentences (Ⅰ) 127
Reading Material:The West Family 127
Lesson Eleven 127
Ⅲ.The Present Indefinite Tense 127
Ⅱ.The Pronunciation of the Auxiliary Verb 127
Phonetics:Ⅰ.Liaison 127
Dialogue 127
Text: A Day s Work 127
do in Sentences 127
Text:Rain on a Monday Morning 138
Dialogue 138
Phonetics:Incomplete Plosion 138
Grammar:Ⅰ.The Present Continuous Tense 138
Ⅱ.Members of the Sentences (Ⅱ) 138
Reading Material:Mr Brown and Mr Smith 138
Lesson Twelve 138
Reading Material:Clang!Clang!Clang! 147
Lesson Thirteen 147
Text:The Camping Trip 147
Dialogue 147
native Questions,and Disjunctive Questions 158
Reading Material:Shoes for the Party 158
Grammar:The Interrogative Sentence(Ⅰ) 158
Lesson Fourteen 158
Phonetics:The Intonation of General Questions,Alter- 158
Dialogue 158
Text:Dan s Letter 158
Text:Marie Curie 173
Dialogue 173
Phonetics:Sense Groups and Pauses 173
Grammar:Ⅰ.The Past Indefinite Tense 173
Ⅱ.The Preposition and Prepositional 173
Phrases 173
Reading Material:Two Great Men of Science 173
Lesson Fifteen 173
Ⅱ.Kinds of Sentences 184
Grammar:Ⅰ.The Interrogative Sentence(Ⅱ) 184
Lesson Sixteen 184
Reading Material:The Food Factory 184
Dialogue 184
Text:The Scientist and the Willow Tree 184
Phonetics:The Intonation of Special Questions 184
Grammar:Ⅰ.The Future Indefinite Tense 198
Reading Material:Changing Environment 198
Ⅱ.Modal Verbs 198
Lesson Seventeen 198
Phonetics:Lengths of Vowels(Ⅰ) 198
Dialogue 198
Text:The Ecosystem 198
Text: A Letter Home 215
Dialogue 215
Phonetics:Lengths of Vowels(Ⅱ) 215
Grammar:Ⅰ.The Present Perfect Tense 215
Ⅱ.The Four Forms of Verbs 215
Ⅲ.Kinds of Verbs 215
Reading Material:A Letter 215
Lesson Eighteen 215
Supplementary Readings 227
Reading Material:If I Don t Do Anything Else 227
Dialogue 227
Text: A Speech 227
1.The Stamp Club 235
2.The Development of Railway Transportation 235
3.Hibernation 235
4.Some Concepts in Biology 235
5.A Letter to Mr Farias 235
6.In the Science Laboratory 235
Appendix Ⅰ 235
Appendix Ⅱ 240
Rules of Penmanship 240
Rules of Pronunciation 244
Appendix Ⅲ 244
Classroom English 252
Appendix Ⅳ 252
A List of Common Irregular Verbs 252
Appendix Ⅴ 258
Common Grammatical Terms 263
Appendix Ⅵ 263
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