- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:莫斯(Moss,G.)著;袁鹤鹃,胡浩然注释
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:1988
- ISBN:7810091549
- 页数:124 页
Contents 1
1.To the dignity ofman 1
2.Incident in Berlin 4
3.Troubled genius 7
4.The courage to believe 10
5.He failed in school 13
6.A country gentleman 16
7.He thought he lacked talent 19
8.No one did more 23
9.He wanted to farm 26
10.She aroused a nation 29
11.The public forgave 33
12.An early retirement 36
13.The peddler’s idea 39
14.And always,danger 42
15.The life of the party 45
16.A political hack 48
17.He lived for adventure 52
18.He saw another world 55
19.Hidden from the world 58
20.They called him a cowboy 62
21.Talking leaves 65
22.And thejob was done 68
23.She saved a few things 71
24.An artist communicates 74
25.From prison to fame 77
26.So others might speak 80
27.He wrote one himself 83
28.Latter-day Franklin 86
29.She made them listen 89
30.Of letters and legends 92
31.She saw the suffering 95
32.He made a magic box 98
33.A language of our own 101
34.A new kind of song 104
35.A sailor builds an empire 107
36.She started the fight 110
37.He loved the land 113
38.To help a great lady 116
39.A sailor at heart 119
40.Meeting on a train 122
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