- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:应启慎编著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海译文出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7532712303
- 页数:512 页
15th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 32
18th Week/lst Day:abortive modify accommo-date spontaneous innateTeaching Chimpan-zees to Talk 32
17th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 32
17th Week/4th Day:exult attest gullible deployenigmaA Puzzle for HisMajesty 32
17th Week/3rd Day:murky component hoax la-byrinth evaluateThe Plot Thickens 32
17th Week/2nd Day:manifold assiduous impec-cable fraught resourceful Major Martin Goesto War 32
17th Week/lst Day:perpetrate consummate sub-terfuge concoct fallaciousA Plan to Foolthe Nazis 32
16th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 32
16th Week/4th Day:virtuc sity ?emerity amorousprogeny saturateThe Saga of theQueen Bee 32
16th Week/3rd Day:altruistic embellish cachecoterie cupiditySpotlight on theWorker 32
16th Week/2nd Day:prolific bulwark sedentaryfrugal antithesisQueens,Workers,Drones 32
16th Week/lst Day:indigenous gregarious habitatcursory interloperMeet the Bees 32
18th Week/2nd Day:veneer myriad urbane craveirrelevantChimpanzees Are Sur-prisingly Smart 32
15th Week/4th Day:paragon nomadic asperityepithet controversialThe Effects of theEscobedo Decision 32
Week/DayNew Words and ReviewExercisesReading PassagesPage 32
15th Week/3rd Day:persevere landmark extrin-sic declaim fetterAn Historic SupremeCourt Ruling 32
15th Week/2nd Day:abrogate alleged access in-validate precludeEscobedo s LawyerAppeals 32
15th Week/lst Day:complicity liquidation ac-complice recant culpableDanny Escobedo Goesto Jail 32
14th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 32
14th Week/4th Day:stentorian singular valorbias sinecure For DistinguishedDevotion to Duty 32
14th Week/3rd Day:lethal scurry incisive preci-pitate stereotypcThe Heroism ofDorie Miller 32
14th Week/2nd Day:supine mammoth repulsehavoc razeThe InfamousAttack 32
14th Week/lst Day:aspire inveigh nettle overtrelegateSunday Morningat Pearl Harbor 32
13th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 32
13th Week/4th Day:surmise curtail represscryptic inchoateThe Italian NavigatorLands 32
13th Week/3rd Day:premise jeopardize incre-dulous permeate propitiousThe Squash CourtExperiment 32
13th Week/2nd Day:ultimate eventuate emitsubterranean viableThe Ultimate Wea-pon Takes Shape 32
20th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 32
22nd Week/4th Day:palliate delude preludechimerical acknowledgeDanger Signals 32
Week/DayNew Words and ReviewExercisesReading PassagesPage 32
22nd Week/3rd Day:escalation indifference poten-tial cumulative reconditeNefarious Effectsof Alcohol 32
22nd Week/2nd Day:incapacitated fabricate con-nubial demur appellationA Profile of theWoman Who Drinksto Excess 32
22nd Week/lst Day:juxtapose plight covert copeincompatibilityFemale Alcoholics 32
21th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 32
21th Week/4th Day:bona fide salvation materia-lism nurture nirvanaLove over Hatred,Goodness overEvil 32
21th Week/3rd Day:penance ascetic desultory dis-ciple metamorphosisThe Enlightened One 32
21th Week/2nd Day:lush destitution ponder sup-plication decadenceSiddhartha s Eyes AreOpened 32
21th Week/lst Day:scion indoctrinate opulenceobsequious fulsomeLocked in an IvoryEdifice 32
18th Week/3rd Day:deem inherent buff romplatentEasy to Train 32
20th Week/4th Day:puissant unabated maudlinlevity lugubriousTongue in Cheek? 32
20th Week/3rd Day:extant vicissitudes edificesultry trenchantThe Roach Lives On 32
20th Week/2nd Day:redolent repose omnivorousdisparate abstemiouswaiter,Please TakeThis Bowl of SoupBack to the Kitchen 32
20th Week/lst Day:reviled derogatory indictnebulous peskyLa Cucharacha—theCockroach 32
19th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 32
19th Week/4th Day:estrictive balk blunt nostal-gia rifeDi?appointment andDedication 32
19th Week/3rd Day:parsimonious pecuniary dis-mantle sumptuous underwriteReform Movement 32
Week/DayNew Words and ReviewExercisesReading PassagesPage 32
19th Week/2nd Day:amnesty expatriate exon-erate fiat mendaciousPrince Schubert inAction 32
19th Week/lst Day:megalomania profligate strifelegion coupTrouble in Ruri-tania 32
18th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 32
18th Week/4th Day:tortuous itinerant peregrin-ation conjugal barometerMore Facts aboutChimps 32
4th Week/lst Day:alacrity disdain belligerentintimidate feintMullins a K.O.Vic?im 32
6th Week/2nd Day:precocious perfunctory chag-rin perverse deridePatent Pending 32
8th Week/3rd Day:ubiquitous remote thwartharbinger malignantStymied by PersonalSickness 32
8th Week/2nd Day:malnutrition afflict besieg?privation sinisterDooley s Mission 32
Week/DayNew Words and ReviewExercisesReading PassagesPage 32
8th Week/lst Day:emaciated surge tranquil?anctuary ascendEnter Dr.Thomas A.Dooley 32
7th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 32
7th Week/4th Day:terminate forthwith exacer-bate revert oustHappy Ending? 32
7th Week/3rd Day:stymie effigy flout cognizantturbulentHaircut Dilemma 32
7th Week/2nd Day:harass monolithic indigentarbitrary frayThe Tempest spillsOut of the Teapot 32
7th Week/lst Day:implacable paroxysm repre-hensible jurisdictionskirmishMuch Ado about aHaircut 32
6th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 32
6th Week/4th Day:quell voluble confidant(e)obsolescence dubiousPerfect Products 32
6th Week/3rd Day:disparage laudable fiascomasticate eschewHold That NobelPrize! 32
8th Week/4th Day:excruciating respite rever-berating fretful succumb Promises to Keep 32
6th Week/lst Day:affluent feasible discern sallyconsternationThe Newspaper Um-brella 32
5th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 32
5th Week/4th Day:?licit pernicious tolerate con-strue impunityOur Pyrrhic Victory 32
5th Week/3rd Day:egregious distraught dupli-city acrimonious paucityStar Player Is Caught 32
5th Week/2nd Day:flagrant admonish duressculprit inexorableCracking Down 32
5th Week/lst Day:rampant inane ethics concurclandestineCheating 32
4th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 32
4th Week/4th Day:solace aspirant dregs frenzyscurrilousThe Decline of Mul-lins 32
Week/DayNew Words and ReviewExercisesReading PassagesPage 32
4th Week/3rd Day:tangible laceration castigatesordid octogenarianMullins Forced to EatHumble Pie 32
4th Week/2nd Day:pugnacious promulgate brashscoff belittleMullins Throws Downthe Gauntlet 32
13th Week/lst Day:importune incontrovertiblesurreptitious haven subjugateA Visit to thePresident 32
12th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 32
12th Week/4th Day:timorous truncated jauntyfractious ostentatiousIrony for Merry-weather 32
12th Week/3rd Day:xp ?ge flamboyant anathe-ma schism utopiaFrom Ledgers toScripts 32
12th Week/2nd Day:prestigious placard integralremuneration nominalAn All-Round Man 32
12th Week/lst Day:diatribe inhibition fortuitousincoherent ilkOff Broadway 32
11th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 32
Week/DayNew Words and ReviewExercisesReading PassagesPage 32
11th Week/4th Day:rash conjecture obviate luridquipAll s Well That EndsWell 32
11th Week/3rd Day:elapse meticulous domicilelax sporadicThe Police Find theDog 32
11th Week/2nd Day:phlegmatic corroborate com-prehensive zealous coerceNo Relief 32
11th Week/lst Day:poignant inundate fruitlessgarbled sanguineThe Search for theDog 32
8th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 32
10th Week/4th Day:inert salient imminentsqueamish engrossedThe Pertinent FactsAbout Rabies 32
10th Week/3rd Day:histrionics elusive frustratesymptomatic interjectA Time for Decision 32
10th Week/2nd Day:pertinent mastiff obsessdoleful wanCrisis! 32
10th Week/lst Day:in?ement peruse premoni-tion desist recoilJerry Hart s SixthSense 32
9th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 32
9th Week/4th Day:scrutinize nefarious amicablevexatious maladyMore than Silence 32
9th Week/3rd Day:loath solicit astute advocateineffectualCoping with Bigots 32
9thWeek/2nd Day:blatant entourage virulentvenom spewBigots Get Publicity 32
9th Week/lst Day:impresario extortion adverseasset bigotJust Spell the NameCorrectly 32
10th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 32
38th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
39th Week/3rd Day:flay demeanor delineationvindicate heinousA Famous Mutiny 212
39th Week/2nd Day:staunch opprobrium Mach-iavellian unconscionablepandemoniumThe Good Guysvs.the Bad Guys 212
39th Week/lst Day:saga belated decrepit imper-turbable vacillateRule,Britannia 212
39th Week/4th Day:turpitude infraction callousredress vituperationFair Play! 212
38th Week/4th Day:retort reticent tacit chicanerydocileSomething forEveryone 212
38th Week/3rd Day:foist stigmatize capitulateaudacity tantalizeWhat Next? 212
38th Week/2nd Day:stagnant fatal passé procras-tinate facetThe Economics ofFashion 212
40th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
39th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
40th Week/lst Day:rhetoric clique extol mentorfacileA Political Show 212
40th Week/2nd Day:cant umbrage magnanimousvilify elucidateGetting a GoodLook 212
40th Week/3rd Day:vapid unwieldy proximitylassitude vitiateSeeing Is Learning 212
40th Week/4th Day:augment fatuous contortrepertoire imperceptibleThe Hammy OldDays 212
Week/DayNew Words and ReviewExercisesReading PassagesPage 212
36th Week/4th Day:perfidious covet ingratiatepenury ignominiousA Scheming Heroine 212
35th Week/3rd Day:vivacious gaunt mien hirsuterefuteThings HaveChanged 212
35th Week/4th Day:pensive whet stupor winceclichéAnother Surprise 212
35th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
36th Week/lst Day:genre candid unsavorydegrade venialA Lady Novelist 212
36th Week/2nd Day:epitome dexterity grotesquecompassion repugnantVictor Hugo 212
36th Week/3rd Day:acme copious vehementlydepict naiveAn English Realist 212
38th Week/lst Day:glib homogenous malleablelegerdemain trendThe Enigma ofFashion 212
36th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
37th Week/lst Day:confront antipathy servilevolition sojournA Man of Nature 212
Week/DayNew Words and ReviewExercisesReading PassagesPage 212
37th Week/2nd Day:austere felicitous halcyontenable superfluousThe Good Life 212
37th Week/3rd Day:motivate rationalize therapynascent iconoclastThe Mind s Secrets 212
37th Week/4th Day:erudite phobia germanevertigo conduciveAmateur Psychologists 212
37th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
35th Week/2nd Day:equanimity effrontery nonen-tity flabbergasted de bacleModernizing a Parable 212
45th Week/4th Day:callow appall penchantdecapitate termagantWell Done,SirKnight! 212
44th Week/3rd Day:reputed frail potent excoriatedevoutA Philosopher for OurTime 212
44th Week/4th Day:diminutive profuse dulcetimpromptu malevolentThe Island of WildDogs 212
44th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
45th Week/lst Day:wistful raiment brigand cor-pulent railIn Days of Yore 212
45th Week/2nd Day:raconteur sullen rift emissaryruminateWoe Is Me! 212
45th Week/3rd Day:taut livid martinet yenbagatelleTo the Rescue 212
Week/DayNew Words and ReviewExercisesReading PassagesPage 212
45th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
46th Week/lst Day:ascertain dormant burgeonedpotentate disseminateA Mighty Empire 212
46th Week/2nd Day:derived prerogative nepotismdearth internecineA Battle for Power 212
46th Week/3rd Day:tyro sophistry factitious enco-mium obloquyA Perfidious Conqueror 212
46th Week/4th Day:hyperbole munificent pre-varication charisma genocideThe End of anEmpire 212
46th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
41st Week/lst Day:curry pall succulent satietyintrinsicQueen of theSupermarket 212
44th Week/2nd Day:libel defamatory plaintiffcanard deprecateGood News and Bad 212
44th Week/lst Day:nullify deluge futility carnagetechnologyHave We MasteredOur Environment? 212
43rd Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
43rd Week/4th Day:pariah aloof pragmatic ves-tige guiseJust Be Yourself 212
43rd Week/3rd Day:largess criterion repentmollify mercenaryA Better Way 212
43rd Week/2nd Day:cynic unctuous benevolentsubservient iniquityDoing the RightThing 212
43rd Week/lst Day:roster stunted atrophy maimameliorateIt Takes More ThanMedicine 212
42nd Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
42nd Week/4th Day:manifest delve capricious re-quisite replenishIt Seems to Work 212
42nd Week/3rd Day:qualm expurgate begrudgeartless gratuityGoing to the Source 212
42nd Week/2nd Day:ennui comely fr?netic artificediversityTricks of the Trade 212
42nd Week/lst Day:quandary callous expedientnegligible blaséYou Can t Help ButWatch 212
41st Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
41st Week/4th Day:shibboleth bogus substantiatenutritive raucousWhat s in a Name? 212
41st Week/3rd Day:propriety advent impiousproffer spate Tried and True 212
41st Week/2nd Day:potpourri sanction denoteallude insidiousIt s What s OutsideThat Counts 212
26th Week/lst Day:lethargic prevalent para-mount remiss hostileInforming the Public 212
27th Week/2nd Day:constrict prodigy bereft falterexultationA Giant Composer 212
Week/DayNew Words and ReviewExercisesReading PassagesPage 212
26th Week/2nd Day:rebuke aversion evince voguesuperficialThe Lack of ForeignNews 212
26th Week/3rd Day:jettison inevitable lucrativetussle intrinsicPlaying It Safe 212
26th Week/4th Day:acute gist transient tersecogentA Favorite NewsSource 212
26th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
27th Week/lst Day:pinnacle array obscure ardentculminateA Musical World 212
25th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
27th Week/3rd Day:vitriolic invective besmirchvoluminous retrospectA Worthy Successor 212
27th Week/4th Day:egotist humility pungent inve-terate adamantGruff but Likeable 212
27th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
28th Week/lst Day:vulnerable bedlam cacophonyexploit propinquityA Dangerous Sport 212
28th Week/2nd Day:disgruntled infallible panaceaeradicate impedeThe Mystery ofCreativity 212
28th Week/3rd Day:sedate equanimity compatibleserenity revereThe Dutch 212
28th Week/4th Day:irrational avarice insatiablenadir moribundTulip Fever 212
28th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
25th Week/4th Day:longe vity imbibe virile seniledodderingAn Ageless Story 212
25th Week/3rd Day:congenial hoard sage aegisdetrimentTaken for Granted 212
25th Week/2nd Day:obliterate deplorable initiateconflagration rueA Universal Danger 212
25th Week/lst Day:awesome eruption punydebris disperseThe Explosion ofKrakatoa 212
24th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
24th Week/4th Day:vulnerable entreaty traditionoriginate inviolableGesundheit! 212
24th Week/3rd Day:universal contemptuousabsurd bigot abhorAn Absurdity 212
24th Week/2nd Day:taboo imprudent prohibitionimperative taintForbidden 212
24th Week/lst Day:anthropologist bizarre inani-mate fetish artifactPrimitive Magic 212
23rd Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
23rd Week/4th Day:perpetuate mandate compen-satory neutralize catastrophicIn the Nature ofEducational Reform 212
23rd Week/3rd Day:p?dagogue enunciate inor-dinate irascible introsp?ctiveThe Perils of theAlphabet 212
23rd Week/2nd Day:phenomenon mortalitydecade susceptible neuroticWhat s in a Name? 212
23rd Week/lst Day:heterogeneous gamut perspi-cacious analogous malad-justedFrom A to Z 212
22nd Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
35th Week/lst Day:parable whimsical lampooncountenance sanctimoniousA Modern Aesop 212
33rd Week/3rd Day:abjure reproach penitentevanescent tantamountA Newspaper Ad 212
32nd Week/2nd Day:usurp paltry condone trivialbizarreThe LanguageMachine 212
32nd Week/3rd Day:menial venerable extraneousambiguous succinctA PredictingMachine 212
32nd Week/4th Day:archaic emulate facetiousrabid salubriousA PaintingMachine 212
32nd Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
33rd Week/lst Day:complacent somber debilitateimpetuous occultAt a Loss 212
33rd Week/2nd Day:discreet foment glean quarryslovenlyMaking Plans 212
32nd Week/lst Day:profound alleviate prodigiousexpedite celerityThe LibraryMachine 212
Week/DayNew Words and ReviewExercisesReading PassagesPage 212
33rd Week/4th Day:propensity wary allay deterconnoisseurAt the Ballet 212
33rd Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
34th Week/lst Day:site vigil cumbersome inter-rogate divulgeAnother Plan 212
34th Week/2nd Day:fluctuate unmitigated com-modious antiquated dish-eveledA Hope Dashed 212
34th Week/3rd Day:tenacious facade asininegrimace calumnyTo the Police 212
34th Week/4th Day:pittance au courantfastidious noisome unkemptEvelyn Discovered 212
34th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
29th Week/lst Day:lithe obese adherent blisspatheticA Sport for Everyone 212
30th Week/3rd Day:omnipotent zenith fledglingperemptory precedentThe River-BoatPilot 212
29th Week/2nd Day:exhort apathy fracas ine-briated adversaryRah! Rah! Rah! 212
29th Week/3rd Day:indolent gusto garrulousbanal platitudeThe 23-InchFootball Field 212
29th Week/4th Day:pique dilettante atypical non-descript waneWhat s On? 212
29th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
Week/DayNew Words and ReviewExercisesReading PassagesPage 212
30th Week/lst Day:extinct idyllic galvanize en-cumbrance gaudyIn Days Gone By 212
30th Week/2nd Day:condescend candor mortifyjocose malignThe John J.Roe 212
31st Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
30th Week/4th Day:wheedle rustic jubilant de-corum charlatanThe Double-Cross 212
30th Week/5th Day:REVIEW 212
31st Week/lst Day:heresy prudent ostensiblefervid spuriousChoose Sagely 212
31st Week/2nd Day:propagate anomaly innocuoussurfeit milieu A Free Society 212
31st Week/3rd Day:strident concomitant ?assitudedeleterious efficacyWho Listens? 212
31st Week/4th Day:dissent ferment attenuatearbiter incumbentThe People Decide 212
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