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商务统计  英文版第2版
商务统计  英文版第2版

商务统计 英文版第2版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(英)迈克尔·C·弗莱明(MichaelC.Fleming),(英)约瑟夫·G·内利斯(JosephG.Nellis)著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社;普兰蒂斯霍尔出版公司
  • 出版年份:1997
  • ISBN:7300024580
  • 页数:270 页
《商务统计 英文版第2版》目录

Contents 1

1 The essence of statistics for business 1

The use of statistics 1

Basic terms and concepts 2

Statistics for managers 3

Schematic overview of the book 4

Statistical computer packages 6

2 Summarizing data using tables and graphs 7

The essence of descriptive tables and graphs in business 7

Tables and frequency distributions 7

Graphical methods of data presentation 10

Use of MINITAB 23

Key learning points 25

Exercises 27

3 Summarizing data numerically 29

The essence of descriptive summary measures in business 29

Measures of location 29

Measures of dispersion 38

Use of MINTAB 47

Key learning points 48

Exercises 50

4 Index numbers 54

The essence of index numbers in business 54

Price index numbers 55

Quantity index numbers 59

Key learning points 63

Exercises 64

5 Probability 67

The essence of probability in business 67

Assigning probabilities 68

The rules of probability 71

Expectations 82

Permutations and combinations 82

Key learning points 85

Exercises 87

6 Probability distributions 89

The essence of probability distributions in business 89

The binomial distribution 90

The Poisson distribution 94

The normal distribution 100

Use of MINTAB 108

Key learning points 111

Exercises 112

7 Using samples to make estimates 115

The essence of statistical inference and estimation in business115 Sampling distributions 118

Relationship between sample statistics and population parameters 119

Point estimation of the population mean 121

The size and measurement of the standard error of the mean 122

The probability of error 123

Interval estimation of the population mean μ 126

The measurement of the standard error of the mean when σ is unknown 129

Sampling and the t distribution 130

Use of MINITB 134

Key learning points 135

Exercises 136

8 Tests of statistical hypotheses 138

The essence of statistical inference and testing hypotheses in business 138

The basic principles of hypothesis testing 139

Conducting hypothesis tests 142

Errors in hypothesis testing: Type I and Type Ⅱ errors 147

Extensions of hypothesis testing 148

Use of MINITAB 155

Key learning points 157

Exercises 158

9 Tests of goodness-of-fit and independence 163

The essence of tests of goodness-of-fit and independence in business 163

Goodness-of-fit tests 164

Tests of independence 171

Use of MINITB 175

Key learning points 176

Exercises 177

10 Simple regression and correlation analysis 179

The essence of simple regression and correlation in business 179

Simple regression analysis 181

Simple correlation analysis 190

Extensions of simple regression and correlation analysis 194

Use of MINITB 195

Key learning points 197

Exercises 198

The essence of multiple regression and correlation in business 200

11 Multiple regression and correlation analysis 200

Multiple regression analysis 201

Multiple correlation analysis 204

Pitfalls and limitahons of multiple regression analysis 207

Use of MINITAB 208

Key learning points 212

Exercises 213

12 Analyzing time series data 216

The essence of time series analysis in business 216

Measurement of trend (T) 217

Measurement of seasonal variation (S) 220

Measurement of cyclical variation (C) 224

Key learning points 226

Random variation (R) 226

Exercises 227

Appendix A Probability distribution tables 229

A1 Binomial probability distribution 229

A2 Poisson probability distribution 237

A3 Standard normal distribution 242

A4 t distribution 243

A5 x■ distribution 244

A6 F distribution 246

Appendix B Computer software for statistical analysis 250

Appendix C Sources of business and economic Statistics 252

Appendix D References for further reading 256

Solutions to exercises 258

Index 265
